An Overview and Applications of Optical Character Recognition

2014, International Journal of Advance Research In Science And Engineering (IJARSE), India, ISSN 2319-8346 (P), ISSN-2319-8354(E), Vol.3, Issue 7, Pages 261- 274


Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photographed images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/computer-readable text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of original paper data source, whether passport documents, invoices, bank statement, receipts, business card, mail, or any number of printed records. It is a common method of digitizing printed texts so that they can be electronically edited, searched, stored more compactly, displayed on-line, and used in machine processes such as machine translation, text-to-speech, key data extraction and text mining. OCR is a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and computer vision. Optical Character Recognition or OCR is the electronic translation of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine translated images. It is widely used to recognize and search text from electronic documents or to publish the text on a website [1]. A large number of research papers and reports have already been published on this topic. The paper presents introduction, major research work and applications of Optical Character Recognition in various fields. At the first introduction of OCR will be discussed and then some points will be stressed on the major research works that have made a great impact in character recognition. And finally the most important applications of OCR will be covered and then conclusion.