Calera Inv-CAL71 Num- Ano-9


The dynamics of a secondary dry forest was studied in two districts of the municipality of Nandaime, Granada. The aims of the study were to obtain guidelines for the definition of management activities. In order to check and determine the change in a year period, five permanent plots were settled up in sites ages 11 and 16 years after being abandoned from agricultural activities. Data collected were related to the composition and structure of the upper-stem, saplings and seedlings. Population parameters were calculated starting from the application of an exponential model of changes in continuous time. The floristic richness and diversity differed between communities, being the site of 11 years, who presented the highest values. Structural differences between sites were determined by the values of basal area and volume. The site age 16 contains twice the basal area and 30% more volume than the younger forest. The number of individuals per hectare declined in the two sites in relation to the first measurement. The mortality values were equal (2%) at the two sites. Recruitment was higher at the site of 16 years. The gain in basal area contributed to the increase of the whole mass, only at the site aged 11 years. The local commercial species have few or no individuals at the level of natural regeneration. Concerning floristic composition, structure and dynamic, the sites studied show an acceptable potential for management activities at medium term.