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2020, IJRDO - Journal of Educational Research ISSN: 2456-2947…
20 pages
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This study aimed to determine the utilization of multi-media in teaching learning process in Manalongon Nicolas N. Lajot Central School, Sta. Catalina District I, involving 95 respondents of 46 male and 49 female, using the whole population of Grade V during the SY 2017-2018. This study is a descriptive design as the main data gathering instrument. The modified questionnaire was based on the questionnaire of Demetrio Catid. Since this was a modified questionnaire, the trial run was conducted in Mabuhay Elementary School, to find out the internal reliability and consistency of the items the researcher used cronbach alpha. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part one was the respondent's demographic profile and part two was the areas of multi-media utilization in teaching-learning process. The study utilized the frequency distribution, percentage, weighted mean and composite mean for the statistical treatment. Findings revealed the following: The composite mean obtained in the following areas were: learner's motivation 3.56 (Very Helpful), learner's cognition 3.49 (Very Helpful), learner's interaction 3.44 (Very Helpful), the learner's engagement 3.22 (Very Helpful). Recommendations included the following: that the teachers must be computer literate; that multimedia be used frequently in teaching to encourage learners to be active in the class, that the school must have enough computer units and a skilled personnel to maintain and secure the technological devices prey from vandals.performance.
This study is motivated by the low active learning of Paket B student in PKBM Iftitah Padang Panjang City. The purposes of this study are: (1) describes variation of media learning uses by tutor, (2) describes the active learning of student in Paket B, (3) describes the correlation between variation of media learning uses by tutor with the active learning of student in Paket B. The type of this research is quantitative correlational. The population of this study amounted to 40 people. The study sample is 75 % of the population that is 30 people, the technique is used stratified random sampling. The collecting data technique uses questioner. The data analysis techniques use a percentage formula and product moment correlation formula. The results of the study show that: (1) variation of media learning uses by the tutor is still low variety categorized, (2) the active learning of student in Paket B is still low categorized. (3) there is a significant correlation between the variation o...
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The purpose of this study is to find out how digital learning media can be effectively delivered to elementary school students in Banyumas, Kebumen, and Banjarnegara areas. The use of digital media as a supporting media for the learning process is something that must be done in the last four years. This is becoming critical issue during the COVID-19 pandemic, where learning is done online. Teachers at the elementary, junior high school, senior high school and college levels must adapt to the technological developments for developing learning materials. They must also learn on how to deliver learning materials without having to meet their students face to face. Problems occur when students do not understand or do not have necessary facilities for online learning during the pandemic. Another issue is the internet quality (such as poor connection) that does not support the online teaching method, especially for elementary and junior high school. In short, the problems that arise are: 1) Teaching of material that must be done online during COVID-19 pandemic, 2) Unstable internet access or poor internet connection, 3) Less effectiveness for students' understanding because of the nature of learning materials. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with field observations. The results obtained from this study are how digital media can adapt to the needs of small storage space and use offline to target elementary school students who are in difficult signal areas, and how digital graphic communication can convey the contents of learning materials effectively.
Al-Ta lim Journal, 2017
This research aims to find the teacher condition in teaching relating to the use of instructional media. This study used descriptive qualitative method to gain the data in which the the researcher play his role as the major Instrument and put the teachers as the key informant while the secondary informant is the principal. The results of the research shows that the teachers were satisfied with what he/she has always do, and they feel there is no need to be changed or developed on the pattern of teaching and learning with the help of the media. This research conclude that teachers assumee that teaching does not suported by various types of media and it make them have lack ability to use the learning media. Finally, this reseach recomend the teacher to change their habbit in using the media while the school leader provide them with opportunities to utilize the media in their teaching process.
