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The paper discusses the problem of the soft soil and solution to overcome it. The use of geotextile as a reinforcement in soil in the emphasizing point of research which is been reflected into the paper. The test California bearing ratio been performed to check the behaviors of soil when induced/combined with geotextile. The result of such are been discussed below.
Geotextile, 2019
The economical development of a country is closely related to its road transport infrastructure facilities available. The periodic maintenance of the road is limited due to cost consideration which will disrupt the service and affect the function of the road. To overcome these constraints, Geotextiles shall be used in pavements to extend the service life of the pavement which requires less repair and maintenance and also reduces the total thickness of the pavement system. In this paper, an attempt is made to enhance the performance of the flexible pavement using woven geotextiles between the layers of soft sub grade and base course. The performance of woven geotextiles is better when compared to non-woven geotextiles because of its better puncture resistance when subjected to impact loading. Geotextile layer inserted between soft sub grade and base course overcomes problem of formation of cracks caused due to settlement of subgrade.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
Subgrade is the compacted supporting soil on which number of building structure lies. So geotextiles are using as a successful application in soil stabilization for improving the subgrade soil properties. The application of geotextiles in structural facilities is mainly concentrated on the raising the strength of structure and also does not address the issue of sustainability of raw materials used. Natural geotextiles are economic, biodegradable and ecofriendly. In India, for evaluating the stability of the soil subgrade CBR test is recommended as per IRC 37-2001 design code in designing the flexible pavements. Use of coir and bamboo is generally preferred to improve strength of soft soil subgrade for flexible pavements. Non-woven coir and bamboo sticks were interfaced with soil individually. CBR for soil alone is less as compared to those with soil and geotextiles together.
Journal of Structural Engineering and Geo-Techniques, 2016
One of the methods for the improvement of soil against the tensile stresses is using the artificial supplements in soil such as metal belts or nets, polymer materials and natural fibers. Technically this method is called the reinforced of soil. When a pavement is located on soft soil, great deformations can occur as a result of the crossing of traffic load in superstructure layers of the body. This can finally lead to the increase in the cost of maintenance and traffic pause in transportation. The main purpose of this study is to explore the effect of geotextile layers place in various depths of the body of pavement layers located on soft soil. For this purpose, models with the identical geometry from the transection of road using Finite Element Method software, PLAXIS were analyzed in two dimensions in which the location and the number of geotextile layers were considered in various depths. In continue, these models have been under static and dynamic loadings due to vehicles and th...
IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), 2013
Geotextiles have been successfully used for reinforcement of soils to improve the bearing capacity. In this study geotextile as a tensional material have been used for reinforcement of granular soils. Laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were performed to investigate the load-penetration behavior of reinforced soils with geotextile. Samples of granular soil are selected and tested without reinforcement. Then CBR tests were performed by placing geotextile in one or two layers at various depths in soil sample. The effect of the number of geotextile on the increase in bearing capacity of reinforced granular soil is discussed.
International Journal of Geo-Engineering
Bearing capacity of reinforced footing clearly depends on the characteristics of interface between geosynthetic and soil. A suitable solution for increasing the bearing capacity is to treat the geotextile surface by various additives. This study reported the results of plate load test on square model footing resting on reinforced sand with and without treated geotextiles to survey the effects of the treatment of geotextile on settlement and bearing capacity. The treated geotextiles were made using additives onto the surface, with a layer of sand located on the top. Geotextile sides were treated in the same way. Different additives including the lime, cement, emulsion, and the effect of the number of layers were considered. The bearing capacity ratio values (BCR), improvement ratio values (IR) and variation of load-settlement ratio obtained from the treated models were presented. The results showed that the treatment of geotextile has a great effect on the behavior of reinforced sand...
Geote xtile a newly emerging field in the civil engineering and other fields, offer great potential in varied areas of application globally. It plays a significant part in modern pavement design and maintenance techniques. Ideal materials for infrastructure work s, roads, harbors and many others. Growth in use of geotextiles worldwide for transportation application. Geotextiles have been used for thousands of years. Geotextiles were used in roadway constructions in the days of the Pharaohs to sta bilize roadways a nd there ages. Textiles are not only clothing for human body, but also for our motherland in order to protect her. Geotextiles has proven to be among the most versatile and cost - effective gr ound modification material. Geotextiles should fulfill certain requirements like it must permit material exchange between air and soil without which plant growth is impossible, it must allow rain water to penetrate the soil from outside and also excess water todrain out of earth without erosion of soil. To obtain all these properties in geotextiles, the proper choice of textile fiber is of paramountimportance.
The use of geosynthetic for flexible pavement found on expansive soil subgrade is feasible and economic solution to minimize the pavement thickness. In the present study effect of inclusion of coir geotextile on California Bearing Ratio value of two layered soil system with kuttanad clay at bottom and laterite soil on top with different thickness configuration and geotextile on zig sag manner was studied by Dynamic Cone Penetration test (DCPT) on field. Thickness of pavement over two layered soil system with and without geotextile are evaluated by method suggested by Indian Road Congress (IRC). The reduction in thickness of pavement is achieved up to 18% depending upon the thickness configuration and type of geotextile used.
The asphalt pavement roadways networks in Pakistan experience severe distresses in the form of rutting (permanent deformation) and fatigue cracking. The prime reason behind such a pathetic conditions are attributed to many factors such as incorporation of inferior quality construction materials, hypothetically designed layer thicknesses, misconstrued traffic loadings and Spartan temperature differences to name few. The ultimate result is therefore premature failure of pavement before completing its envisioned design life. It is therefore become imperative to either improve the quality of construction materials and/or fit in reinforcement materials in asphalt pavements for strengthening its response. The presented study is thus an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of integrating geotextile in asphalt concrete pavement. The geotextile was introduced as a sandwiched layer between old and new asphalt concrete layers and were subjected to rutting in wheel tracking device. The controlled samples (without geotextile material) were also made and tested to draw the comparison. It was found that the introduction of geotextiles resulted in 40% less rut depth as of control samples, making them more appealing to be investigated further.
As I have explained about the benefits of utilizing different geotextiles to improve properties, strength and bearing capacity of sub grade for a pavement, it is necessary to study the significant effects either with the help of field setup or to model the entire setup with the help of a finite element software’s like ABAQUS and PLAXIS 2D.
At the stage of a construction work one of the main problems in soft soil is the large land decline. The large decrease is due to the decrease in soil. The condition of poor base soil in the form of clay soil needs to be done to improve the basic soil to be able to support the construction load. One method used as land improvement is by geotextiles. This paper described type of geotextile used in the construction of the Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi toll road project, Parbarakan-Lubuk Pakam Sta.42 + 750-Sta.47 + 600 is a geotextile PP woven polypropylene. The geotextile type uses non woven geotextile while the study is geotextile polypropylene woven, Non woven tensile strength 20 kN / m required 1 layer of geotextile while tensile strength Polypropylene woven 30 kN / m required 2 layers of geotextile. From these calculations can be concluded that the use of geotextiles can be used as one of the repair and retrofitting.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology -IJRASET, 2020
Journal of Earth Science, 2016
MATEC Web of Conferences
Test Engineering and Management, 2020
Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, 2021
MATEC Web of Conferences
Engineering and Technology Journal
IRJET, 2020
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2017
CED 2016, 18(1), DOI: 10.9744/CED.18.2.109-116
International Journal of Geo-Engineering, 2021
University of Khartoum Engineering Journal, 2019
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2020