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Opening ceremony Romanian local public finance decentralization Tatiana Moşteanu, Carmen Maria Lăcătuş / 13 The domestic economic policy -from macroeconomic influences to strengthening the competitive equity Ioan Cuzman, Daniel Manaţe, Pavel Fărcaş / 20 The performance of romanian open-end funds and the crisis context Carmen Corduneanu, Daniela Ţurcaş / 26 Financial crime and the securization of banking circuits in order to prevent and fight against money laundering Ion Stancu, Daniel Rece, Filip Iorgulescu / 34
Local authority financing is currently at the heart of the political debate. All the states are faced with the challenge of reconciling the need to control and reduce public spending with greater financial autonomy in local government; they are accordingly seeking ways of achieving an equitable distribution of financial resources among the different levels of government in a context of budgetary cutbacks at every level of public administration. If strengthening democracy means strengthening local selfgovernment, this in turn means establishing systems of financing for local authorities which are at once efficient, fair and consistent with the state's economic imperatives. In other words, the principle of subsidiary, decentralization and local finances are all interdependent. In Romania this process started in 1990 and it is on the move even today. This paper is trying to find, by using economic instruments, what is the degree in which we succeed to create a real local financial selfgovernment.
The Annals of the Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2010
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2011
Public administration reform at all governmental levels constitutes an important component of the transformation process from a centralized system to democratic governance. This process involved important legislative and institutional changes in order to fulfill the principles of a market economy and the European Union standards based on transparency, predictability, accountability, adaptability and effectiveness. Therefore, in a continuing extension of the citizens' needs, Romanian public administration reform, especially at local level, is concentrated on quality of public services based on citizens' needs and increased performances in the context of a necessary decrease of budget expenditure, taking into consideration the actual financial constraint. In this context, it is useful to investigate the financial strategies of the local public administration based on the Romanian experiences that consisted in important public resources decline because of the financial crisis.
Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science, 2019
Human society is approached / studied by the integrated system of sciences in all its aspects, ie multicriterial and multidimensional. A particularly important area of investigation is represented by the economic or social relations or relationships, respectively the links between the members of society as individuals or constituted in different communities; an essential subsystem of these, in this case the distribution relations, are those of a financial nature, which are the subject of the preoccupations of the science of finance with all its branches, among which the public finances. As such, we perceive the finance / public finances, on the one hand, as an economic category or an economic concept, and on the other, as a science that studies the many aspects resulted from the development of specific relationships in all their complexity. The conclusion or finding that we need is, in our opinion, that the finances, including the public ones, are an area of human activity of both c...
Through the present paper, the authors propose to bring into the reader's’ attention the most relevant legal aspects that relate to the Romanian problematic of administrative decentralisation after adhering to the European Union. With the declared aim to improve the quality of public services and decrease the differences in the economic and social field of less developed areas, even before adhering to the European Union, the necessity of greater involvement of the local public administration authorities in the management of local interests. This involves the transfer of new powers from the central level in favour of the local level, but it also involves the allocation of additional financial resources. Observing a longer period of time (the last year being 2016), we note that a series of powers concerning health, education, youth, child protection, social assistance, local police, etc. were transferred from the central to the county or local level, but we also note that the fund...
The domestic economic policy -from macroeconomic influences to strengthening the competitive equity Ioan Cuzman, Daniel Manaţe, Pavel Fărcaş / 20 The performance of romanian open-end funds and the crisis context Carmen Corduneanu, Daniela Ţurcaş / 26 Financial crime and the securization of banking circuits in order to prevent and fight against money laundering Ion Stancu, Daniel Rece, Filip Iorgulescu / 34 Theoretical and Applied Economics. Supplement 6 6 Estimating taxation rate based on Blanchard's approach Andreea Stoian / 130 Local budget process and local economic development Cristinel Ichim / 137 Financing methods for the Romanian local public administration authorities Emilian Constantin Miricescu / 144 Some remarks on the "evaluation problem" in cost-benefit analytics Mihaela Iacob, Georgiana Camelia Creţan / 154 Effectiveness of cohesion policy in reducing regional disparities. divergence between national and regional convergence Meral Kagitci / 161 The Romanian municipal bonds -a challenge for local public finance and for investors Carmen Maria Lăcătuş, Florin Văduva / 166 The impact of the global crisis on public expenditure in education Irina-Florentina Băjan, Alina Creţu, Elena Peptan / 174 The local development and the decentralization process in the context of the financial crisis Maria Letiţia Brătulescu / 179 Tendencies in funding european higher education Georgiana Camelia Creţan, Mihaela Iacob / 187 Difficulties in the quantification of human capital Irina Zgreabăn, Rodica Gherghina, Anca Mirela Postole / 194 From the transition difficulties to the challenges of the economic and financial crisis: state aid in central Europe Nicolae Băcilă / 201 Romania's fiscal policy during the current crisis: present and future prospects
Financing local activities at an appropriate level by reference to local communities' development needs cannot be left, especially where these needs are major, solely to the account of ordinary resources, but loan resources must complete them. However, the existence of a legal framework allowing for local governments to borrow and the fulfillment of the legal requirements do not guarantee that local communities will make use of loans to raise additional resources and finance their development needs, as a number of factors interfere.
Iloiu, M.; Csiminga, D. -Project Risk Evaluation Methods -Sensitivity Analysis Ioneci, M. -Innovation -The Positive Effect of the Crisis Isac, A.; Belu, M.; Drigă, I. -Risk Management in Electronic Data Transmission Isac, N. -Competitiveness and Strategy for Automobile Industry in Europe Ispas, R. -Money Laundering Through Offshore Areas Ivănuş, L.; Isac, C.; Răscolean, I. -Development of Privately Managed Pension Funds in the Context of Pension Reform Kar, J.; Dash, P. -Formal Financial Services for Rural Small Savers: A Case Study of Orissa, India Kumar, G.; Dhingra, N. -Growth and Forecasts of FDI Inflows to North and West Africa -An Empirical Analysis Măcriş, A.; Măcriş, M. -Strategies for Financing of the Romanian Higher Education in the Context of Performance Increment in Education Măcriş, M.; Slusariuc, G.; Hohoi, F. -Characteristic Features of the System of Health Social Insurances in Romania after 1990 Man, M.; Vasile, E. -Economic Value Added -Index of Companies' Internal Performance Mazilu, M. -The Inconsistency and the Imperative Change in Romanian Tourism Megan, O.; Haţegan, C.; Caciuc, L.; Cotleţ, B. -The Cash-Flow Statement -Between True and Manipulation Monea, M. -Financial Ratios -Reveal How a Business Is Doing? Mungiu-Pupăzan, C. -The Demand for Economic Goods Nicolau, C.M. -Exploratory Study on Romanian Educational Services in the Context of UE Postintegration. The Needs for Professional Development of the Staff of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Njanike, K.; Katsuro, P.; Mudzura, M. -Factors Influencing the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Performance (
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