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Shehnaz Salahuddin
7 pages
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This paper attempts to highlight the problem of terrorism which is challenging the very existence of mankind today. Especially after 9/11 attacks there has been increasing propaganda in the west that it is the teachings of Islam which is the main source of terrorist activities. This is a great misconception which needs to be challenged. Another ideology which has been greatly misinterpreted and misused is the concept of "Jihad". Jihad does not mean 'to Kill' or 'holy war' as it is misunderstood. The Holy Quran says, Jihad means to strike or to struggle in the way of the Almighty. It means to purify one's self that is to restrain one's self from evil inclinations which are inner Jihad. It also means to defend one's homeland, property from oppression and aggression. The Holy Quran does speak of war but only at the last resort. The Quran which explicitly lays down the rules to be followed in the battle field, which prohibits from touching women, children and aged during war and shows sympathy even towards the prisoners of war can never be the cause of barbaric and brutal deaths meted out by the terrorists. Terrorism in all its famous have been strongly criticized and condemned by scholars all over the world. It is highly unjustified to equate terrorism with a religion like Islam which stands for universal peace, tolerance and perseverance. The solution lies not in spreading any misconceptions about any religion but finding out the root causes and striking out those causes at its very initial stage. It gives a call to the followers of all the religions of the world to unitedly fight against the menace. At the same time, the politicians and the media are being asked to play a neutral and responsible role in combating the disease which is spreading like cancer.
Man has always wanted peace: war has never been his aim. Yet wars have always been an undeniable fact of life. Human desire for peace, at times wars do become indispensable. However, ideas differ as to when wars could be justified and when they are just a matter of sheer aggression. In tune with its claim to universality, both in terms of time and space, Islam has propounded its own everlasting concept of war, based on Divine wisdom and consideration of human welfare. Unfortunately, however, over a period of time, Islam's position on war has been hidden in confusion and misinterpretations. To make matters worse, more often than not, Jihad has come to be equated with terrorism something which runs counter to the spirit and substance of Islam. This has more to do with the actions of a few misguided elements. Nevertheless, an overwhelming majority of Muslims, not only the educated but also the common believers, are against engaging war beyond the limitations prescribed in Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Although a lot has been written on Jihadand terrorism. Much of the data on Jihad is limited of one kind or another. So, this article is an attempt of a comparative analysis between Jihad and terrorism. Since, 9/11 modern world said that "Every Muslim is not a Terrorist, But Every Terrorist is a Muslim".
In certain countries around the world some Muslim youngsters have appeared who call for the return to Islam. They cause unrest, chaos, disorder and scandal on earth, but deem themselves to be acting justly. They deeply shake and upset the spiritual, intellectual and political peace of the Muslims in the world. They call for disrespect towards leaders, for opposition and upheaval against them, inciting the youth to also fight those who are beside those leaders, without taking into consideration whether they are scholars, or members of the security service, police, the army, etc. Unfortunately, this whole action is done in the name of enjoining good and forbidding evil. This study will make the diagnosis of this illness starting from the basic principle that terrorism is first of all an ideological, dogmatic and fundamental illness, whose roots are deep in the ideology, dogma and history. Thus, we must first of all wage an intellectual, civilizational and cultural battle in order to d...
Throughout the ages, Islam has been misunderstood and surrounded by a number of false allegations. One of these allegations, given contemporary form, is to associate jihad with terrorism and violence and to claim that the message of Islam was spread through the sword. It is therefore an imperative upon objective researchers to examine and scrutinize this allegation based on the true nature and the real teaching of Islam. This research also examines different views regarding the concept of jihad, and how this concept has been misunderstood. This paper demonstrates the similarities between religions in supporting peace and condemning terror. Furthermore, this research explains that jihad bears a broad concept; it revealed positive meaning and was the motive for achieving noble ends and objectives. It is well known that jihad has never been used as a 'holy war' in the text of the Shari'ah. Jihad must be undertaken purely in the path of God alone and not for power or other worldly ends., 2018
The author of this research paper would like to disseminate the exact term of Jihad and its related components. After September 11, 2001, the Jihadi groups emerged and influenced the world through their theoretical and practical approaches. The Muslim Ummah (Muslim Nation) is confused on how to address the Jihadi movement. Some of the Scholars internationally refuse to accept the religio-political concept of Jihadi groups, but others have delightfully accepted the idea of jihad with non-Muslims due to non-Muslim worlds, negative campaigns, and involvement in the Muslim world. The research paper is an impartial analysis of World Politics with reference to the active religio-political groups.
