La espiritualidad del matrimonio después del Concilio Vaticano II

2015, Salamanticensis

The Church understands the conjugal live as sacrament, i. e. as sign and instrument for God’s relationship with humanity. Marital life is a sign for God’s love to humankind and for Christ’s covenant with the Church, but also an original form of “doing theology”, of knowing God’s love and grace by witnessing it. In this sense it is an effective instrument to make God’s love and grace really present and experienciable. The Second Vatican Council strongly stresses the biblical understanding of the marriage as covenant by overcoming a primarily juridical view and emphasising the personal dimension of conjugal love and life. This is very meaningful for the development of the spirituality of marriage, because it allows interpreting it in the light of faith the integral marital life as encounter with the loving God: its spiritual aspects as well as the sensual dimension, its beautiful aspects as well as the human experiences of limits, brokenness, and fault. The wedding promise serves like an echo of God’s fundamental affirmation of every human being, of Christ’s fidelity to his Church. It is like the “taste” of the promised salvation: God’s “yes” at the end will be stronger than every human denial.