A Note on Locally Metric Connections

2019, Mathematics and Statistics


The Fundamental Theorem of Riemannian geometry states that on a Riemannian manifold there exist a unique symmetric connection compatible with the metric tensor. There are numerous examples of connections that even locally do not admit any compatible met-rics. A very important class of symmetric connections in the tangent bundle of a certain manifolds (afinnely flat) are the ones for which the curvature tensor vanishes. Those connections are locally metric. S.S. Chern conjectured that the Euler characteristic of an affinely flat manifold is zero. A possible proof of this long outstanding conjecture of S.S. Chern would be by verifying that the space of locally metric connections is path connected. In order to do so one needs to have practical criteria for the metrizability of a connection. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a connection in a plane bundle above a surface to be locally metric. These conditions are easy to be verified using any local frame. Also, as a global result we give a necessary condition for two connections to be metric equivalent in terms of their Euler class.