Przyszłość, teologia, społeczeństwo (Future, Theology, Society)



The subject of the book is the relationship between theology and the construction of the human future. In this perspective, the future, theology, society provides an answer to the question of whether we can talk about the contribution of theology to the construction of the societies of tomorrow. It turns out that theology, as far as it is a word about God, is at the same time a discourse of outstanding social utility. In the depths of human attempts to understand the revealed mystery of God there is an answer to the question about the essence of human being in the world. In this way a new image of theology emerges in its relationship with the human future. The future, theology, society is a kind of introduction to theology seen from the perspective of its creative involvement in human and world history. The book is also a proposal and encouragement to develop a new, creative, harmonious and balanced relationship between theology and social sciences. Father Robert J. Woźniak for his book "The Future, Theology, Society" received in 2008 the Father Józef Tischner Award in the category of religious or philosophical writing, which is a continuation of "thinking according to values". Justification for the award: Father Robert J. Woźniak is passionate about proving that theology does not have to freeze in ossified formulas and that it also has its social dimension. In his original book he tries to look at what kind of Christianity and what kind of God is just before us. He builds wise hope.