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In the last years the humanity assists to the fundamental changes in economy no matter the level from which is regarded. These changes are so fast and intensive that many times the humanity is confronting also with adaptation difficulties and also with the collapses of some value systems which have proved themselves incompatible with new realities to the world level. So, we've became the witnesses of a world in which the commercial bounds and the capital fluxes between countries have grown so much that the globalization of the world economy is a reality. The globalization is a term used to describe a multicausative process which has as result the fact that the events which takes place in some part of the globe have more and more wide repercussive on the societies and on the problems from other parts of the globe. There isn't any definition of the globalization in a universal accepted form and, probably, not even final. The reason consists in the fact that the globalization sub-includes a multitude of complex processes with a variable dynamic, touching diverse domains of one society. This can be a phenomena, an ideology, a strategy or all together.
In the last years the humanity assists to the fundamental changes in economy no matter the level from which is regarded. These changes are so fast and intensive that many times the humanity is confronting also with adaptation difficulties and also with the collapses of some value systems which have proved themselves incompatible with new realities to the world level. So, we’ve became the witnesses of a world in which the commercial bounds and the capital fluxes between countries have grown so much that the globalizat ion of the world economy is a reality. The globalization is a term used to describe a multi -causative process which has as result the fact that the events which takes place in some part of the globe have more and more wide repercussive on the societies an d on the problems from other parts of the globe. There isn’t any definition of the globalization in a universal accepted form and, probably, not even final. The reason consists in the fact that the globalization sub -...
The usefulness of globalization as an analytical concept has largely been eclipsed by its growing fashionableness. The term's currency has distended its meaning to the point where it has gained the studied ambiguity and diffuseness of an advertiser's slogan. When powerful interests equate globalization with the progression of human freedom even as they work to insulate their institutions from political intervention, there is reason to believe that, as a label for contemporary social changes, globalization obscures more than it illuminates. Perhaps like the similarly popular phrase "peace through commerce," which in today's neoliberal climate really means "commerce through pacification," the meaning of globalization has to be inverted to be made useful. What does globalization mean? Mavbe rather than the growing cohesion of a world order, the word refers to the breakdown of order on a previously unimagined scale. At the very least, in its current uses "globalization" is replete with ambiguities and contradictions that must be disentangled to make the term useful for understanding the contemporary socio-cultural scene.
The Scale of Globalization: Think Globally, Act Locally, Change Individually in the 21st Century, 2011
This work presents globalization as a historical process. We analyze and present some pieces of work of authors writing about globalization. This work is based on qualification of J. A. Scholte. We divide these authors to different groups according to period, when their works were written. The first group consists of authors who consider globalization as a historical process and this group is divided into two subgroups: authors who talk about globalization as an historical and linear process and authors who see globalization as an historical and cyclical process. The second group consists of authors who claimed that globalization is a process arising in the present. On the basis of this classification we present historical aspects of globalization which, in our opinion, appeared on the different levels in the human past, e.g. in integration processes, in politics, in economics, in society etc. in the antiquity, in the Middle Ages and in the modern times. In this paper we analyzeseveral cases of globalization based on selected indicators. We attempt to determine whether this phenomenon can be characterized as new, old or cyclically repeating. We conclude that aspects of globalization which are characteristic for globalization in the present, appeared in remote past and they repeat in human history cyclically. Key words: globalization, cyclical phenomenon, new phenomenon, linear phenomenon.
From being an economic strategy to being the buzz word of the time, Globalization has grown and emerged in a speed almost as that of a social trend. But as ironic as it may sound, the term is more often than not associated with a diverse array of things making it an extremely contested concept, and essentially so. Academicians perceive globalization in various different ways depicting it as an ideology, a condition, a system of processes, a policy, a market strategy, a predicament and even an age or an era. With such diverse lenses breeds diverse nomenclature and hence, those referring to it as a social condition term it as 'globality', characterized by the existence of global economic, political, cultural and environmental interconnections and flows that make many of the existing territorial boundaries seem futile. Sticking strictly with the etymology of globalization brings forth the idea of it being a set of social processes that are thought to transform the prevailing societal condition into one of globality. Globalization, then, almost explicitly suggests some sort of dynamism best captured by the notion of development or unfolding along discernible patterns. Yet another term is 'Globalism' opted by those who view the concept as that of an ideology of globalization going by the age-old tradition of employing-ism suffix to signify the theories, values and assumptions working behind driving the process. Hence, scholars exploring the dynamics of globalization have rightly come up with characterizing it as a complex, multidimensional and multifaceted concept which, at any cost, cannot be boiled down to a single-simple phenomenon or theme. As Andrew Heywood rightly puts it-"the problem with globalization is that it is not so much an 'it' as a 'them': it is not a single process but a complex of processes, sometimes overlapping and interlocking but also, at times, contradictory and oppositional ones." Perhaps the best way one can try unraveling the complexity, then, is to look at how these scholars have defined globalization in their own ways and consequently work out some attributes that appear persistently even when viewed through varied lenses. "Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa." ~ Anthony Giddens, "The concept of globalization reflects the sense of an immense enlargement of world communication, as well as of the horizon of a world market, both of which seem far more tangible and immediate than in earlier stages of modernity." ~ Fredric Jameson
The purpose of the article was to show the importance of globalization for modern economies. Presenting the concept of globalization and its essence makes an assumption that it affects all aspects of human activity legitimate. Globalization is a multi-threaded term consisting of complex processes. The article presents various definitions of this concept and division of economic globalization factors. However, their clear division is not possible, because they occur in cause and effect relationships. The effects of globalization felt by individual entities depend on the degree of economic development or qualifications. The problem of the ambiguity of the impact of globalization on the modern world lies not in globalization itself but in the way it is interpreted. The article also presents globalization after 2008 and possible scenarios for the future stage of globalization.
