1-2Samuele. Nuova versione, introduzione e commento



The book of Samuel is placed on a par with the Homeric poems; like the classics of literature, it shapes and re-elaborates the human condition in depth. In the history of interpretation, both the stratigraphic hypotheses on the history of the formation of the book and the theological and political debate on some issues that have marked the history of the West are presented. The intratextual and intertextual approach emerges from the text in two ways: (1) the meaning of the book is sought in the light of its collocation and position with respect to other biblical books; (2) the literal translation from Hebrew, accompanied by the textual variants of the ancient versions, makes it possible to recognize allusions to other biblical passages, reaching new levels of meaning. The analysis of the complex events of the protagonists guides us to re-read and reflect on their own experiences of today's women and men.