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2004, Universitatea din București
86 pages
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viXra, 2015
Despite the last decades' growing interest in discussing Cicero's philosophical works there is still no consensus among scholars regarding the purposes these works were written for. In this article, by focusing on some fragments from works like the ‚Hortensius‛ and ‚Consolatio‛, I will try to offer new grounds for reading and interpreting Cicero not only as a philosopher of public and political affairs, as he is usually seen by modern scholars, but also as a philosopher of the theoretical life.
In articol sunt prezentate delimitările conceptuale cu referire la adaptarea social-psihologică a personalității. Literatura de specialitate reflectă in mod diferit viziunile autorilor despre acest concept, deoarece cuprinde componente variate. Adaptarea constituie obiectul de cercetare pentru mai multe științe, fiind studiat de-a lungul timpului in special din punct de vedere social și psihologic. Actualmente, este necesară studierea amplă a adaptării social-psihologice a personalității, deoarece are repercusiuni directe atât asupra stării generale de bine, cât și asupra relațiilor interpersonale echilibrate cu ceilalţi din jur. THE SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION: CONCEPTUAL DELIMITATIONS In this article the conceptual delimitations with reference to the social and psychological adaptation of the personality are presented. Specialty literature reflects differently the authors' visions of this concept, as it contains various components. Adaptation is an object of researc...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
G. Schopflin's three-variable equation is a model that attempts to explain the relationship between state, ethnicity, and civil society. The equation suggests that the state, ethnicity, and civil society are interdependent and interact in complex ways. According to this model, the state is a political entity that exercises power and authority over a territory and its citizens. Ethnicity refers to shared cultural and social characteristics that distinguish one group of people from another. Civil society refers to the space between the state and the individual, comprising the networks, organizations, and associations that operate independently of the state.
Argumentation, 2009
I In nt tr ro od du uc ce er re e Teoriile de arhitecturã disputã, în mod ierarhic, termeni opuºi care definesc sfera producþiei arhitecturale. Dihotomii ca suprafaþãprofunzime, ornamentstructurã, opactransparent, reduc complexitatea actului
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2019
Esse versus Habere-The Duality of Human Will 1. Man's existence for "to be" or for "to have", depends on how he understands his meaning in the world. This study aims to offer the reader an orthodox view on these two terms, in the hope that it touches the existential substance of contemporary man. When man "stole" deification, possession (of having) became an existential archetype in his physical structure. The serpent bound the soul of the primordial man to a phantasmagoria, a magical deification. The principle of possession expresses man's desire to transform the world into an object of consumption. The fundamental difference between possession and being is that things are worn out by their use, while the being exercised day by day develops to perfection. The need of transcendence, intrinsic to man, has undergone an ontological change that has found naive compensation in the field of technology. Fathers of the desert teaches us to evaluate the world through an unpassionate perception. The evangelical and patristic precepts put in contrast the desire for spiritual growth with a desire possession. This vision of detachment, gives man a sort of discernment that makes him responsible in relation to God, nature and to himself. St. John Chrysostom, recommends the desert as a pedagogical school against passions. The decision of the monks to go to the wilderness was motivated by both the desire to give up the world, possessions and honours, and to fully belong to God. In conclusion, compulsive opening to possessions and objects is mental and not spatial. The contemporary man needs to reflect on what really matters in an ephemeral world.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019
Familia, ca instituție socială fundamentală, devine tot mai mult afectată de schimbările social-economice și politice; drept rezultat, mediul familial devine instabil, perturbat și devalorizat. Din aceste motive considerăm că educația parentală necesită o abordare actuală, pluridisciplinară, plecând de la cerințele societății de astăzi, conturând astfel importanța eficientizării și optimizării relațiilor interpersonale părinți-copii prin formarea, consolidarea și valorificarea competențelor parentale pozitive. Dat fiind faptul că educația părinților necesită o abordare teoretică profundă, ceea ce ar presupune schimbarea cursului său praxiologic și axiologic, în prezentul articol vom preciza cele mai relevante teorii care au contribuit la fundamentarea teoretică a educației parentale și a consilierii adulților. Cuvinte-cheie: educație parentală, consiliere, consiliere parentală, competențe parentale. The family, as a fundamental social institution, is increasingly affected by socio-economic and political changes, as a result, the family environment becomes unstable, disrupted and devalued. For these reasons, we consider that parental education requires a multidisciplinary approach, starting from the requirements of today's society, thus outlining the importance of improving and optimizing parent-child interpersonal relationships through the formation, consolidation and valorisation of positive parenting skills. Given that, parental education requires a profound theoretical approach, which implies changing its praxiological and axiological course, in the context of the research, we will specify the most relevant theories that have contributed to the theoretical foundation of parental education and adult counseling.
Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 2020
The aim of the present study was designing a local standardized questionnaire for evaluating traits of personality, following the Big Five model. The questionnaire was built for applying in organizations and to resist social desirability. The theoretical background used in the construction of the questionnaire were part of the Big Five model for personality evaluation. The methods used in this study were specific to the construction and primary validation of a questionnaire: defining the factors, designing the items, verifying the content validity (expert testing). The constructed questionnaire was completed by 524 subjects from the general population. The results confirm the existence of five personality factors, as defined by the authors: sociability, incertitude, persistance, altruism and openness. These factors correspond to the 5 factors described in speciality literature. The study also analyzed the relations the five factors have with significant traits of personality measure...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
În articol este prezentată teoria elaborată de М.Rokeach cu privire la orientările valorice, inclusiv descrierea valorilor terminale (viaţă activă, înţelepciunea vieţii, sănătate, muncă interesantă, frumuseţea naturii şi a artei, dragoste, bunăstare materială, prieteni buni și fideli, apreciere socială, cunoaştere, viaţă productivă, dezvoltare continuă, distracţii, libertate, viaţă familială fericită, fericirea altora, creaţie, încredere în sine) și a valorilor instrumentale (acurateţe, educaţie, exigenţe înalte, energie de viaţă, executivitate, independenţă, intransingenţă faţă de sine şi alţii, studii, responsabilitate, raţionalism, autocontrol, curaj în susţinerea opiniei proprii, a convingerilor, voinţă, toleranţă, viziuni largi, onestitate, eficacitate în activitate, delicateţe). Autorii subliniază că valorile se plasează în centrul sferei motivaţionale determinând atitudinile, judecăţile şi acţiunile persoanei; valorile redau preferințe sau principii care definesc principalele orientări ale acțiunii umane, care orientează și legitimează regulile vieții sociale. Lucrarea cuprinde rezultatele obținute în cercetarea efectuată cu referire la viziunile adolescenților despre conceptele de valori și orientări valorice care reliefează conținutul și caracteristicile acestora. Cuvinte-cheie: valori, orientări valorice, valori terminale, valori instrumentale, adolescent. CONTENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS IN ADOLESCENCE The article presents the theory of the author M. Rokeach regarding value orientations, including the description of terminal values (active life, wisdom of life, health, interesting work, beauty of nature and art, love, wealth, good friends, social appreciation, knowledge, productive life, continuous development, entertainment, freedom, happy family life, happiness of others, creation, self-confidence) and instrumental values (accuracy, education, high requirements, life energy, diligence, independence, intransigence towards oneself and studies, responsibility, rationalism, self-control, courage and own opinions, strong will, tolerance, broad visions, honesty, efficiency in activity, delicacy). The authors emphasize that values are placed in the center of the motivational sphere, determining the person's attitudes, judgments and actions; values reflect preferences or principles that define the main orientations of human action, which guide and legitimize the rules of social life. The paper contains the results obtained in the carried out research with reference to the views of adolescents about the concepts of values and value orientations that highlight their content and characteristics.
Atât etica autonomiei, cât si etica autenticităţii pot fi sintetizate prin aceeasi exigenţă metaforică de a deveni propriul tău stăpân. Aceasta nu este doar o simplă coincidenţă. Conceptul de autonomie si conceptul de autenticitate sunt concepte morale care poartă amprenta atomismului social, accentuând rezistenţa individului uman faţă de presiuni totalizatoare si holiste. Ca atare, cele două concepte sunt caracterizate de aceleasi opoziţii dintre „interior” si „exterior”, dintre auto- si hetero- , dintre „propriu” si „străin”. Cu toate acestea, o analiză atentă va dezvălui o serie de distincţii conceptuale dintre etica autnomiei si etica autenticităţii, distincţii ce vor face vizibilă tensiunea dintre un ideal iluminist al autoguvernării si un ideal romantic (sau, intr-un sens mai larg, contra-iluminist) al autoapartenenţei. Primul subliniază importanţa raţiunii in crearea unei comunităţi a individizilor ce se autolegislează moral, in timp ce al doilea subliniază importanţa emoţ...
Argonaut eBooks, 2022
De la Rezistență sau cedare, la Ostași, vă ordon: Treceți Prutul! România, un pion în "marele vârtej" .
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Materialele conferintei "Lecturi in memoriam acad. Silviu Berejan", 2021
Studi Piacentini, 1996
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2017
Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series, 2015
Psihologia. Revista științifico-practică = Psychology. Scientific-practical journal, 2021
Argumentation, 2009
Analele Universității „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula XX, Sociologie / The Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XX, Sociology, 2016
Journal for Ethics in Social Studies, 2019
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Psihologie, 2019
Limbă, Literatură şi Folclor, 2021