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The article basically highlights the present situation of security challenges confronted by the South Asia, particularly Pakistan. Pakistan is facing different types of internal and the external dynamics of the threats at this time. The various threats are being used by the states to keep numerous characteristics of national security state-the most noticeable being the role taken upon itself by the military to ensure the security of the state against all internal and external enemies. Pakistan lives in an environment in which is facing internal and external challenges. At present, she is passing through vary crucial problems like political, socio economic, energy crises, security, drone attacks, suicide bombing and different other challenges. Question arises that what can be done to improve the regional security situation and how to build mutual trust and confidence between India and Pakistan? The external factor has also been important in aggravating conflicts in the region thereby posing serious security challenges the external interference also plays role in aggravating domestic as well as regional conflicts. The South Asian region was facing grave security threats due to the increasing extremism and terrorist activities within its states. Pakistan the second largest country of South Asia region has found the six decades following its independence as difficult, often traumatic and at times even tragic on account of its fragile political base, instability, corruption endemic violence repeated dismissals of elected governments and army rule for long periods.
1. Lecturer, HED, Govt. Postgraduate College Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan 2. Lecturer, Department of Politics & IR, Lahore Leads University, Lahore , Punjab, Pakistan 3. Centre for South Asia Studies University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan PAPER INFO ABSTRACT Received: February 13, 2017 Accepted: June 24, 2017 Online: June 30, 2017 The study highlights the current security situation in South Asia, particularly in Pakistan. Pakistan is facing different internal and external dynamics for the current threats. The region of South Asia has strong and weak features. Pakistan and India are two major players in this region and peace and security challenges depend on the relationship between the two countries. Pakistan lives in an environment with internal and external challenges. There are currently several critical issues, including political, socio-economic, energy crises, security, drone strikes, suicide bombings, and various other challenges. South Asian countries are facing...
GCSP Geneva Papers, 2010
Pakistan’s current security situation is challenging on numerous fronts – political, economic and social – and will require the implementation of comprehensive and integrated solutions. Further social and economic development remains the key solution to alleviate most of Pakistan’s current security challenges, which are complicated by the exploitation of poor people by the Taliban. As long as some part of the population remains mired in extreme poverty, without adequate access to education and economic opportunities, the socialising effects of radical Islam will continue to have an impact. Pakistan’s internal situation is inextricably affected by a number of external factors. It is therefore unfair to assume that the country can handle its current domestic security situation alone. It is in the interest of all nations involved in the conflict in Afghanistan as well as all other South Asian states to support a strong Pakistan that can effectively counter the threat of global terrorism.
The issue of terrorism has brought major shifts in the global political landscape especially after the tragic events of 9/11. South Asian region, with a characteristic volatility in its security environment due to India-Pakistan rivalry felt the shocks of global terror waves to a much greater extent than the rest of the world. Pakistan being a front line state in the global war against terrorism and a Muslim majority state had to bear an additional brunt of Indian hegemonic hostile state behavior which reached its highest ebbs in the post 9/11 South Asian political milieu. The two pressing issues of long held Indian hegemonic designs and global surge in violent religious extremism have deep ramifications for an already troubled India-Pakistan relations equation. A comprehensive understanding of these two phenomena is vital to understand the dynamics of contemporary South Asian regional security architecture. This paper takes into account the acrimonious relations between the two major actors, India and Pakistan, the forces at work in escalating their mutual distrust and antagonism and the impact on the security environment of South Asia.
India and Pakistan are situated on the fault zone within South Asia. They have inherited all the traits that can contribute in security turmoil. Their domestic conflicts and historical differences paved the way for continuous security threats in the region. Their adverse relations and tense environment have been analyzed through the established theoretical approaches in order to understand the hostile relational attitude of both states. The study is providing a theoretical framework to comprehend the rationale and motivations behind their undesirable relations since their independence.
