自然体 British Aikido Association Shizentai feature collection

2020, Senta Yamada: the father of UK Tomiki Aikido


A short biography of Senta Yamada 6 Dan Aikido and 6 Dan Judo, who introduced Kenji Tomiki's competitive randori aikido system to the UK. Yamada learnt aikido directly from Ueshiba and judo from Kano before he became a close student of Kenji Tomiki. Tomiki was at one time Ueshiba's highest ranked student and at the same time a close student of Jigoro Kano. Yamada brought Tomiki's system, a modernised budo based on aikido techniques and judo pedagogy to London in the late 1950s, founding his first Tomiki Aikido club at the London Judo Society.