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This study presents a comparative analysis of the tense systems in the Lashari dialect of Balochi and Standard Persian, contributing to a broader typological database of Iranian languages. The research highlights both the parallels and differences in tense usage between the two languages, indicating that while many tense functions are shared, significant distinctions exist that warrant further investigation. Future studies are suggested to explore the intricate relationships between tense and aspect in Balochi and the sequence of tenses across the two languages.
Grammatical tense, as the time of action occurrence, locates a situation in time to indicate when the situation takes place, which in many languages is indicated in three basic categories of past, present and future. The present study is aimed to analyze the tense system in Lari language, a language of Larestan Township in the Southern part of Iran, which is also spoken by more than a million people in other parts of Iran, Oman and the UAE. Based on a contrastive-descriptive methodology, the research illustrates the tense system of Lari in comparison to that of English and in case in Persian. Following a brief explanation of Lari tenses, their applicability and features are explained comparatively in English and Lari via tables. Finally, differences and similarities among the two languages are demonstrated together with the unique features of Lari. The results illustrate Lari’s specific features in past, non-past, and especially future tenses. Keywords: Lari language, Grammatical te...
Article , 2013
Grammatical tense, as the time of action occurrence, locates a situation in time to indicate when the situation takes place, which in many languages is indicated in three basic categories of past, present and future. The present study is aimed to analyze the tense system in Lari language, a language of Larestan Township in the Southern part of Iran, which is also spoken by more than a million people in other parts of Iran, Oman and the UAE. Based on a contrastive-descriptive methodology, the research illustrates the tense system of Lari in comparison to that of English and in case in Persian. Following a brief explanation of Lari tenses, their applicability and features are explained comparatively in English and Lari via tables. Finally, differences and similarities among the two languages are demonstrated together with the unique features of Lari. The results illustrate Lari's specific features in past, non-past, and especially future tenses.
Lingua, 2019
The present study aims at investigating tense interpretation in Persian complement and relative clauses and determining whether Persian is subsumed under the label of sequence of tense (henceforth SOT) or non-SOT languages. To achieve these aims, Persian past-under-past, present-under-past, and present-under-future constructions were examined. However, given that there was not a unanimous consensus between the researchers as to the interpretation of past-under-past constructions (which is one of the criteria for distinguishing SOT languages from non-SOT languages), 32 Persian native speakers were interviewed. Furthermore, since the nature of present tense and the SOT phenomenon are intertwined, an attempt was made to study the nature of Persian present tense. The in-depth analysis of the interview results and Persian data were indicative of the non-indexical nature of Persian present tense. Moreover, the results revealed that Persian, on account of exhibiting some SOT-like and some non-SOT-like behaviors, is a hybrid language defying the commonly-held SOT/non-SOT classification. Finally, using the de re theory, as proposed by Abusch (1997) and further developed by Ogihara and Sharvit (2012), a comprehensive analysis was provided for the simultaneous past reading of Persian past-under-past complement clauses.
Dialectologia Revista Electronica, 2013
This study deals with contrasting three languages, namely English, Farsi (Persian), and Mazandarani (Tabari). The study followed two main goals: first, providing Mazandarani and Farsi teachers with pedagogical implications in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL); and second, taking a step toward preventing the Mazandarani (Mazani) language from gradual extinction. By comparing the word order, verbs, and tenses of the three aforementioned languages, it was concluded that in some cases Mazandarani, and in other cases Farsi, is more similar to English. With respect to word order, Mazandarani and Farsi are SOV but English is SVO. Regarding verbs and tenses, contrary to English, Mazandarani and Farsi are inflected. This inflection plays an important role in forming different tenses in the conjugation process.
Language and Linguistics Compass, 2011
In this paper I examine the semantic properties of the Indo-Iranian Perfect which was associated with the anterior or perfect aspect, of the simple Future, the Desiderative and Voluntative which were all associated with a futurate meaning as well as participial and periphrastic categories. In addition, I will highlight some open questions in this area.
Our objective in this paper is to compare and contrast the English and KurdishKurmanji verb tenses. Though both languages are in the same language family, the similiarities and the differences between them do exist. When a learner initiates learning one of the languages mentioned above, with no doubt, the similarities facilitates the learning, whereas the differences complicate the learning period and the process. The paper starts with the definition of the concepts related to the comparative and contrastive studies. It then goes on to discuss the history of the comparative and contrastive studies in English and Kurdish studies. The comparison will be implemented in terms of syntax and the usage of the tenses. First, the common samples will be chosen and be compared. It can be said that as a method definition, comparison, evaluation and guess stages will be used. Even though Kurmanci dialect has been used, examples obtained from Sorani and other Kurmanji dialects have also been deal...