Globalization of the world economy has not been accompanied by globalization of public participation in political decision making. Global public opinion which was hailed as the " second super power " by the UN panel of eminent persons has been systematically marginalized and resulted in disillusionment, alienation and misled expression of anger on global scale. This marginalization of global public opinion has been acknowledged in " Freedom in the World-2016 " report. According to the report " the world in 2015 was battered by overlapping crises that contributed to the 10 th consecutive year of decline in global freedom ". Expression of nihilistic anger is generally explained in terms of poverty, religious extremism and insufficient security measure to track down and eliminate the terrorists. This approach focusses on symptoms paying while little attention to the social reality and processes at work. It also ignores the tremendous potential for transforming the situation by taking a different approach to destructive expression of anger. This approach overlooks the fact that the difference between a Muslim and a terrorist must be determined by the way they negotiate with and appropriate from the faith, the culture and the " other ". This is one of the most important issues not only for the Muslims but the entire global community. Public debate on this issue is almost nonexistent, although it is discussed widely at private level. I think our inability to speak freely in public is linked to the way we frame our discourse. In specific it relates to the way we frame our encounter, the way we frame our argument and the way we frame our action. My submission is as follows. Framing the Encounter Our inability to say in public what we discuss in private is very closely connected with how we frame the argument. If we see the world around as a polarity divided between 'us' and 'them', where we stand for truth, justice, goodness and enlightenment and they represent oppression, injustice , fear , ignorance and terror then of course we cannot say in public what we discuss in private. We cannot blame 'them' in public for their viciousness and claim all the reward for 'our' innocence. 'They' may include politicians, generals, bureaucrats, judges. Mullahs, Media persons, terrorists, foreign occupation forces, NGOs, foreign funding or 'foreign hand', godless states and godless societies, depending on the construction of 'us'. However if we think that as Pakistani nation, Muslims or global community we swim and sink together, then we can say in public what we discuss in private for the simple reason that our analysis will frame the argument not to use 'them' as scapegoat or blame them for every fault but aim at engaging 'them' in the dialogue to find a mutually agreed solution. This framework depends only on one defining condition; whether we see the 'other' as source of hope or fear. In a nutshell we have to clarify if we live in a polarized world or a pluralized world. If we accept plurality as our starting point, there is some room for hope. If we look at the world as divide between good and evil, there is little room for hope. In my view the major conflict of our time is not between terrorists and free societies but between unilateralism and pluralism. Unilateralism can wear many clothes; religious purity, secularism, neo-liberalism, patriotism (meaning loyalty to totalitarian Muslim regimes or occupation forces of the 'free world') and 'freedom' i.e. asking the world to choose between us and them. Framing the argument
In the last decade, terrorism has been a constant of public opinion. In different regions of the world have arisen attacks whose main consequence has been the establishment of a globally condition of alarm. Newspapers, blogs and social networks have focused on the details of these events, exposing to society what terrorism implies. Since 9/11, continuing with the abductions of Boko Haram in Africa and executions perpetrated by ISIS, the international community became more aware of the implications of this phenomenon. Also, something that is being developed in parallel with the massive spread is the interest of the academy in deeply research the particular manifestations of this system of terror. Within these demonstrations can be considered state terrorism and cyber-terrorism, citing cases such as students Ayotzinapa and hacking of Sony Company, as examples respectively. The variations only demonstrate how wide is the topic and the potential benefits to be explored. Among its causes, effects, actors, and even between the same existing theories, are aspects that invite you to delve into its study to understand terrorism from a more critical perspective. April, 27th
Terrorism has been a thorny issue for governments and states for years. Many governments have suffered from terrorism in a remarkable manner. Civilians have been killed, properties destroyed, governments derailed and leaders maimed or removed, because of terrorism. Theorists, protagonists and authors have conducted researchers in terrorism and its causes. However, the results have often stirred controversy than finding solutions. Various forms of terrorism have also been identified as means of segmenting and finding solutions to dealing with terrorism. This paper critically analyses terrorism and its various forms. The nature of terrorism and how it is used to label certain governments and justifications to invade other states in the name of combating terrorism will be discussed. Focus will also be based on critical case studies of what may be termed terrorist acts, as aligned to the use of the term in its various forms.
Terrorism has been widely used as a tool by extremist to achieve their political, religious, and ideological agendas. The most worrying issue about terrorism is that innocent civilians are targeted, and they are considered as soft targets. Terrorists consider themselves above the law and normally do not work within the legal and ethical frame of the common army. The mass destruction committed by terrorists is also monstrous in comparison to normal criminals, usually the cause of a huge number of deaths and devastation of properties. Religion is typically used as a motivation for terrorism act where ignorant people are deceived to commit acts of terrorism in the name of religion. This is done by cunning designed doctrines which are used to instigate the perpetrators. Therefore, a better counter-narrative to overcome such doctrines. The use of legal means has proven worldwide to be one of the most effective ways to overcome terrorism. The inculcation of ethics is also important as eth...
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European Modern Studies Journal, 2021
The Colloquia, 2020
Anthropological Quarterly, 2010
Al Khadim Research journal of Islamic culture and Civilization, 2021
International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 2019