Challenges to Realism in The African Graphic Novel


The Graphical novel is a literary form that has existed in Africa more prominently in the last 50 years in predominantly Francophone countries. They were initially widely circulated in countries like Congo, Ivory Coast, DRC, Gabon such as Life of Pahe, Aya of Yop City and Mandrill (Africa Arts, 2007). Since its inception in the 1890’s the graphic novel and comic as a literally form has evolved, both with the help of scientific treatment and a rise in intellectual readership. Although still looked down on as an inferior literary form, studies in graphic novels and comics have seen an increase both in their quality and the source material being studied. In Comparison to its Western counterparts, the comic and Graphic novel industry is somewhat young and can be termed as ‘negligible’. However, this paper, pooling source material from select countries throughout Africa (to create large enough source material) seeks to investigate the nature of this literary form (African contemporary graphic novels and comics) and analyze it comparatively to the conventional contemporary fictional, African literary novel.