Full Articles (Volume One) - The 10th International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature Ahwaz, Iran 1-2 February 2025 For more information, please visit the conference website: WWW.TLLL.IR --- International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-622-91150-6-0 --- According to the governmental approval (The Ministry): 9-133610-937085 --- Iranian National Standard Number of Book (Number of National Library of Islamic Republic of Iran): 9995527 --- The Dewey Decimal Classification: 410 --- The Library of Congress Classification: P23 --- Publisher: Ahwaz Publication of Research and Sciences (The Ministry Approval Number: 16171) Please feel free to write if there is any query. The Conference Secretariat, Ahwaz 61335-4619 Iran (+98) 61-32931199 (+98) 61-32931198 (+98) 916-5088772 (WhatsApp Number) WWW.TLLL.IR, Email: [email protected]
This paper concerns with one of the untouched areas of Persian grammar; the case of sequence of tenses. Since this case mainly takes place in discourse, the paper will focus on the functions and changes of tenses in discourse. In order to do so, after introducing our theoretical framework and the notions of "Absolute" and "Relative" tenses, Persian absolute and relative tenses will be intro-
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2016
As the first part of the series of articles to survey and describe the imperfect verb that is used in Spoken Arabic Dialects to produce tenses are present simple, present continuous and future tenses. This paper is the first study of the chain which focuses on the present simple (habitual events). Furthermore, this study compares the habitual tense used in Standard Arabic with habitual tense used in various Arabic dialects that were previously studied by linguists. In other words, this research tries to describe the rules that determine using imperfect verbs to produce habitual actions in Arabic dialects and Standard Arabic to show similarities and differences between them. In Arabic dialects, to produce habitual tense, prefixes and aspectual marker system are used and each dialect has its own prefixes and tense structure. There are numerous studies that studied the prefixes in many Arabic dialects, but no study is devoted yet to compare between these prefixes. The prefixes of habitual tense are chosen to be studied because of their essential role to determine the tense. In other words, they are the indicators for the listener to recognize the present simple tense. Therefore, this study is devoted to cover this field particularly because the teaching of Arabic dialects to non-native speakers of Arabic is spreading nowadays.
This thesis presents and analyzes the tense system of South Baffin Inuktitut (SB), a Canadian variety of the Inuit language. It demonstrates that, although closely related dialects are argued to be tenseless (Shaer, 2003; Bittner, 2005), SB has a complex tense system where the present, past, and future are distinguished, and the future and past are divided into more fine-grained temporal domains. I demonstrate that SB has present tense, which is indicated by the absence of a tense marker. A sentence without an overt tense marker may describe a past eventuality if it contains a punctual event predicate; otherwise, it describes an eventuality that holds at the utterance time. I argue that all zero-marked sentences have present tense and any past interpretation is aspectual. I also investigate six different past markers and demonstrate that they all instantiate grammatical tense. The analysis shows that these markers can be semantically classified into two groups, depending in part on whether or not they block more general tenses (e.g.,-qqau, the 'today' past blocks the use of the general past-lauq when the time of eventuality falls within 'today'). I label both the general tenses and the group which can block the general tenses as primary tense, whereas the other group which does not block more general tenses is labelled secondary tense. This distinction may have broad cross-linguistic applicability. I examine the distribution of four different future markers and argue that three of them indicate grammatical future tense. They are also grouped into two groups, in the same manner as the past tenses. Finally, I analyse the temporal interpretations of primary tenses in dependent clauses. I show that when tense is interpreted relative to the time of the superordinate eventuality, the domain of tense may not necessarily shift accordingly (e.g., the domain of hodiernal tense in a main clause is the day of utterance, and in an embedded clause the domain can still be the day of utterance). Embedded tenses with remoteness specifications have not been investigated before, and this thesis opens up a new area to our understanding of tenses in human language. My deepest appreciation goes to Saila Michael, a speaker of South Baffin, without whom this thesis could not have been written. She was very patient, kind and always willing to share her knowledge with me. Nakurmit! My thanks also go to Annie Anautalik, Naulaq LeDrew, Raigelee