Sekret Credo (The Secret of Creed)


The "Creed" is not an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, of which Love is the most important. How to cross time and space? Become sick with love? To experience carnality and intimacy in delight? To touch the top and bottom? Feel the earth trembling underfoot? In the Church it is possible: it is enough to rediscover the mysteries of the confession of faith in the Triune God... Father Robert Woźniak, an esteemed theologian and winner of the Father Józef Tischner Prize, on the basis of the text "Credo" reminds us of fascinating secrets that are hidden in the essence of our faith. The clergyman shows that it is not only an empty formula, but a dynamic network of relations, the most important of which is Love - the basis of the community of the Church.