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2020, "Le Antiche Dogane", n° 256, ottobre, anno XXI
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NLO, 2021
Documentary history of the 1st Exhibition of Russian Art in Berlin 1922
The article concerns the problem of justice in the context of urban mobility, especially in the context of public transportation and route taxis. The author analyzes the specifics of the problem of justice within the philosophic and social theoretical discourses. The transition from the universal scale to the local is possible, in particular, through the mediation of the Michael Walzer's theory and the theories of "just city". Urban public transport, including route taxi, can be understood as a space for the emergence of situations of injustice due to inequality in access to major transport welfare mobility. Both external and internal aspects are important. The external aspect relates to the general issues of urban public transport, its quantitative composition, the quality of its operation, etc. The internal aspect concerns the conflicts arising during trips on public transport and attempts to construct argumentation systems with the use of "discourse of justice" by conflict participants. The article concerns the problem of justice in the context of urban mobility, especially in the context of public transportation and route taxis. The author analyzes the specifics of the problem of justice within the philosophic and social theoretical discourses. The transition from the universal scale to the local is possible, in particular, through the mediation of the Michael Walzer's theory and the theories of "just city". Urban public transport, including route taxi, can be understood as a space for the emergence of situations of injustice due to inequality in access to major transport welfare - mobility. Both external and internal aspects are important. The external aspect relates to the general issues of urban public transport, its quantitative composition, the quality of its operation, etc. The internal aspect concerns the conflicts arising during trips on public transport and attempts to construct argumentation systems with the use of "discourse of justice" by conflict participants. The article concerns the problem of justice in the context of urban mobility, especially in the context of public transportation and route taxis. The author analyzes the specifics of the problem of justice within the philosophic and social theoretical discourses. The transition from the universal scale to the local is possible, in particular, through the mediation of the Michael Walzer’s theory and the theories of “just city”. Urban public transport, including route taxi, can be understood as a space for the emergence of situations of injustice due to inequality in access to major transport welfare – mobility. Both external and internal aspects are important. The external aspect relates to the general issues of urban public transport, its quantitative composition, the quality of its operation, etc. The internal aspect concerns the conflicts arising during trips on public transport and attempts to construct argumentation systems with the use of “discourse of justice” by conflict participants.
Focusing on the figure of cyborg, being an important concentration of fantasy and reality, could represent a good starting point when trying to think more deeply on the relationship between man and machine, which is an essential theme of the 20th century philosophy. The article suggest how cartographies of the overall reality of contemporary subjectivities can be developed and how the latest can hope with the transformation of their modalities based upon the introduction of the machine within 'living bodies'.
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 2015
НЕЛЯ Н1КУЛ1НА Харювський нацюнальний автомобшьно-дорожнш ушверситет, Харюв -Украша REPREZENTACJA LEKSYKI W DYSKURSIE TRANSPORTOWYM NELI A NIKULINA Charkowski Narodowy Samochodowo-Drogowy Uniwersytet, Charków -Ukraina STRESZCZENIE. Artykuł poświęcony jest funkcjonowaniu nomenklaturowego znaku w specjalistycznej komunikacji przedstawicieli branży transportowej. Wyodrębniono pozabranżowe zakresy używania jednostki nomenklaturowej, określono jej kulturologiczne i dys kursy wne właściwości.
Сборник научных материалов УДК 81'33 ББК 81.1 С48 Редакционная коллегия: Копылов И. Л., кандидат филологических наук, доцент; Дубичинский В. В., доктор филологических наук, профессор; Ройтер Т., доктор филологических наук, профессор; Рычкова Л. В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент; Лаптёнок Е. Н., кандидат филологических наук Рецензенты: Булыко А. Н., доктор филологических наук, член-корреспондент НАН Беларуси; Баркович А. А., доктор филологических наук, доцент; Дятко Д. В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент Ответственность за аутентичность цитат и точность фактов несут авторы текстов Слово и словарь = Vocabulum et vocabularium : сб. науч. материалов / Нац. акад. наук Беларуси, Центр исслед. белорус. культ., языка и лит-ры, Ин-т языкознания им. Якуба Коласа ; редкол.: И. Л. Копылов (гл. ред.) [и др.]. -Минск: Четыре четверти, 2017. -596 с. ISBN 978-985-581-176-4.
Articolo negli Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Burgas, 11 settembre 2021, 2021
The analysis of the legal sources of the second and third centuries AD,aims to highlight the fact thatthe inclusion of the sea among the res communes omnium, and the same this category developed by Marcian are not so much the mature fruit of the discussions developed among the imperial jurists but, on the contrary, an attempt to build a special category within the res publicae, open to anyone regardless of Roman citizenship, which, however, when it was created by Marcian, would need further reflection. However, such an in-depth study was not possible due to the lack of scientific activity of the jurists after Gordian III. A close analysis of the scene of Plautus' Rudens is also carried out, in order to attempt a correct framing of the discussion on the historical process that involved the definition of the sea as res communis omnium.
Paper presented at the seminar Socialist Philosophy and Practice dedicated to the centennial of Evald Ilyenkov (1924-1979) in May 2024 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Что нового в науке и технике [What's New in Science and Technology], 2009
Throughout the ages, humans have constructed bridges to conquer rivers, valleys, and chasms. In every form of construction, both on land and over water, they possessed their own peculiarities. However, the latter presented a serious challenge to humanity. The evolving river navigation required the ability to freely traverse rivers, and the masts of sailing ships reached very high heights. That's when the need for structures that not only allowed crossing a river but also sailing along it without problems arose. Ferries became the first and simplest solution. But there was another way.
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Maggioli Editore, 2017
Транспортное право и безопасность. , 2019
Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 2020
Sociološki pregled, 2024
Мандельштам – читатель / Читатели Филологический сборник. — Stanford: Aquilon Books, 2017
Grail of Science
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej
Проблемы исторической поэтики
Наукові перспективи (Naukovì perspektivi)
Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici
Человек, 2014
Edizion Menaresta, Monça, 2011
Глущенко В.В., Глущенко И.И. Транспортология -общая теория функционирования и инновационного развития национальной транспортной системы [Электронный ресурс] // Молодежный научный вестник. 2018. № 2(26), с.98-124. URL (дата обращения 22.01.2018)., 2018
Наукові перспективи (Naukovì perspektivi), 2021