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2019, Славянский альманах 2019. Вып. 1–2.…
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Николай Васильевич Савельев-Ростиславич (1815 –1854) – известный в 40-е гг. 40-е гг. XIX в. и весьма плодовитый русский публицист, поклонник, единомышленник и последователь всеславянских идей Юрий Венелина и Федора Морошкина, доведший в своих работах эти идеи до совершенного гротеска. Но не этой, основной, теме занятий публициста посвящена статья, а забытому ныне родословному проекту Савельева-Ростиславича, мнившего себя потомком патриарха Иоакима и предпринявшего некоторые усилия для презентации этого мнения в печати от чужого имени. Несмотря на явную фантастичность и отсутствие свидетельств-первоисточников, проект этот оказал известное влияние на русскую и болгарскую историографию, сказывающееся по сей день. Иных исследователей соблазняет возможность порассуждать о «втором Тырновском восстании» против османской власти в 1686 году под руководством боярина Ростислава Стратимировича, претендента на княжеский престол Болгарии, хотя другие описывают версию о происхождении Савельева от болгарских царей как «курьезный факт». В статье приводятся малоизвестные сведения о последних годах Савельева, сохранившиеся в работе болгарского слависта Ивана Шишманова, собранные им во время Гражданской войны в Одессе, и, отчасти, объясняющие причины, по которым Савельев столь рано и внезапно прекратил свою довольно активную публицистическую деятельность.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 4, История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения. – 2024. – Т. 29, № 1. – С. 87–101., 2024
Introduction. The article analyzes the biography and diplomatic activities of Nikolai Vasilievich Novikov (1903-1989), a Soviet diplomat who represented the USSR in Cairo and in Washington during World War II and took part in the efforts to establish a new system of international relations at the beginning of the Cold War. Methods and materials. The article is based on published texts by Nikolai Novikov himself, diplomatic documents, periodicals, and materials from his personal archive, deposited in the Archive of the European University at St. Petersburg by the diplomat's family. Analysis. The authors examine Novikov's biography, the reasons for his rapid career in the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, his relations with Soviet foreign policy managers, and the circumstances of his resignation at a relatively young age. Special attention is paid to Novikov's activities in the United States in the context of the emerging Cold War, the place of Novikov's note (cable) in the process of shaping Soviet approaches to relations with the United States, and his own attitude to these approaches. Results. Novikov's contribution to the shaping of the postwar world is underappreciated, as are his attempts to resist the changes that were breaking Soviet-American cooperation in the international arena. In fact, the strategic concepts formulated by Novikov in a memo to Molotov were the basis of the official Soviet interpretation of the causes and nature of the Cold War and were included in Soviet school and university textbooks on universal history and the history of international relations. Authors' contributions. A.I. Kubyshkin analyzed the most important stages of Nikolai Novikov's diplomatic activity and the general situation in relations between the USSR and the USA during the Second World War. He assessed Novikov's activities from the political leadership of the USSR and foreign countries in which the Soviet diplomat worked. He also examined the most important aspects of the activities of Soviet diplomacy reflected in Novikov's memoirs and carried out their internal criticism as a historical source. I.I. Kurilla processed the archive of Nikolai Novikov and identified and analyzed the corpus of sources of personal origin. He also analyzed the contents of Nikolai Novikov's personal diaries, reviewed the personal contribution of N.V. Novikov in developing a strategy in relations with the United States in the initial period of the Cold War, and compared the contents of the "long telegram" of J. Kennan and the "Novikov telegram".
Petr Pokryshkin (1870–1922) is an outstanding Russian architect, restorer and archaeologist; his works determined the direction of the development of Russian architectural archaeology in the 20th century. The paper by nadezhda Platonova, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, ‘Last years of Petr P. Pokryshkin’ describes the last years of the scholar’s work in Petrograd (1917–1919), as well as the reasons which made him become a priest in 1920. Some important epistolary materials revealing the diffcult circumstances of this period are published here for the frst time.
Годишник на Шуменския университет. Факултет по хуманитарни науки, 2021
The article discusses „Poslatelnikat“, the sixth part of the famous encyclopedic edition of „Slavenobolgarskoe Detevodstvo“ by Neofit Bozveli and Emanuil Vaskidovich (Kragujevac, 1835). The study focuses on the views of the two prominent Revival figures, conceptualised in the context of the second quarter of the 19th century - a time of controversy and choices regarding the type of education, upbringing of the younger generation, the nature of literary language and other important issues, which are on the agenda of the Bulgarian intellectuals, associated with the ideas of the European Enlightenment.
Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия ля студентов высших технических учебных заведений Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс» 2001 УДК 621.38 (075.8) ББК 32.85 Л 31
Обсерватория культуры., 2018
The article reveals the actual significance of V.V. Rozanov’s thoughts, recorded in his archive heritage. Those thoughts are relevant to determine the objective assessment of the events that took place in the theater of operations of the First World War and their impact on the future of Russia. It is noted that the attitude of the thinker was changing while moving to the fi nal of the combat campaign. These facts are refl ected in his famous “Apocalypse of our Time”. In the process of increasing the number of military defeats at the front, V.V. Rozanov in his texts less and less believed in a successful outcome of the war. His fi rst thoughts about what had happened did not see the light during the life of the writer and survived only in his literaryepistolary archive, part of which is stored in the Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library. For the fi rst time, a signifi cant fragment of V.V. Rozanov’s letter to his eldest daughter Tatyana is published, telling about the imminent иtragedy that threatened the country after the army’s defeat. V.V. Rozanov saw that a signifi cant role in Russia’s military failures was played by the corrupting liberal and revolutionary press, its infl uence on the public consciousness. It was not only he who foresaw the catastrophic fi nale. In this regard, the article gives an analogy with the ideas of his newspaper colleague, journalist M.O. Menshikov, who entrusted his thoughts in the last months of the war only to his Diary. The studies reveal much in common not only in their individual lives, but also in the attitudes and views on the historical process in the last literary creations of the thinkers.
V.V.Babaytseva. Papers of recent years, 2014
В третьем сборнике статьей известного ученого В.В.Бабайцевой («Избранное. 1955–2005», «Избранное. 2005–2010», «Статьи последних лет» – 2014) разрабатывается проблематика предшествующих исследований: теория лингвистики, грамматика, вопросы орфографии и пунктуации, лингвометодические идеи. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам взаимодействия языка и речи. Книга адресована учителям, аспирантам, преподавателям вузов и всем, кто изучает русский язык. In the third collection of papers of the famous scientist V.V.Babaytseva ("Selected works. 1955–2005", " Selected works. 2005–2010", "Papers of recent years" – 2014) the problems of previous studies are developed: the theory of linguistics, grammar, spelling and punctuation issues, linguistic and methodological ideas. Special attention is paid to the interaction of language and speech. The book is addressed to teachers, graduate students, university teachers and anyone who studies Russian.
Материалы международного круглого стола памяти профессора Николая Львовича Мусхелишвили (под ред. М.М. Базлева и А.В. Юдина). Studia Religiosa Rossica: научный журнал о религии. 2024;(3):27-74., 2024
On 13 October 2023, within the framework of the VI Congress of the Russian Religious Studies Society, an international round table in memory of Professor Nikolai Lvovich Muskhelishvili was held within the walls of the Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky Humanitarian University in Moscow. Due to the hybrid format of presentations, the round table was attended by former colleagues of Nikolai L. Muskhelishvili from Russia, Italy, Great Britain, Canada and Ukraine. The roundtable was moderated by Mikhail Maksimovich Bazlev and Alexei Viktorovich Yudin. The article contains the materials presented by the participants of the round table, restored and edited from the record. Their purpose is to attempt to restore the image of Professor Muskhelishvili, the tasks he set and the meanings that unfolded around him and thanks to him. 13 октября 2023 г. в рамках VI Конгресса Русского религиоведческого общества в стенах Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета в Москве прошел международный круглый стол памяти профессора Николая Львовича Мусхелишвили. Благодаря гибридному формату выступлений участие в круглом столе приняли бывшие коллеги Николая Львовича как из России, так и Италии, Великобритании, Канады и Украины. Модераторами круглого стола выступили Михаил Максимович Базлев и Алексей Викторович Юдин. В статье приводятся восстановленные и отредактированные по записи материалы, представленные участниками круглого стола. Их целью является попытка восстановить образ профессора Мусхелишвили, поставленные им задачи и те смыслы, что раскрывались вокруг него и благодаря ему.
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Політичні інститути: механізм формування, 2023
Novogardia. №3, 2019
Studia Methodologica, 2020
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Успехи математических наук, 2014
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk
Стоюхина Н.Ю. Судьба и научное творчество Серафима Михайловича Василейского // Методология и история психологии. 2010. Т. 5. № 2. С. 115-131.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 2021
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 2022
Вестник Российской академии медицинских наук, 2012