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Indian women have reached on the top of the world. Their status has increased in all the aspects. In the fields of politics, education, economy, sports and so on there have been remarkable achievements to the credit of women. But it is not proportional to the actual talents and capabilities of Indian women. Constitution of India provides equal status for both women and men.
The status of women in modern India is a sort of a paradox. If on one hand, she is at the peak of the ladder of success, on the otherhand she is mutely suffering the violence afflicted on her by her ownfamily members. As compared with past women in modern times haveachieved a lot but in reality, they have to still travel a long way. In themodern times, Indian women were given liberties and rights such asfreedom of expression and equality, as well as right to get education.But still today, we are fighting for crisis such as dowry, femaleinfanticide, sex selective abortions, health, domestic violence,malnutrition, sexual exploitation, molestation, rape and evenmurdered.
isara solutions, 2019
The status of women in India has been subjected to many great changes over the past few decades.Women have been progressed,educated and employed by reforms and upliftment which brought a radical change in the society but without touching the roots of the problems that women have been fighting with. Women's rights under the constitution mainly include equality, dignity, and freedom from discrimination; additionally, India has various statutes governing the rights of women. However, women in India continue to face numerous problems such as sexual assault, gender inequality and dowry.The status of women in India is like the eco system of the earth, losing its actual shape and qualities and taking a new change imbalanced and unwanted leading to a smaller problem to a bigger one.
International journal of health sciences
Female collectively constitute maximum portion of the population worldwide, and they are also granted with the equal rights like men but then also the women are subjected to bigotry. They are not able to get desired place in the society like men and there is no such society till now where women can enjoy satisfactory level of equality with men. Numerous times the females face discrimination on various grounds like gender, physical ability and many more, and there are numerous countries where they are subjected to bigotry because of their weaker financial position or capacity. There is an essential requirement which needs to be complied with, that the Union and the concerned State governments are collectively required to pay their important attention towards this issue because as we all know that women are also having certain rights like the Right to hold any estate, house, or any other tangible or intangible property which is important for their dignified life and also for the prosp...
Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you educate a family." --A.Cripps "You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of women" --Pandit Jawaharlal Neharu
International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 2017
One of the major problems of Indian society is the inferior position accorded to women. They do not enjoy equal status and their condition is far from satisfactory. In this article, we have tried to cover the condition, status and position of women in a different period, viz. Ancient, Medieval, British and Present Time. Any assessment of the status of women has to start with the social framework, social structures, cultural norms and value systems that influence social expectations regarding the behaviour of both men and women and determine women’s roles and their position in society. A society is composed of many institutions and most important of them are the system of decent, family and kinship, marriage and religious traditions. They provide the ideology and moral basis for men and women about their rights and duties and their status and role.
The U.N held a millennium summit in 2000 with a robust declaration for bringing about gender equality. The disparity between men and women in India is glaring for historical reasons evolved in stages through changed situations SocioEconomic Fields with greater emphasis on patriarchal in sowed rather than on metriarchical. However, the question before us is whether UN summit of 2000 took into consideration the SocioEconomic relations of India being subsequently led to the wider chasm/rupture between Indian women and men based on Socio-Religious and economic cords leading further is the denigration and denial of her right to life, dignity etc. These papers mainly focus on women's right and attempts to explore the possibilities of bringing uniformity in terms of rights and responsibilities though the women rights in India have evolved in the patriarchal style and hence have patriarchal orientation. Throughout this paper a solemn attempts has been made to discuss the challenges before that Indian women such as female feticide, dowry, trafficking, of girls and denial of their due rights. However, the objectives of the paper are what are the possibilities and practices that could revamp Indian society with gender being equal and secondly, the legal option and constitutional guarantees will be dealt with exploring the possibilities and prospects for Indian women to be equal to men.
From the inception of life itself, women are being discriminated against men as reflected by the unequal sex ratio in India. Missing women (gender gap) and literacy gap in the majority of Indian states and even in Kerala, Lakshadweep, Goa and Tripura, the so called most literate States/U.Ts of India reveals the extent of marginalisation. A paltry share in representing the country in its national parliament, lesser work participation rate and greater vulnerability in employment mirrors their exclusion in case of resource sharing, participation and well being. Higher mortality rates, poor nutritional status, greater sterilisation rates, little information about HIV/AIDS and growing crimes against women are the key features of their life and well-being. Till date ‘Say’ in their own families or the decision making power is a day dream for women narrating the saga of the quality of life being led by them in India.
Gender as a socio-cultural construct of assignment of role, responsibility, value, attitudes and status to two different sex . Women as a socio-culturally devalued gender in Indian society and the facets of valuation or devaluation has a historical perspective. In this paper attempt is made the status of women in different times and initiatives taken by society to ameliorate the condition. But in spite of several constitutional measures or different plane or policies taken by government, till date their social status has not changed. So along with Government different Non Governmental organisations should come forward for their empowerment.
Gender inequalities are reflected in the daily realities of women " s and girls " lives including: the disproportionate number of women among those living in poverty. In India women are worshiped as devi but still deprived of basic human rights. In spite of constituting half of the population, they are considered as marginalized group and second-class citizen. The United Nations ranks India as a middle-income country. Findings from the World Economic Forum indicate that India is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of gender inequality. In order to uplift her status and to give her an egalitarian atmosphere we must consider her a human first and then we should provide all the rights given to human being. The present paper will use secondary data from newspapers and various authentic organizations as base of analysis. The paper will investigate various aspects of gender inequality prevail in India. The paper will also suggest some remedies for the upliftment of status of women in society.
