ORIENT (2019) Politics after Turkey’s exit from democracy

2019, Der Orient (III, 31-38).

In 2016, Karabekir Akkoyunlu and I argued that Turkey has seen a radical authoritarian shift “to the extent that we can safely assert the country is now in the process of exiting the most basic provisions of a democratic regime, i.e. a level playing field for incumbents and challengers in electoral campaigning, the safe transfer of power after a loss of elections and a minimum consideration by those in power for society as a whole rather than exclusively for their clients”. The article’s title ‘Exit from Democracy’ alarmed the journal’s editor, who was concerned that it may be perceived as polemical or biased. Thankfully, we were allowed to keep the title at a time, when many authors were trying to make sense of Turkey’s political transformation with reference to the literatures on the ‘decline of democracy’ or ‘competitive authoritarianism’. Yet these literatures, based as they are on decades of surveys and case studies of democratisation and concerned with issues of nomenclature and ideal typologies, face formidable constraints in explaining cases of semi-revolutionary regime change as has been the case in Turkey at least since the repeat elections of November 2015.