Gestures of Concern (Book)

2020, The Shape We're In (Introduction)

This book explores how gestural participation in public life builds the affective commonwealths that prefigure the political. Treating affect as rhetorical and rhetoric as affective, Gestures of Concern argues that before social and political change can occur, the conditions amenable to its flourishing must be created through forms of sociality not always limited to symbolic communication and meaning. Although symbolic orders of communication can be especially persuasive, the affective orders that traffic in expressive gestures are no less influential for being less instrumental. Advancing the idea that more recessive “idiot rhetorics” are a viable means of orienting people toward a sustainable way of being-in-common, the book shows how the ordinary citizen’s expression of social and political concerns is being refracted through creative and critical engagement with the arts. The affordances of digital communication technologies have seen the social and the aesthetic converge for ordinary citizens in everyday life at the same time that communicative capitalism across western liberal democracy has encouraged communicative participation in public affairs. The arts and public exchange have never been more intertwined. In turn, cultural public spheres have become robust sites for political activity. Chapters explore TED Talks; stickers as cultural techniques; the history of curation, participatory art, and relational aesthetics; literary social media; vernacular protests to save libraries; and artistic tinkering with Google Street View, among an assortment of other examples and cases.