Women constitute almost 50% of the world's population but India has shown disproportionate sex ratio whereby female's population has been comparatively lower than males.There are 940 females per 1000 male. Literacy rate of males is 82.14% while of female is 65.46 %. As far as their social status is concerned, they are not treated as equal to men in all the places.Though women's are equally competent to men in every activity but they are highly involved in reproductive role only.Despite of various researches, programmes and policies of Government, international agreements, conferences, recommendations and passing of women reservation bill in Parliament, the participation of women in politics is still lacking behind and it is very low in comparison to men in India. The political participation meaning is not confined only to right to vote given forwomen but it also involves active participation of women in political consciousness , activism and decision making process. We can see that women is empowered to some extent economically, socially, nutritionally as well as technology, but the pace of political empowerment is too much slow among them. So, this is matter of great concern for our nation, why women is not giving their participation in politics and women should be involved in local as well as national decision making bodies. Gender equality could be achieved by strengthening women's rights and addressing barriers to their political participation.
IRJET, 2020
The Status of Women in Complex Society like India is not uniform. This article attempts to analyse the gender discrimination in India, to examine the educational status of women in India; to study the parliamentary status of women in India; and to offer prescriptions for reduction of gender discrimination. Women's status in Karnataka some progresses were made in various fields. The last five decades have witnessed some basic changes in the status and role of women in our society. Today this progress has been further accelerated with some women becoming increasingly self-conscious of their discrimination in several areas of the family and public life. They are also in a position to mobilize themselves on issues which affect them vitally, and constitute a significant segment in the electoral politics.
The position of women during ancient time was quite intricate due to some of the contradictory affirmation in various other religions doctrine. Not only in religious book but the views of woman differ indifferent states and cities. In some areas woman was considered to be equal to men but the other states woman was treated in hatred and burden for the nation. This is the real reason the country India is still a developing nation and some sociologists faces difficulty in assessing the position of women in India. This paper will discuss about the position of women during ancient time and woman"s empowerment. In this paper it will illustrate about the woman empowerment India and its issues and impacts of empowerment. In this present scenario where men and women is walking hand in hand in all aspects of fields. Thus, the issue of woman empowerment is an acute matter to be looked upon. As still now the position of women is delusion and misconception in actuality. One can see how women is treated and tortured by the evil hands of society but no-one has taken a concrete steps to protect the woman. Though the rights and duties of women is clearly enshrined in the books of constitution. The constitution grants and guarantees rights and equality to woman but it also authorises the nation take effective steps towards constructive intolerance 1. But now the position of women has somewhat changed as woman come and participate in the decisions of Parliament. Men of present generation also upholds their women as a superior element in all matters of their life. Woman are a supporter and guider to the nation. Woman also plays a significant role in the conservation of environment. As woman was considered to be a 'Prakriti' which means nature through the Indian philosophy. As the woman is a cultivator and nourisherwhich supports a bud to bloom into the new society. Therefore, the woman is the one who strongly believe in to conservation and protection of environment as environment is one of the essential aspect which needs to be taken care of. In recent times some brave ladies named MedhaPatekar who was a socialist, Maneka Gandhi who was an environmentalist are actively participating in the safeguarding and protection of environment. India cannot flourish until and unless the woman is not participated in the political, social, economic and environmental issues. It is basic responsibility of the nation to include the women in every aspect of life. Therefore, attempts have been made to increase the status of women in the society. Therefore, this paper is surrounded by the position and role of woman in India. As woman is the real being who can make, destroy and create the nation to attain success 2 .
Journal of Humanities and Culture, UGC Approved Journal ! ISSN 2393-8285, 2015
improved. It is impossible for a bird to fly on only one wing." -Swami Vivekananda.
Educational Administration Theory and Practice Journal, 2024
This paper delves into the intricate relationship between men and women within the Indian societal framework, focusing on historical and sociological perspectives. Despite the universally accepted principle of gender equality, Indian society reflects a complex interplay of socioeconomic conditions, policies, practices, and cultural norms that have historically positioned women in subordinate roles. The paper provides a chronological examination of the status of Hindu women from the Vedic period (1500 BCE-500 BCE) through to the end of British rule in 1947, highlighting key aspects of their lives, including childhood, education, marriage, divorce, and property rights. The paper examines practices such as child marriage, dowry, and female infanticide, emphasizing their impact on women's societal roles and opportunities for education. Furthermore, the paper sheds light on legislative efforts made during British rule to address these issues and their limited success due to persistent societal biases. In conclusion, the paper underscores the importance of recognizing the historical and cultural dimensions of gender inequality to effectively address and dismantle the structures that sustain it.
International Journal of Social Economics, 1997
Argues that legal and constitutional rights in themselves do not change social attitudes. In the longer term these attitudes are conditioned by economic pressures, which would ultimately lead to improvement in the status of women. In the Indian context, developmental planning and urbanization did not have a specific focus on the role of women in economic change. As a result, development and urbanization led to very uneven results for different categories of women in India. While the poor women in rural India were left behind, the middle class educated women were able to improve their economic and social status as a result of urbanization and development. Again, Muslim women were unable to make as much social progress as did the Christian and Hindu women.
The status of women is one of important aspects to study in every era. In Ancient Indian society status of women is some extent satisfactory. In recent years the role of women has undergone some drastic changes due to globalization and commercialism. This paper investigate whether the status of women in modern Indian society regarding Equality, Education, Health, Employment, Marriage and Family life, Race and Gender, Religion and Culture is maintained or deteriorated. It also explores that as the society is developed in 21st century the position and respect of women is deteriorated after so many constitutional provisions what are the factors behind it. Keywords: Society, status, rights, participation, patriarchy, community.
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