Vol 19, No 1 (2020), 2020
The article views economic globalization in the theoretical and historical context. Analysing the origins of terminological interpretations, a new approach is being developed regarding the globalization’s objectivity and irreversibility as an inherent element in the development of the human community and international economic relations. Its commonalities and differences from the internationalization of the world economy are indicated. This raises the question of the globalization’s timing as a process, to answer which there are different approaches. The author examines the existing variants of periodization of globalization processes, as well as its peculiarities in the times of the global financial crisis of 2008–2010. He concludes that globalization is an objective process of the human community (economic) development of the area of its residence and that it is characteristic for the whole period of humanity’s existence. It is caused by the innate propensity of humanity for coope...
Globalization is support by integration. Both represent the progressive connection and the interaction for the development of the human societies. The European Union represents a symbol of globalization, in order to realise the transition to a " United States of Europe " in which the fundamental stick is the prosperity based on market economy. The paper deals with the most urgent and important problems of the world under globalization. The next part of the paper analyses the conceptual limits of the globalization. Globalization represents a step of the general process of the human socioeconomic and cultural development. Nowadays, globalization has to face with new challenges. An important actor in globalization process is world trade. We consider that only the world trade isn't able to resolve the challenges of the globalization. We concluded that globalization generates economic growth but it generates a status quo too. The poverty is not a result of an excessive globalization. It is a result of an insufficient globalization. The end of the 20 th century and the beginning of the 21 st century are marked by two complex and dynamic processes: globalization and integration. These processes argue the interdependence and the progressive connection in order to develop human society. This tendency is obvious in economic and politic climates, because economy and policy are able to allow the actions of a lot of actors; their effects are easy to see and to calculate in ordinary lifetime [1]. As a result, globalization represents the modality or the system of response and long term approach of the great contemporary problems which are determined by a lot of interconnected economic, ethnic, politic, social and cultural phenomena and processes. The solutions for these processes have to be found by the international community [2]. Globalization is able to dissolve the traditional economic, politic and social connections based on hierarchic public authority and to replace them with a horizontal structure, which is a flexible network leaded by a supranational power.
International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 7(9), 2310–2333, 2018
This paper is focused on the structural and evolutionary examination of the current global crisis and restructuring by supporting in terms of methodology that, first, in every interpretation of the global crisis we ought to analyze and perceive the historical and evolutionary character the dynamics of the global socioeconomic space have while, second, all the dynamic dimensions of the modern world-economic, technological, social and geopolitical-should be examined together, in their narrow dialectic co-adaptation and co-evolution. The multi-faceted crises of every socioeconomic system are both the products and the producers of globalization crisis over a co-determinatory and co-evolutionary course, unfolding inside a contemporary capitalism which intensifies unceasingly the dialectic reproduction of the global interdependence. This crisis of this capitalism is sustained, nourished and reproduced by the absence of a "new wave" of effective innovations, throughout all the levels of socioeconomic activity. The overcoming of the crisis therefore requires prior installation and assimilation of new, effective change management mechanisms at all levels of contemporary reality. Based on the available data it is estimated that the challenge of building a new global developmental trajectory engages with all the levels of analysis and intervention: the individual and the collective, the material and the symbolic, the national and the local, the social and the economic, the microeconomic and the macroeconomic, the cultural and the political. The only sustainable way out of the global crisis goes through the effort to adapt progressively to a new evolutionary thinking of perceiving the global crisis dynamics, which represent the internal forces of innovation and effective change management within every socioeconomic system and on a planetary scale and across every level of action.
European Research Studies Journal, 2008
Abstract: There are many factors which impart the globalization dynamics: the more accelerated liberalization tendencies of commercial exchanges, the development, without precedent, of the capital markets which claim a bigger liberty of movement, the internationalization of production and distribution of the great trans-national societies, the huge leap of service commerce and–finally–the means provided by the quick progresses in the field of technologies. Globalization provides–on new dimensions–opportunity for some ...
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COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORK (Autonomous), NIRMALA NIKETAN, University of Mumbai , 2021
Globalization and Transformations in the World Politics: Global Politics, Global Governance, Geopolitics, and International Politics., 2024
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI)
SPJMR , 2021
Eirp Proceedings, 2013
Language, individual & society, 2016
Baxraawi Mohamed, 2020
Journal of Contemporary World Studies, 2023