Epistemology of neuropsychology: Scientific foundations of the relationship between brain and behavior [A] Abstract The advent of neuroscience has enabled the creation of models of interpretation of mental activities and knowledge achieved with the help of new technologies have redefined he concepts and ideas about being human. In this context, the study of relations between the neurological substrate and the higher psychological functions is the object of neuropsychology. The development of theoretical and practical opportunity to neuropsychology is an epistemological approach, in view of the different scientific models built. In the presentation of the scientific foundations of this system will be defined the notion of science, epistemological reflection about the development of science and from the historical perspective, the constitution of neuropsychology as a scientific area and the contemporary demands of new technological devices. The epistemological reflection promotes the deepening of thought neuropsychological awakening to the need for accuracy and conceptual measures, training of neuropsychological data platforms and adoption of new technologies. #] [K]