Security Challenges to South Asia: Pakistan's Perspective


The article basically highlights the present situation of security challenges confronted by the South Asia, particularly Pakistan. Pakistan is facing different types of internal and the external dynamics of the threats at this time. The various threats are being used by the states to keep numerous characteristics of national security state-the most noticeable being the role taken upon itself by the military to ensure the security of the state against all internal and external enemies. Pakistan lives in an environment in which is facing internal and external challenges. At present, she is passing through vary crucial problems like political, socio economic, energy crises, security, drone attacks, suicide bombing and different other challenges. Question arises that what can be done to improve the regional security situation and how to build mutual trust and confidence between India and Pakistan? The external factor has also been important in aggravating conflicts in the region thereby posing serious security challenges the external interference also plays role in aggravating domestic as well as regional conflicts. The South Asian region was facing grave security threats due to the increasing extremism and terrorist activities within its states. Pakistan the second largest country of South Asia region has found the six decades following its independence as difficult, often traumatic and at times even tragic on account of its fragile political base, instability, corruption endemic violence repeated dismissals of elected governments and army rule for long periods.