Alorut, and Sandra Uvilluk, who kindly provided me with data as well. Any errors are my own. I am deeply grateful to my thesis supervisor, Alana Johns, who helped me at every stage of writing this thesis. Not only did she provide me with many intuitive suggestions, but she also gave constant emotional support. Whenever I felt discouraged during the process of writing this thesis, she would always tell me how valuable my work was and why she believed I could finish it. I also appreciated her sense of humour. She often made me laugh with her jokes! I am also thankful for her flexibility in allowing me to work on my thesis away from Canada so that I could raise my family. She always made time for me by arranging meetings with her on Skype. Without such understanding and support from her, it would have been extremely difficult for me to complete this thesis. I feel so lucky to have had such a wonderful thesis supervisor. I would like to express my gratitude to Elizabeth Cowper. Discussions with her, and her comments on all drafts of this thesis, were always very insightful. My sincere thanks go to Diane Massam, who joined my committee at the final stage of my thesis writing process. She was always very warm and encouraging, and I am truly grateful to her for joining my committee. I also thank Michela Ippolito, who helped me at earlier stages of my thesis. Her inputs on the semantic aspects of this thesis were very valuable. I am grateful to Lisa Matthewson, who was my external committee member. Her meticulous comments and editing notes were extremely helpful, and I learned a great deal from every single comment. I also greatly appreciate the feedback offered by Christina Cuervo, who was also on my committee. She shared lots of knowledge and insights on my analysis using Spanish data, which is a language I am not very familiar with. Discussions with her at the defence were very intellectually stimulating. Keren Rice was not on my committee, but her warm encouragement and smiles always made me feel happy. The department has great staff-Mary Hsu and Bill Forrest. Both of them happened (12) a. jaan piuksaq-tuq miali-mit John like-Part.3s Mary-Acc 'John likes Mary.' b. miali-mit jaan piuksaq-tuq Mary-Acc John like-Part.3s 'John likes Mary.' c. piuksaq-tuq miali-mit jaan like-Part.3s Mary-Acc John 'John likes Mary.' d. miali-mit piuksaq-tuq jaan Mary-Acc like-Part.3s John 'John likes Mary.' e. jaan miali-mit piuksaq-tuq John Mary-Acc like-Part.3s 'John likes Mary.' f. piuksaq-tuq jaan miali-mit like-Part.3s John Mary-Acc 'John likes Mary.' Regarding case-marking, SB uses both the ergative-absolutive pattern, where the object of a transitive clause has the same form as the sole argument of an intransitive clause, and the nominative-accusative pattern, where the subject of a transitive clause has the same form as the sole argument of an intransitive clause. Many SB predicates are specified for one pattern or the other, while some appear to be compatible with both. (13) exemplifies a clause in the first pattern, where the object, like the argument of an intransitive clause, lacks overt case marking, and the subject is accompanied by the ergative case marker-up. 8 (13) anguti-up nanuq- kapi-jaa man-Erg polar.bear-Abs spear-Part.3s/3s 'The man stabbed the polar-bear.' 8 The ergative case is also referred to as the relative case (
Previous studies have been inconsistent in describing tense and/or aspect (T/A) systems in Luguru language and do not satisfactorily explain the differences of the morphological norms that mark T/A in the language. This study aims to describe the T/A system of Luguru as it is used in the verb system, particularly in the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. The study applied the Linear Approach in the analysis of T/A. In this approach, tenses are considered as expression of the relationship between speech time and another interval of interest called reference time and event time and Also tense meaning is represented as a sequence of the three time points namely; past, present and future time. Group discussions , questionnaire and interview were employed to collect primary data, from adult native speakers of the language in Matombo and Mgeta wards of Morogoro Rural District. The tools were employed because they correspond to the linear approach and that they are benched in the attitude of the language users. Data were analyzed by the identification of various T/A formatives so as to describe the distinction between them and the classification of morphological forms of tense and aspect in Luguru constructions which was done using linear approach. The study revealed four tense categories marked in the verbal morphology (i.e. remote past, recent past, present and future tenses) and four aspect categories , namely habitual, progressive, perfect and persistent. However, some T/A formatives depend on the three auxiliaries tsaa, maa and-gh'ali to complete their meaning. The study also reveals the prevalence of the difference between absolute and relative perfect marking and a high degree of interaction between tense and aspect.
