Evaluation of Implementation of IEDSS scheme in Himachal Pradesh

2020, Research Paper

The present research endeavours to evaluate the Implementation of Inclusive Education of the Disabled at the Secondary Stage (IEDSS) scheme in Himachal Pradesh. The research aimed to study the scheme in terms of its conceptualized objectives, management and monitoring mechanism. To appraise the implementation of IEDSS scheme the researcher adopted mixed method approach as the research involved both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The study was delimited to three districts of Himachal Pradesh, viz. Shimla, Una and Kinnaur. The study sample comprising 41 government senior secondary schools was taken through stratified random sampling technique. Techniques of documentary and content analysis along with inductive and logical analysis were employed for data analysis. The wide gap between policy provisions and actual utilization of these provisions have been found in the study. The study recommended research on various aspects of the scheme in the state viz. reasons of drop out at secondary stage, teaching learning methodology and use of ICT for CWSN, low enrolment of girls, designing and developing new assistive devices, teacher training strategies, special teaching material, curriculum development for CWSN and criteria for evaluation procedure for disabled.