Conflict and Cooperation in South Asia: Role of Major Powers, 2020
The security architecture of South Asia is undergoing some visible trends. The region is home to the ongoing rivalry between two nuclear states: Pakistan and India. The rivalry has also shifted to the western border of Pakistan in Afghanistan where the US is trying for peaceful exit in wake of the resurgent Taliban. China is helping Pakistan with its belt and road initiative by investing billions of dollars through the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. Russia and Iran have made contacts with the Taliban while Pakistan has initiated active diplomacy to find a regional solution to the Afghan problem. Pakistan and Sri Lanka both have defeated terrorist inside their territories but there is a spillover of ethnic and religious groups across the boundaries. Given these trends, the paper seeks to analyze the South Asian security architecture and determine the role of Pakistan in the unfolding situation.
The South Asian region is declared the most politically unstable place, where suicide bombings, target killings and political, sectarian and ethnic assassinations are common threat to the security of the region, which ultimately laid its impact on the world. Threat to the security of the region and world was accelerated after the US war on terror in Afghanistan. Terrorists' activities carried out gradually by militant organizations in Afghanistan seeped into Pakistan and tarnished and implicated her security fabric resulting in her security hazards, huge human loss and international image calamity. Poverty and lack of education also added severity to the issue. Indian element working in Afghanistan in the name of building up and help also aggravated the situation. Pakistan had been looking towards outer world particularly US to help resolve this critical situation. However, Pakistani armed forces came forward and took steering seat and controlled the situation to a large extent. Pakistan armed forces are resolute to keep up their operation till the last terrorist is finished.
The Geopolitics, 2024
National security doctrines evolve gradually, shaped by institutional factors unless disrupted by drastic events. For example, the war in Ukraine has dramatically altered global security paradigms almost overnight. However, most changes in national security are incremental, influenced by state actors, interest groups, perceptions, and institutions. Once embedded in a nation’s structure, these doctrines become robust and resistant to change unless major events force a re-evaluation.
In the present world, there are traditional as well as non-traditional threats to the survival and development of a sovereign state. These non-traditional threats come in the form of terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, serious communicable diseases, piracy, illegal immigration, environmental security, economic and financial security, and information security. The aim of this paper is to highlight the areas that are critical to Pakistan's internal security and to evaluate the level of understanding of these threats and to assess the effectiveness of the measures to check these threats, to develop an academic discourse for finding ways and means to address these national security threats. Pakistan is a culturally and ethnically diverse country where a number of issues remain unresolved, thus making room for centrifugal forces for their dissenting activities against the federation. Pakistan has more internal threats than external. Some of the threats that Pakistan is facing today internally make it vulnerable for a sustainable socio-political and economic development. The internal threats to Pakistan's security are many as observed today but it is quite reassuring to note that none of these is insurmountable. The present scene in the first view appears quite disturbing but a careful examination would reveal that there are strong possibilities of curing the ailment. The internal landscape is galore with strife and scuffle but there is a need to make a careful distinction between the threats having indigenous origins and those driven internationally. Pakistan at the moment does not paint a happy picture of its internal scene. A number of internal threats have emerged posing serious challenges to the security of Pakistan. Terrorism, religious extremism, sectarianism, looming energy crisis, impending economic crisis, endemic diseases, insurgency in Balochistan, food shortages and institutional dead locks are a part of the long list. The situation in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan although quite disturbing cannot be exactly described or categorized as internal threat. It has clear linkages with the war on terror involving many international actors. Insurgency Purely on the domestic front, the most serious threat emanates from the armed resistance by the disgruntled elements in the province of Balochistan and some settled districts of the former civil division of Swat. These threats are very real, though a few years ago when pointed out by the academia were treated as hypothetical by the decision makers. For several years now, the revolts by dissidents against the government are going on in Balochistan. Regular clashes between Baloch insurgents and the forces of government
The history of Pak-India relations has presented sound evidences that both states harvested distrust and uncertain conditions with each other after the end of British colonial rule in the sub-continent. Since the partition, both states have contentious issues which added more fuel to both sides' relations. Kashmir issue is a dominant factor that has created more unrest as both states strained into three full-scale wars in this connection. Mutual disputes have also created issues of security and cross-border terrorism which put obstacles during the peace process between India and Pakistan. Concerns about security and cross-border terrorism are counted as a serious constant threat to peace in the South Asian region as both countries have the capability of nuclear war. Pakistan is blamed for Cross border terrorism which is a big matter of concern by the Indian side. India claimed that through cross-border terrorism, Kashmir and the Indian Parliament were attacked with the backing o...
