Visual Cherubikon: Mary as Priest at Lagoudera in Cyprus

2020, Stanislava Kuzmová and Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky, eds., Mary, the Apostles and the Last Judgment (Trivent, 2020)


Mary’s priesthood is a prominent theme in Byzantine art, and this paper argues that it abounds at the Virgin of the Vetches church (Panagia tou Arakos) at Lagoudera in Cyprus, especially because of extensive depictions of the apocrypha. Through subtle interpretations of the Protevangelium and Dormition narratives, the twelfth-century artist Theodore Apsevdis highlighted priestly aspects of the beginning, middle and end of Mary’s life, aspects unified through a visualization of the Prayer of the Cherubic Hymn (Cherubikon) which is said by priests to commence the Eucharistic portion of the liturgy.