First-Year Writing: Rhetorical Composing (Summer 2020) (ENC 1101)

ENC 1101 fulfills the first of two required composition courses at Florida State University. Adhering to Florida State University's College Composition Program's first-year composition course objectives, this course stresses the importance of critical reading, writing, and thinking skills, as well as the importance of using writing as a recursive process involving invention, drafting, collaboration, revision, rereading, and editing to clearly and effectively communicate ideas for specific purposes, occasions, and audiences. In addition to these objectives, this course will emphasize rhetorical composing: this course will help students determine purpose, audience, and the most effective strategies to use when composing. The purpose of Compose, Design, Advocate (CDA) is to help students approach and analyze composing situations. This course will offer concepts and vocabulary to help students make thoughtful choices in presenting visual, oral, written, and other multimodal communication. These rhetorical composing concepts include purpose, audience, context, strategies, medium, and arrangement.