Thinking of memory and postmemory narratives in vulnerable times

2020, Revista Letras Raras


ABSTRACT: Based on an inventory of the contributions from theorists who thought about memory and the complex representation of the past, we aim to discuss the role of narration and fiction as mediators in the interpretation of the lived experience. The reliability of the reconstruction of the past is called into question, leading us to reflect on the notion of testimony and the issue of truth inherent to it. To compare official memory and individual narratives is necessary in order to oppose authoritarian metanarrative discourses to a more polyphonic history, which seeks to achieve the understanding and overcoming of traumas. We will also see how the theoretical reflection concerning the intergenerational transmission of traumatic memories offers some tools for the interpretation of the so-called postmemory generation works. Based on these considerations, and given the global health crisis that places us in the position of vulnerable witnesses of a catastrophe, we are led to reflect over the future from a retrospective look into the trauma. KEYWORDS: memory; postmemory; literary narrative; writing of trauma; testimony. Translated by Rafael de Arruda Sobral.