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2016, isara solutions…
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One way to judge the status of a nation is to study the status of its women. In realty the status of women represents the standard of culture of any age. The social status of the women of a country symbolizes the social spirit of the age.' However to draw a conclusion about the position of women is a difficult and complicated problem it is therefore necessary to trace his position in the historical perspective in the course of Indian history form prehistoric to modem times there were distinct stages of the rise and fall in the status and role of women.
Mumukshu journal of Humanities, 2017
The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. With a decline in their status from the ancient to medieval times, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, their history has been eventful. In modern India, women have held high offices including that of the President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Leader of the Opposition, Union Ministers, Chief Ministers and Governors. POSITION OF WOMEN IN ANCIENT PERIOD Women in Vedic Period Historical studies and the scriptures indicate that Indian woman enjoyed a comparatively high status during the early Vedic period (2000 B.C. to 1000 B.C.), surpassing contemporary civilizations in ancient Greece and Rome. The Aryans, who were mostly busy fighting wars, regarded woman as useful and productive members of society. The condition of Vedic Woman was good. Woman also enjoyed religious status like that of men, especially in Vedic initiation and studies. The Rig Veda provides ample evidence to prove the concept of equality of woman with men as regards access and capacity to acquire the highest knowledge, even the absolute knowledge.
One way to judge the state of nation of the study of the status of its women. In reality, the status of Women represents the standard of culture of any age. The social status of the women of a country symbolised the social sprit of the age. However to draw a conclusion about the position of women is a difficult and complicated problem. It is therefore , necessary to trace this position in the historical prespective. In the course of Indian history from prehistoric to modern times, there were distinct stages of the rise and fall in the status and role of women. A study of Ancient literature reveals that during peace time the position of women was not satisfactory. The status of women was considered to be equal to that the Sudras and killing of women was also not considered as a disgraceful act. The information on the traditional status and role of women is derived from historical accounts and classic texts. For the purpose of depending a brief history of the changing position and role of women in India. The literature on Indian history abounds with countradictory conflicting views on the status of women. It can properly be understood within the socio cultural condition of the society. Women is the companion of the man gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to parcipate in the minuest details of the activities of man, and she has the same right of freedom and liberty as he. The contradictory view about women " s status is a cause of the emergence of the ideals of womanhood at different times. The concept of " Ardhangini " suggest that there was equality between men and women ,neither of the two being superior to the other. There are recorded evidence to show that for many centuries position of women continued to be one in which she did not have either legal or social rights to make her independent of the family into which she was born or married. Therefore, it may be concluded that the status of women is a complex question and has to be studies as an integral part of the socio-economics structure in which women live.
Journal, 2019
Woman constitutes the key role in the Indian society. Women in ancient India enjoyed high status in society and their condition was good. The Ancient and medieval status of women in modern Indian society regarding Equality, Education, Marriage and Family life, Race and Gender, Religion and Culture is maintained or deteriorated. The Vedic women had economic freedom. Some women were engaged in teaching work. Home was the place of production. Spinning and weaving of clothes were done at home. Women also helped their husbands in agricultural pursuit. In the religious field, wife enjoyed full rights and regularly participated in religious ceremonies with her husband. Religious ceremonies and sacrifices were performed jointly by the husband and wife. Women even participated actively in religious discourses. The status of women improved a little during the Buddhist period though there was no tremendous change. The role of women in Ancient Indian Literature is immense. Ancient India had many learned ladies. The Medieval period (Period between 500 A.D to 1500 A.D) proved to be highly disappointing for the Indian women, for their status further deteriorated during this period. Through this study we come to the conclusion that as the women has equal participation in human development. She is half of the human race. But she lacks in society. Women are not treated with respect as in the Ancient Indian society. Lot of crime against women is seen in the modern society. The Constitutional provisions are not sufficient to get the
One way to judge the status of a nation is to study the status of its women. In realty the status of women represents the standard of culture of any age. The social status of the women of a country symbolizes the social spirit of the age.' However to draw a conclusion about the position of women is a difficult and complicated problem it is therefore necessary to trace his position in the historical perspective in the course of Indian history form prehistoric to modem times there were distinct stages of the rise and fall in the status and role of women.
Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you educate a family." --A.Cripps "You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of women" --Pandit Jawaharlal Neharu
International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 2017
One of the major problems of Indian society is the inferior position accorded to women. They do not enjoy equal status and their condition is far from satisfactory. In this article, we have tried to cover the condition, status and position of women in a different period, viz. Ancient, Medieval, British and Present Time. Any assessment of the status of women has to start with the social framework, social structures, cultural norms and value systems that influence social expectations regarding the behaviour of both men and women and determine women’s roles and their position in society. A society is composed of many institutions and most important of them are the system of decent, family and kinship, marriage and religious traditions. They provide the ideology and moral basis for men and women about their rights and duties and their status and role.
This article provides a series of analytical reflections on the women’s status and their position in social life through time in multidimensional aspects during the Vedic period. Efforts have been made to understand the dynamics of women’s status across the transformation of society and the rise and fall of the culture and adaptability with the civilization. It is observed through Vedic literature that at one time in India - in the ancient Vedic period – they enjoyed equal rights. They were given their all due respects and they played a very active and important role in running the family to manage and maintain the social order. Education was from top to bottom for all women was equally required irrespective to any kind of discrimination as during the instruction for women in Veda no evidence found which indicate for any particular Varna or class. Women Law makers like Gargi and Maitreyi not only contributed in law making but they also interpreted the law. In the paper evidences from the Veda, Mahabharata and Manusmriti have been taken to analyze the situation. Also it is found that because of their individual freedom they had their social position as high as men, and this was all through equally at all levels.
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 2018
This article deals with the changes in women's status from the Rig-Vedic Period to the present era. Rig Vedic Aryan women enjoyed a position of equality and were respected in family and society. The status of women deteriorated in society. Buddhism and Jainism upheld women's status to some extent, but during British rule, the condition of women in society was far from satisfactory. The Hindu women were victims of Sati, Purdah, female infanticide, child marriage, etc. This condition prevailed almost all over the country. The emergence of a renaissance in the nineteenth century opened the eye of Indian intelligentsia to the disgraceful social condition of women. Religious and social organisations like the Brahmo Samaj, The Aryan Samaj and Ram Krishan Mission were sought for the cause of women. In the twentieth century, some progress was observed in women's education which gave rise to the elevation of women's status visa -vis political affairs of the country.
Gender as a socio-cultural construct of assignment of role, responsibility, value, attitudes and status to two different sex . Women as a socio-culturally devalued gender in Indian society and the facets of valuation or devaluation has a historical perspective. In this paper attempt is made the status of women in different times and initiatives taken by society to ameliorate the condition. But in spite of several constitutional measures or different plane or policies taken by government, till date their social status has not changed. So along with Government different Non Governmental organisations should come forward for their empowerment.
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International Journal of Management and Humanities, 2021
Educational Administration Theory and Practice Journal, 2024
isara solutions, 2019
IJRAR2002583 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 7, Issue 3, 2020
isara solutions, 2014
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences, 2018
Journal of South Asian Studies, 2018