Foscolo esule in Inghilterra: il saggio The women of Italy

2020, Di esuli, migranti e altri viaggiatori: trans(n)azioni fra letteratura e storia, a cura di Dario Prola e Stefano Rosatti, Warszawa, DiG 2020 (“Italipolis”, vol. 3), pp. 65-73. ISBN: 978-83-286-0136-9


Foscolo in exile in England: The Women of Italy — In 1826, while in exile in England, Foscolo wrote The Women of Italy in English. In this essay, he reflected on the political and moral degradation of Italy, with a focus on the education of Italian women and their position in society. He criticizes his countrymen, but also the stereotypes transmitted by English travellers. In exile and away from Italy, Foscolo looks at Italian culture and society with estranging perspective