Stability Policing: Why is it taking root so slowly?

2020, Militaire Spectator


In this reaction, the criminalised power structures (as pointed at by Dziedzic) are placed in the broader perspective of undermining authority. At the same time the question is raised whether the high-risk security environment in post-conflict situations hinders making a thorough analysis or even makes this impossible. Furthermore, the reaction reflects on the effects of a military centric or civil centric approach and the somewhat ambiguous role of gendarmerie-type forces during the phases of stabilisation and reconstruction towards peacebuilding and peace sustainment. This ambiguity can be largely explained by the unfamiliarity with the hybrid character of these forces and the quest for a balance between 'clear military chain of command structures' and the search for positioning of the gendarmeries in such a way that maximum advantage is taken of their hybrid character.