2020, Omotunde,Christopher T., Bada, Abiodun A., Fagun, Kayode O. Department of Educational Technology, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Universe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

A flipped classroom approach was implemented in an Advanced Educational Research Methodology course to encourage active student learning and enable the development of higher level learning skills. Students viewed written and/or audiovisual recordings of content materials prior to active face-to-face engagement where they then applied their learning through identification, analysis and interpretation of statistical data and results. Student outcomes for the flipped Advanced Educational Research Methodology course in 2019 were compared with student outcomes for the traditionally taught Advanced Educational Research Methodology course in 2018 which acted as control. Student evaluations of the course showed significantly stronger satisfaction with their learning experience by students in the innovative 2019 course compared to students in the traditional 2018 control (P=0.01).Although students in the 2019 group strongly agreed that flipping the classroom enabled them to apply their learning and that it had a positive effect on their learning, there was no significant difference in the major assessment results between the 2019 and 2018 groups. Keywords- flipped classroom, student-centred learning, edmodo, advanced educational research methodology