The use of interactive-based instructional materials for teaching Bahasa Indonesia enables students to develop their cognitive skills. The current research is a development study which consists of four steps: definition, design, development, and dissemination. The definition stage is conducted based on the needs analysis, both for students and for teachers. Data were collected using student response questionnaire. The purpose of the needs analysis was to determine the tendency of student and teacher response to use instructional media. Subjects in this research are students of grade V SD Padang Timur academic year 2016/2017. The result of the of the research shows that the tendency of teacher and student response to the use of instructional media for leaning Bahasa Indonesia are diverse. The analysis of tendency using media by teacher indicates that basically, the teachers have positive response toward the benefits of using instructional media, while the tendency of students show their interest in using instructional media since they can access the media via the android program. Based on the analysis of the requirement, it is designed interactive multimedia-based media for learning Bahasa Indonesia to be used by teachers and students, both at home and at school.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Multimedia in learning could make the learning atmosphere more attractive for student attention and student interactions. The objectives of this research were: (1) describe the use of multimedia learning by elementary school teachers in Kendari City; (2) analyze the comparison of the use of multimedia learning in terms of school accreditation by the teacher at elementary school in Kendari City; (3) analyze aspects of obstacles in the use of multimedia learning for elementary school teachers in Kendari City. This research used mixed methods with a sequential exploratory strategy held at the Kendari City Elementary School. The school sample was determined using the random cluster sampling technique selecting 3 schools from 11 sub-districts. Each sub-district took 2 accredited A and non-A public schools and 1 accredited private school so that the total respondents were 66 people. Research data was collected through observation forms and interviews. The results of this research showed t...
The aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which instructional media is effectively used by secondary school teachers in their day today activities. The research design which was used in this research is the case study. Instruments which were used to gather data were interviews, questionnaires and observation. The population of the research were all 85 teachers and heads of departments (H.O.Ds) at Mkoba 1 High School from which simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 32 teachers and H.O.Ds. The literature reviewed showed that, there were various types of instructional media which could be used for teaching and learning but however there were also various changes which hindered teachers from using instructional media. Findings from the study revealed that, there were a variety of instructional media at Mkoba 1 High School which could be used for teaching and learning. However, teachers did not often use instructional media due to a number of challenges which included, lack of time, lack of knowledge on how to prepare and use the media, inadequate media, and lack of financial resources among other challenges. Teachers and H. O Ds proposed that, Mkoba1 should do staff improvement meetings in order to teach teachers on how to make and use media, and also reduce work load for them so that they could have enough time to use media and also hold fund raising activities in order to raise money to buy teaching media
Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of interactive media to support the effectiveness of thematic learning in elementary schools. This research was an experimental method with one group pretest posttest design. The sample of this research was second grade students of three schools such as SD YPK Mopah Lama, SD Wasur II and SD Theresia Buti Merauke. The number of students was 42 students. The results of data analysis revealed that there was a significant effect on the improvement of thematic learning by applying interactive media, as evidenced by the value of tcount> ttable (3.656> 1.845). Based on the experimental results, there was an increase of 2.476 or 6.11%. Furthermore, based on the effectiveness of the applying of interactive media was in the good category.
GFNPSS-International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2023
Introduction: Teaching aids arouse the interest of learners and help the teachers to explain the concepts easily. Undoubtedly, multimedia are those instructional aides which are used in the classroom to encourage teaching learning process. Methodology: Qualitative Approach used in this study with Action Research Design. Setting th was Apex School, Rohtak, Haryana. Sample size-25school students of 8 class of Apex School. Purposive Sampling techniques were used. Result: The Mean attitude Score was 10.12. The attitude scores regarding use of multimedia in teaching learning process-Were higher in students aged 13-14 years compare to students who aged 11-12 aged. Were higher in male students compare to female students. Were higher in who got information through Family & Friends compare to Mass Media and school teacher. There is a significant association between the school student's attitudes towards use of multimedia in teaching learning process with selected socio-demographic variables. Conclusion: So it is concluded that there is need of proper guidelines at regular interval of time in order to update, motivate and encourage students to participate
International Journal of Advanced Research in Education & Technology (IJARET), 2019
According to Levie and Lentz (as cited in Arsyad, 2002, p.16), there are four functions of teaching media; They are attention function, affective function, cognitive function, and compensatory functions. In terms of the role of the media in the effectiveness
In this era, English plays an important role in opening access to education and career. Regarding the significance, universities in Indonesia not only include English subject in the curriculum, but they also use the English media for other subjects such as books, presentation slides, and video. This application has been a complaint from students, especially the first-year students who are used to using Indonesian media. Therefore, this study aims to see first-year students' readiness in using English media for the learning process. This study adopts mixed-method approach using questionnaires and interview. The result shows the students feel that they have good English skills, but the learning process using English media has not been optimized. Furthermore, this condition has affected the learning process.
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AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
(JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran) Kajian dan Riset dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran)
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019
American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2012
Asia proceedings of social sciences, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1363, No. 1, p. 012060). IOP Publishing, 2019
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), 2023
The Journal of Social Sciences Research
NATURALISTIC : Jurnal Kajian Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, 2021
Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan, 2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018