Scalable Load-Distance Balancing

2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science


We introduce the problem of load-distance balancing in assigning users of a delay-sensitive networked application to servers. We model the service delay experienced by a user as a sum of a network-incurred delay, which depends on its network distance from the server, and a server-incurred delay, stemming from the load on the server. The problem is to minimize the maximum service delay among all users. We address the challenge of finding a near-optimal assignment in a scalable distributed manner. The key to achieving scalability is using local solutions, whereby each server only communicates with a few close servers. Note, however, that the attainable locality of a solution depends on the workload -when some area in the network is congested, obtaining a near-optimal cost may require offloading users to remote servers, whereas when the network load is uniform, a purely local assignment may suffice. We present algorithms that exploit the opportunity to provide a local solution when possible, and thus have communication costs and stabilization times that vary according to the network congestion. We evaluate our algorithms with a detailed simulation case study of their application in assigning hosts to Internet gateways in an urban wireless mesh network (WMN).

Key takeaways

  • Initially, every cluster consists of a single server.
  • Under this assignment, a cluster's cost is defined as the maximum service delay among the users in this cluster.
  • Two clusters C i and C j (1 ≤ i < j ≤ k) are called neighbors if there exists an l such that server s l belongs to cluster C i and server s l+1 belongs to cluster C j .
  • Subsequently, dominating cluster leaders send "propose" messages to invite others to merge with them, and cluster leaders that agree respond with "accept" messages with full assignment information.
  • The average cluster size does not exceed 2.5 servers for ε ≥ 0.5.