Journal of Social Research Development, 2020
Security plays a very important role in the progress of a nation. It is the pillar of a state on which a nation stands. Without security it is very difficult for a nation to survive on the map of world. Since Pakistan joined the U.S.-led war on terror in September 2001, stability has been heavily affected, and Pakistan has faced many stability challenges since then. With the participation in the “war on terror, the security situation in country” deteriorated within the few years, as army had to carry out a number of operations in its territory against its own people with the aim to disregard the terrorist threat. The war against terrorism has significantly impacted on the overall economic as well as social development of the country. Incidents of 9/11 have divided the nation into American supporters, both pro and unfavorable. Pakistan, the United States helping ally faces more negative security values rather than optimistic ones. This paper addresses Pakistan’s security woes and rea...
US occurrence has actively contributed in aggravating the security situation in the region of South Asia. US war on terror has affected Pakistan significantly. This war has posed serious challenges for Pakistan military and political leadership. Worsening economic condition has added a frustrated dimension in this war. There has been a serious lack of comprehension between political leadership and Pakistan military on the perception of threat, nature of conflict and development of consensus on resolving these conflicts and moulding a favourable public opinion. This grim scenario on national and regional level is the consequence of global security environment. In past Pakistan's security policies was mainly India centric while US served as a prime factor in the backdrop. In present the situation is reversed. Pakistan's security policies are mainly US centric in post 9/11 era. The present study is an effort to analyse the existing realities.
Pakistan Internal Security Dilemma: Strategic Dimension , 2017
The paper reflects on Pakistan's complex security situation and the causes of current challenges that Pakistan is facing due to vacillating foreign policies. It also reviews the role of factors that contributed towards the instability of the country. After Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan involved in a proxy war and trained Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan. In 1980's sectarianism floored the state, and since it has rooted in Pakistani society. The country brokered several Post-Soviet peace agreements between different militaristic groups in Afghanistan but in vain. Finally, it recognized Taliban for the cause of peace (though temporary) on its Western border. After 9/11 the country had to reluctantly take a "U" turn on its Afghan policy under immense US pressure. This swing of policy opened a Pandora-box for the country i.e. terrorism, Jihadist, ethnicity, sectarianism, economic and political instability in Pakistan. In this state of affairs corruption, deteriorating law and order situation, political instability and economic fragility, variables of internal security, act as key factors in a peaceful solution of conflicts.
security dilema yang terjadi antara negara negara di bagian asia timur
Internal security is the source of strength of any country, which directly impacts on her foreign relations, economy, political stability, military strength, national morale and social values. On the contrary, a state that is internally vulnerable runs a high risk of disintegration, and history is replete with such states. Pakistan is presently passing through probably the worst time of her history. It is confronted with numerous internal and external challenges which are impacting on her national security spectrum. Every country needs a strong, viable and sustainable socioeconomic variable for growth. Internal security requires harnessing and orchestrating all elements of national power to achieve the desired results and no single instrument can work, therefore political process backed up by effective force structures, supplemented by economic initiatives and cooperation of regional and international players operating in the area is the solution to current crisis. Based on the contemporary challenges that Pakistan is facing this article examines the dynamics of internal security and associated challenges impacting the national security of Pakistan. This study makes a point that it's not only the internal faultiness that puncture the systematic approach rather global and regional political environment causes perpetual instability. The research is deductive in nature and uses mixed method approach to provide remedial strategies.
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