Dehumanization: The Cognitive Roots of Fanaticism

DEHUMANIZATION: The Cognitive Roots of Fanaticism


Description: A detailed mapping of the cognitive representations of social reality in persons who think and behave as in Prejudice, Fanaticism, Xenophobia. Research question: How can normal people justify, in their own eyes, even the most obviously erroneous ideas about other humans; and the most inhuman acts mass-destruction – without running into an intolerable Cognitive Dissonance with their own highest values of Sanity, Truth, Morality and Justice?" Research: Analyzing conflict related texts in mass-media for patterns of reasoning and justification of stated views. Results: A major Discovery – Blind Areas. Fanatics of conflict are mentally blind to see the fundamental realities of themselves and their enemies being human: “We” liable to error and crimes as any human; “Them” individuals with human qualities, each one unique and potentially able to change same as we. Application: As politically motivated behavior must be self-justified – bringing Blind Areas to awareness effectively undermines the dehumanized self-justification system by causing Cognitive Dissonance with one’s own supreme values of Truth and Morality. Prognosis: Bringing Blind Areas to awareness effectively undermines the dehumanized self-justification system. Systematic bringing of Blind Areas to awareness, applied in Education and in political discourse, will humanize identity motivated social conflict.