Shehnaz Salahuddin

This paper attempts to highlight the problem of terrorism which is challenging the very existence of mankind today. Especially after 9/11 attacks there has been increasing propaganda in the west that it is the teachings of Islam which is the main source of terrorist activities. This is a great misconception which needs to be challenged. Another ideology which has been greatly misinterpreted and misused is the concept of "Jihad". Jihad does not mean 'to Kill' or 'holy war' as it is misunderstood. The Holy Quran says, Jihad means to strike or to struggle in the way of the Almighty. It means to purify one's self that is to restrain one's self from evil inclinations which are inner Jihad. It also means to defend one's homeland, property from oppression and aggression. The Holy Quran does speak of war but only at the last resort. The Quran which explicitly lays down the rules to be followed in the battle field, which prohibits from touching women, children and aged during war and shows sympathy even towards the prisoners of war can never be the cause of barbaric and brutal deaths meted out by the terrorists. Terrorism in all its famous have been strongly criticized and condemned by scholars all over the world. It is highly unjustified to equate terrorism with a religion like Islam which stands for universal peace, tolerance and perseverance. The solution lies not in spreading any misconceptions about any religion but finding out the root causes and striking out those causes at its very initial stage. It gives a call to the followers of all the religions of the world to unitedly fight against the menace. At the same time, the politicians and the media are being asked to play a neutral and responsible role in combating the disease which is spreading like cancer.