Retroactivating the Idea of the Avant Garde

2020, Journal of Avant Garde Studies


In the late 1970s, Pierre Bourdieu argued that the field of cultural production was distinguished along class lines by three different modes of cultural habitus: bourgeois disinterestness, petty-bourgeois allodoxia and working-class necessity. Since that era, the petty-bourgeois habitus has become the dominant predisposition. Adding Bour-dieu's sociology of culture to Peter Bürger's historicized theory of the emergence of the avant garde as a critique of the "institution art," a new "avant garde hypothesis" becomes possible for today's age of post-Fordist biocapitalism. Based on Jacques Lacan's Four Discourses, the contemporary situation is shown to privilege specific forms of cultural production, in particular an activist Discourse of the Hysteric and a technocratic Discourse of the University. Psychoanalysis reveals the limits of these tendencies while also underscoring the archaic aspects of an aestheticist Discourse of the Master and the transferential logics of Analyst avant gardes.