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 2016
Recently, SAMT (the public organization for researching and publishing academic textbooks in humanities) has witnessed a revival in publishing high-quality books, related to language teaching, under the supervision of Professor Mahmoud-Reza Atai, Kharazmi University, Iran. An instance is Understanding Research in Applied Linguistics. As a primer intended mainly for undergraduates in the field, the volume includes five parts with respective chapters. Besides the necessary content, the chapters also include relevant material in the boxes: 'tasks' and 'exhibits' with further materials from other sources, and 'moment of reflection' with quotes and anecdotes to engage and motivate the readers. These useful accessories, within boxes, provide interesting, funny, illuminating, and relevant materials to the readers. Part I, Introduction and Background, contains four chapters that intend to introduce some basic concepts, or "a general background" (p. 5), Chapter 1, Science and Research, briefly discusses key issues and assumptions of scientific inquiry, clarifies the concept of research, and highlights ethical considerations. Chapter 2, The Research Process, touches upon the steps in conducting a study, e.g., choosing a topic, developing questions, data collection, etc. Chapter 3, Applied Linguistics Research, does not seem to fit in Part I or in any part of the book, however, since it addresses the scope of the field of applied linguistics, rather than a concept in research. The chapter introduces the readers to the different areas of the field in other courses, within which they can find suitable topics for research. Therefore, it should be removed in the following editions.
Lingua Posnaniensis (The Poznań Society for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences), 2018
The purpose of this paper is to outline the fundamental grammaticalization and degrammat(icalizat)ion processes observable in the restructuring of the tense/aspect/mood systems of the West Iranian languages during their historical development. Their core aspectual systems will be presented as consisting of three categories: Imperfective, Perfective and Perfect. Special attention will be paid to the rise of the analytic Perfect in Middle Persian and its further development in Early New Persian and other West Iranian languages. It will be shown that the degrammation of the copula played a significant role in the formation of compound temporal (Perfect, Pluperfect) and modal categories (Evidential, Conjectural) in New Persian, Kurdish, Balochi and Tajik. The Evidential mode of New Persian is based on the analytic Perfect rafte ast 'he is gone' and it is found in all the three aspectual categories (Imperfective, Perfective and Perfect) and both voices. It is usually claimed that it developed in the Iranian languages probably under Turkic influence. We intend to address the contentious issue of syntactic borrowing in terms of language contact in another paper.
Many parts of rural America ----to reflect the values and traditions of the European immigrants who ----in the country during the nineteenth century.. A) continued / have arrived B) have continued / would have arrived C) continue / arrived D) would have continued / were arriving E) will continue / would arrive 2. With few exceptions, most totalitarian governments ----more liberal since 1989 when the Berlin Wall ----.. A) became / falls B) are becoming / would fall C) were becoming / has fallen D) had become / was falling E) have become / fell 3. Investigations by modern doctors ----that Catherine the Great of Russia ----from syphilis.. A) have suggested / has suffered B) suggest / suffered C) had suggested / was suffering D) may have suggested / would have suffered E) suggested / suffers 4. Cosmologists are addressing some of the fundamental questions that people ----to resolve over the centuries through philosophical thinking, but they ----this based on systematic observation and quantitative methodology.. A) would attempt / have done B) attempt / will do C) may attempt / did D) attempted / should do E) have attempted / are doing 5. Smoking ----in almost all segments of the American population, so that, in various polls, 60 to 65% of Americans ----non-smokers today.. A) declines / may have been B) has declined / are C) had declined / would be D) could have declined / will be E) declined / were 6. Until recently, some scientists ----that many individuals of the same species ----specific tasks better than the same number of individuals from different species.. A) will think / are performing B) were thinking / will perform C) think / ought to perform D) had thought / would be performing E) thought / could perform 7. Recent excavations in Algeria ----that Homo erectus ----there between 500, 000 and 750, 000 years ago.. A) have indicated / resided B) had indicated / has resided C) indicated / would reside D) could have indicated / had been residing E) indicate / had resided 8. North Korea still ----a vast police state that ----a network of concentration camps spanning the country.. A) was maintaining / has included B) had maintained / would include C) is maintaining / had included D) maintains / includes E) maintained / will include 9. Tofino, which ----once a quiet fishing village in Canada, ----a popular year-round resort now.. A) is / is becoming B) had been / became C) has been / had become D) was / has become E) would have been / will become 10. The scientific method ----mankind's greatest means of discovery and progress ever since it was formulated.. A) would have been B) was C) would be D) had been E) has been 28. The wolves that ----in Ethiopia some 