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2020, Makalah
3 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
The paper presents a personal narrative detailing the author's background, family, and aspirations related to education and religious learning. Originally from Java and now residing in Makassar, the author, who identifies as an ustadz, emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning, particularly in Islamic studies. The author envisions establishing an educational institution, including an Islamic boarding school, complete with necessary facilities and amenities for students and teachers, as well as a garden and a mosque, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the quality of Islamic education for future generations.
JISAE: Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation
This research aims to determine the implementation of boarding school management to realize Islamic education purpose in one of the boarding schools, namely Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The research method used is field research with a qualitative type based on data collection techniques in interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed a substantial relationship between boarding school management and national education goals in general and the goals of Islamic education in particular. There are efforts to achieve the four dimensions of Islamic education goals. First, Physical education discusses Fiqh and ushul fiqh lessons. Second, spiritual education with Islamic practices such as fasting Monday Thursday. Third, through religious studies, academic education is based on arguments and history of mujtahid priests such as Imam Maliki, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Hanafi, and Imam Hambali. Fourth, social education through joint activities both in dormitories at sc...
Information Management and Business Review, 2016
Islamic education goes into future options, and became a reference in developing the potential of learners and the embryo of world civilization; the progress of Islamic civilization was born of Islamic education quality. Therefore, islamic religious education should be managed professionally, based saintek and quality. Islamic educational system urgently reformulated in accordance with the dynamics of the times, the needs of the market, and based on local wisdom, thus bringing forth a superficial scientists clerics and scholars scientist. Methodology used in this research is qualitative research, this research works in Parepare city, with sample of excellent school and Pesantren Al- Badar. The result of study is the integration of the educational system, good educational system and system seed boarding school education, relevant done as an attempt to find the ideal model of islamic education and real in the era of globalization.
Islamic Education Institutions play a very important role in building good moral, principles and Islamic characteristics toward Indonesian society. One of the distinctive Islamic institutions and considered as the oldest one is Islamic Boarding Schools (pesantren). This paper aims to design a strategy to be implemented in such Islamic Education Institution to enhance the Islamic education for the benefit of the students and whole Muslims in Indonesia. In further discussion, firstly this paper presents an overview of Islamic education in pesantren and secondly, it discusses the strategy of pesantren itself. The strategy in such institution must be set based on Islamic values and seen from Islamic perspectives. Any method or principles adopted from external values also need to be adapted and shaped to be more Islamic. However Islam does not overlook any principles as long as it is not contrary to Islamic principles and laws.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2020
Funding for education in Islam basically focuses on distributing education costs and burdens that must be borne by the community. Things that need to be considered in education financing are the amount of money that must be spent and where the source of the money is obtained. Thus, based on the source, the cost of education is obtained from the cost of education that comes from the government, the community, and the Baitul Mal. The main obstacle in financing Islamic education is due to limited sources of funds, low support for the community. In this case the thought about the source of education costs, at least the education providers must have planned it in detail because if the implementation process only depends on certain parties, in this case, the education providers are not serious in developing it. All these aspects are the concern of Pesantren in providing education to students, thus the educational aspect becomes part of the aspect of assessment that is very important in le...
ATTARBIYAH: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education
Many consider that Islamic boarding schools are lagging behind the times and are unable to meet the needs of the community. In contrast, Islamic boarding schools are considered as social education institutions, where Kiai plays a central role in uniting boarding school and community. Therefore the purpose of this study is to explore how the part of Kiai in the community. This study uses qualitative approaches and descriptive methods. The data in this study obtained through participant observation, interviews with Kiai, administrators, principals, surrounding communities, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that Kiai can establish strong relationships without stopping with people who are far from religious understanding. Kiai is an influential figure who can integrate all existing social institutions with the institutional boarding school he leads. Further, Kiai is used as a primary role model in thinking, acting, and behave. So that the community recognizes the exi...
SOKO GURU: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
The quality of education is measured through the quality of education services provided in schools. The quality is described through the mission and vision as well as the objectives of the learning programs proposed to the community as users of educational services provided by schools. In developing and improving the quality of education, the role of the principal is very important, because the principal makes the strategy so that the learning process in accordance with the learning objectives and targets can be achieved effectively and efficiently.The research was conducted at SMA AL-Muhajirin 2 Purwakarta which implemented a superior program based on pesantren, in developing and increasing students' knowledge of religious and world sciences. The study used descriptive qualitative methods to find real data, researchers conducted in-depth observations and interviews to find out the concept of the flagship program at SMA AL-Muhajirin 2 Purwakarta in improving the quality of educa...
According to Quran introduction of Prophet Muhammad (PBH) has been described as, Ateacher who educates about his look and knowledge (Hikmat). Thus achievement of religious knowledge is essential for every Muslim. In this perspective education in Islam have been every important. Islam has inducted that educational revolution which has resulted as the acquiring education for every Muslim. Starting from educationist to different school of thought in the form of Madersa’s to proper education is a bright aspect in the tradition of Muslim history. Religious institutions have continued this tradition which has kept the tradition of deen alive. However with the global change and speed of time has created a big challengefor religious institutions. To face this challenge is the need of time. This challenged Madersa’s, their curriculum, methodology depend on basic principles on which Islamic education system has been constructed. In this article in the historical background tradition of Muslim...
Islamic boarding schools not only can bring up the religious enthusiasm, but also interpret Indonesia with a spirit of nationalism. Hence, it is not surprising that pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is present to give a dedication to this nation aside from Islamic interest. Not only in the role of education,an educational institution like pesantren also had socio-cultural functions and role, a significant spiritual movement needs to be done to provide reinforcement towards empowerment within the goal of education holistically. A means that supports the learning process is the mastery of Arabic. This paper will describe the practice of Arabic teaching and learning in Muslim minority area with an approach to the principle of moderation. The research was carried out in West Papua which included five districts and one city. The results of the study showed that the application of learning that was carried out in Islamic boarding schools in Mayamuk, Aimas, Waisai, Teminabuan, Kaimana, Waigom, and Misol, was done in a well-structured. In the seven locations, Islamic education within the framework of the learning process that is based on language skills is carried out with the santri (Students) communicative approach. The skill of the students that is trained is linguistic expression without special emphasis on grammar mastery. The environment of boarding schools that provide dormitories as a place to live becomes a tool of interaction among santri (students) in practicing language skills. The language ability of the students is adapted to the learning context along with the environment. The existing social aspects are used to support the learning process. Finally, this research concludes that differences in learning objectives and determining approach and methodological aspects will affect learning Arabic.
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