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The paper discusses the evolution and importance of advertising throughout history, highlighting key definitions and perspectives on historical inquiry. It emphasizes the adaptability of the advertising industry in facing economic and technological changes, illustrating how it continually reinvents itself to meet the needs of the market. The paper concludes that, despite various challenges, advertising remains an essential component for business success.
The article is devoted to historical knowledge that the author, by analogy with " the meaning of life " calls " the meaning of history ". This aim cannot be the idea of history as a tool useful for unhistorical purposes. The meaning of history is in establishing the truth and in participation in the intellectual process, called " the court of history ". Keywords: the meaning of history, the court of history, the necessity and inevitability, historical reconstruction, purpose, motive.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), 2020
Some puzzles in human life are universal and cut across generations. That is why some of the very issues that boggled the minds of many people several centuries ago continue to baffle many people today. Such problems often attract the attention of scholars and generate debates among them. The meaning of the term ‘history’ and the nature of history in general are certainly some of the sensitive problems that have remained highly debatable among historians and allied scholars. In fact, the debate on “what is history?” has continued without resolution for several centuries. The term ‘history’ has been defined or explained differently by different people at different times and under different circumstances. Though these definitions or explanations have been accepted and used, the lack of unanimity on the part of historians on a common definition places students and teachers of history in a difficult situation concerning what exactly history is. We believe that in the contemporary setting, any definition or explanation given to history must be situated in a framework that is comprehensive enough to make the nature and philosophy of the discipline clear. Using both primary and secondary documents, and employing the multi-disciplinary approach, this paper examines some of the important definitions or explanations that have been given to history with the view to constructing a definition or an explanation that is appropriate for history today. In its survey, the study finds that several definitions have been formulated for history over the centuries. It observes, however, that some of the definitions or explanations are inappropriate and unacceptable today in view of their inability to reveal the true nature of history and clarify the philosophy behind the study of the past. In its evaluation and conclusion, the paper appreciates that history has both art and science dimensions, and is also a practice with an avowed philosophy. Taking all these into consideration, the paper then defines or explains history in a context that is comprehensive enough to depict history as a discipline that is concerned not only with the past, but also, and more especially, with the present and the future for the development of society and the various sciences or disciplines. As a result, the study draws attention to the need to promote the serious study of history in schools.
The paper presents a broad overview of various approaches adopted in the field of historiography across the ages starting from ancient times. It also discusses the merits and demerits of the major schools of thought and proposes a new methodology for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century school of Historiography. This paper proposes a stakeholderfocussed approach towards historiography and encompasses a wide range of topics from research and definition of processes to dissemination of information to multiple stakeholders, and comprises a large number of checks and balances to prevent potential misuse of history or a one-sided interpretation of history. It also proposes a wide-range of heuristic tools to aid the researcher in carrying out his research and emphasizes objective and data-driven approaches throughout. It seeks to lay a greater emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of a historian from the point of view of the twenty-first century. The key objective of this paper is to ensure that the historian avoids the pitfalls of all ideologydriven approaches and acts in the greater interests of science, society and the education system, and that as many checks and balances as possible are put in place. We seek to reiterate that in the glamorous era of science and technology, the role of a historian can only become much more purposeful and exciting and can encompass completely new vistas of research and historiography. Although these approaches stem from the author’s research experience in Ancient India, the approaches and principles of Historiography can be put to use anywhere in the world.
The Behavior analyst / MABA, 1983
The scientific status of History was compared to other sciences in the critical areas event selection, investigative operations, and theory construction. First, in terms of events studied, history is regarded as a quasi-scientific study of past events. However, viewed from the science of behavior's perspective of what historians actually do, history becomes a study of current records. As a study of currently existing records, not the non-existent past, history has potential to become a science. Second, like other scientists, historians may undertake manipulative investigations: they can locate the presence and absence of a condition in records and thereby determine its relation to other recorded phenomena. A limitation has been the lack of quantification that results from emphasis on the uniqueness of things rather than on their communality. Scientific training would facilitate viewing similar things as instances of a larger class that could be counted. Another limitation that c...
IJCRT - International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 2021
Ward No 2 Indira Nagar Udhampur Etymologically the expression history is derived from Latin Historia "narrative of past events,account, tale, story "from Greek historia "a learning or knowledge, account, historical account ; record or narrative" from historein " be witness or expert, give testimony, recount, find out, search, inquire" and history "knowing expert, witness." It also refers to old French estorie, estorie "story ; chronicle, history. 1 According to the Oxford English Dictionary history means a written narrative constituting a continuous methodical record, in order of time or importance or public events especially those connected with a particular country, people or individual. In general the quest about knowing the past is known as "history", which is a branch of knowledge dealing with events, political, social, economic of a country, continent or the world. Ett. Carr says "The function of the history is to promote a profounder outstanding of both past and present, through interrelation between them." In greece Herodotus, who belonged to six century B.C. is recognized as the Father of History" According to him, the scope of history is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and the facts, and an understanding dialogue between the present and the past. 2
Verónica Tozzi Thompson In The Concept of History, Dmitri Nikulin rehearses an alternative philosophy of history, thus accompanying a certain revival of interest in this discipline since the end of the twentieth century. Conceptualizing an alternative philosophy of history is of fundamental relevance in the context of the global problems that deepen every day in our contemporary world. Undoubtedly, philosophy must be attentive to the present demands and interests of representing the past, whether by the sectors of power or by various dissident collectives, for failing to re exively address questions of substantive philosophy of history surely leaves room for the (unacknowledged) validity of the teleological-universalist narrative. The historical trajectory delineated by the modern conception of history is centered on the uniqueness and unity of history and establishes a divide between historical and nonhistorical (or prehistoric) peoples. Nikulin, by contrast, seeks to produce a pluralistic conception of multiple histories, for which he elaborates a notion of "the historical" present in every time period and human culture (oral and written). A central distinction to be established from the beginning, according to Nikulin, is between "the historical" and "history." The historical is nothing other than lists of names, things, actions, and facts to be preserved, and we can nd these lists in any culture in any time and place. Such lists are governed by some organizing principle that determines what not to forget. Chapters 3 ("The Epic of History"), 4 ("The Homer Galaxy"), and 5 ("The Logos of History") are, in my view, the most novel and stimulating parts of the book. There, "the historical" (those detailed and organized lists) comes with a narrative (fabula). The historical/fable dyad constitutes the structure of history, which is instantiated in multiple histories but which, in itself (as a structure), is not historical but invariant in each and every history. The seven chapters that make up The Concept of History run through various examples of re ections on and problems related to the 2/4/22, 00:59
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