100, 000 years ago ----into a separate and rare species.. A) had arrived / will have evolved B) arrive / will evolve C) were arriving / had evolved D) have arrived / evolved E) arrived / have evolved 29. Film music ----significant in many ways, of course, but not as music, which is why the proposition that better composers ----better film music is not necessarily true.. A) had been / shall produce B) has been / should have produced C) is / could produce D) can be / had produced E) would be / produced 30. Ever since James R. Flynn ----his startling results, psychologists and educators ----to figure out whether people really are getting smarter.. A) has published / had struggled B) published / have struggled C) had published / will struggle D) was publishing / had been struggling E) publishes / are struggling 31. Although their responses ----as obvious as those of animals, plants ----the capacity to respond to light, gravity, water, touch, and other stimuli.. A) may not be / have B) have not been / had C) were not / have had D) had not been / are having E) would not be / would have had 32. The United States ----expensive high-tech solutions to the problem of land-mine clearance, but simpler methods ----more preferable.. A) should pursue / were B) pursues / had been C) pursued / will have been D) would pursue / would have been E) has pursued / may be 33. When American independence ----in 1776, twofifths of all settlers ----of non-English origin.. A) was declared / were B) had been declared / would be C) has been declared / had been D) would be declared / could be E) may have been declared / must have been 34. By the early 20th century the local ceramic industry of Kütahya ----more or less to an end, but now the city ----the focus of a revival of this skilled art.. A) had come / is B) has come / has been C) came / was D) would have come / would be E) was coming / will be 35. When Charles ll ----king in 1660, the theatres, which ----by Cromwell, were opened again and new dramatists appeared.. A) would become / had closed B) had become / have been closed C) became / had been closed D) was becoming / will have been closed E) would have become / could have been closed 36. To save money, their government ----back to a 1993 law which ----the army to recruit part time conscripts as auxiliary soldiers.. A) reached / was allowing B) had reached / would allow C) would reach / had allowed D) has reached / allows E) is reaching / has allowed 37. People in England ----books about Turkey since the 15th century, but unfortunately an increase in quantity ----by an increase in quality.. A) had been writing / does not match B) are writing / will not be matched C) had written / are not matching D) have been writing / has not been matched E) wrote / had not been matched 38. Although 25 to 30 per cent of all people ----some form of excessive mood disturbance during their lifetime, only about 10 per cent ----a disorder severe enough to require medical attention.. A) would experience / have had B) experienced / will have had C) had experienced / had had D) will have experienced / would have E) experience / have 39. To the astronomers of the Middle Ages, the most important classical authorities on natural philosophy ----Aristotle and Ptolemy, since both ----frameworks that explained the whole universe.. A) had been / created B) are / have created C) were / had created D) have been / create E) may have been / were creating 40. Of all the arts it ----to classical music that Germany ----the greatest contribution.. A) had been / made B) is / has made C) has been / had made D) was / will have made E) might be / would have made
This study deals with the problems of passivization that third year students of English departments at the college level face. It is an attempt to identify the difficult areas and suggest remedial steps to overcome them. The population of the study is third year college students of the English departments of College of Languages and College of Basic Education at Salahaddin university-Erbil. A test ,which covers the whole tenses of English language, is administered to the sample of the population to find out to what extent the college students face difficulties in both recognition and production of passive sentences. The results show that the college students face difficulties in recognizing and producing passive sentences, and the students' errors are due to the factors of interlanguage, intralanguage and context of learning.
Жаборюк Е.А., Жаборюк И.А. Грамматическое значение т.н. «продолженных времен» в современном английском . Статья посвящена 100-летнему юбилею выдающегося грамматиста современности, основателю Одесской грамматической школы, А. К. Корсакову. Идеи ого живы и поныне и до сих пор не утратили своей актуальности. В статье сделана попытка лингводидактического переосмысления теоретического наследия ученого, в частности предложенной им в начале 70-х годов прошлого столетия теории аспекта в современном английском языке. Ключевые слова: аспект, лингводидактика, модель, частотность, видо-временные формы Zhaboruk O.A. , Zhaboruk I.A. The Grammatical Content and Use of the Progressive Tenses in Modern English (Linguodidactic Aspect) is dedicated to the 100-th anniversary 0f an outstanding grammarian of our time, founder of Odessa grammatical school, A.K. Korsakov. His ideas are still alive and remain topical. In the article we have made an attempt of linguodidactic reconsideration of the theoretical heritage of prf. A. K Korsakov, namely his theory of aspect, suggested by him in the 70-ies of the previous century. Key words: aspect, linguodidactics, model, frequency, aspectual forms.
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