Misogyny and Ideological Logic

2020, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research


Kate Manne's Down Girl (2017) offers an 'ameliorative' account, in Sally Haslanger's sense of the term, 1 of misogyny, sexism, patriarchy, and the relations between them. Manne argues that women's essential role within patriarchy is to offer various social goods and support such as recognition, sexual attention, and emotional labor to men. Misogyny enforces patriarchy by keeping women in their proper place, as suppliers of these services, through an elaborate and interlocking set of social images, disciplinary practices, normalizing techniques and bodily habituation, and so forth. Misogyny is a self-correcting system that penalizes and disciplines women who violate the patriarchal order and step out of their proper place, 2 while promoting special sympathy for men who do not receive the support and recognition from women that they are 'owed.'