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2007, in "Il canto del Nord"
64 pages
1 file
(Raul Rossetti)
La Beidana, 2010
Rivista quadrimestrale di cultura e storia nelle valli valdesi, nata nel 1985, è edita dalla Fondazione Centro Culturale Valdese. Il numero 69, pubblicato nel dicembre 2010, è monografico e raccoglie articoli in qualche modo attinenti all'attività estrattiva. Più sotto è riportato un articolo scritto da me insieme a Paolo Jannin, qui c'è l'intero fascicolo.
In this paper I will compare the life stories of some miners living in the South-West of Sardinia (Iglesiente and Cixerri plain), depending on their origin from mining towns or rural villages. The focus will be placed on the start of their careers as miners, in order to understand how different their biographical trajectories have been. With regard to the first group working in mine represents at the same time the main life goal and the beginning of a trial to become a man. The second group, instead, commute from the field to the mine or keep also a flock of sheep. So, the «ethic of miners» overlaps with another concept of work belonging to peasant and pastoral world-view. This capability to move between different purviews allows them to play strategically among different jobs.
Ihe nnmúuittous lxtrts r{'l,rtnthurtly until tlte end r{the lTlh r:etúury.
Medea, 2018
Starting from a multi-year ethnographic research on the memories of the miners of Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardinia), the article presents some fragments of life histories concerning the 'discovery' of the mine. Analyzing the narratives about the admittance to the mines and the encounter with unknown underground worlds, we will see how different geographical origins of the miners significantly influences their relationship with the mining work. The article show how the different cultural capital of the miners is involved in their interpretation of encounters with unknown environments. Different conception of work produce different conception of mining world, influencing the way in which the miners feel the risk and the domestication of mining space.
Claudio Pellegrini è nato in una valle del Trentino nel 36. E’ prete, emigrato nel ‘67 in Belgio, “missionario” fra i minatori italiani del Limburgo. Per 15 anni ha poi lavorato come “prete operaio” nel bacino siderurgico di Liegi. Oggi, continua a vivere con i figli dei minatori. E’poeta e narratore. Ha pubblicato due libri: una raccolta di poesie: Ovunque vivere altrove, nel 2000, (pubblicato da BESA editrice) e un libro di racconti: Volesse la terra, nel 2005, (pubblicato da Cosmo Dannone nella collana Kumacreola / Scritture migranti, diretta da Armando Gnisci)
Archeomedia. L' Archeologia on line, 2021
CLASSICAL AUTHORS AND ITALIAN ORE RESOURCES The classical authors references to Italian mines are very scarce and mostly referable to times before the end of the Roman Republic. This is because, as Pliny recalls, the Senate had prohibited mining activities in the territory that was part of Italy: previously, as Virgil, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Strabo and Pliny himself affirm, the country was rich in all kinds of metals. Particularly important was the exploitation of the Gallia Cisalpina fluvial and fluvioglacial gold terraces, during the period in which this territory was occupied by the Romans but was not yet part of Italy: we have impressive tailings of this activity throughout the Po valley, highlighted by the author, but scarce classical evidence only for some generic gold mines of the Salassi people, and for those existing in the Vercelli area (= Bessa, in today's Biellese). Many authors confuse these two areas together and, despite the imposing remains, belittle the product, which instead was remarkable. Furthermore, the studies and the countryside explorations carried out by the author have allowed to highlight the presence, not only of some important Roman "aurifodinae" tailings, but also of those of many Salassi gold mines, as well as notable remains of a limes that arose after the Roman conquest of these Salassi gold mines and a part of their territory, followed by the conflicts mentioned by Strabo. The "ruina montium" exploitation process, applied in maritime Asturias and Galicia, originates in Cisalpine Gaul, but its essence has been completely misunderstood by recent French and Spanish authors, and it is completely false that it was applied to the tertiary sediments of Las Medulas, erroneously considered economically gold-bearing. As for the other metals, the iron mines of Elba are known and celebrated in ancient times: the minerals used were limonite and hematite, not magnetite as many authors claim, because this was not usable in the ancient siderurgy. The silver mines of Sardinia were also known, and destined to the "damnati ad metalla" in the first imperial centuries. And for Sardinia it is also reported a brief gold rush, denied by modern authors but confirmed by the recent gold mining activity propitiated by the author's observations on the presence of epithermal gold deposits. The gold and iron deposits that Strabo indicates to exist near Aquileia, in the Noricum, are located in present-day Austrian Carinthia. For other Italian areas we have only sporadic hints, concerning probable exploitation dating back to times prior to the ban, or referred to as curiosity: the most widespread information generally concerns some processed products, without any reference to the mineral used and its provenance: however, in some cases it is possible to glimpse the local origin, as in the case of Arezzo, Ischia (Pithecusa) and Sicily. The extraction of sulfur in Sicily was very intense, starting from the second century AD, but no classical author speaks of it.
About writing system and practices in the Mycenaean World
Breve panoramica sulle correnti classiche della psicologia intorno ai termini storia e storico. Autori citatai e testi citati: - Renè Zazzo (1910-1995) Brani da “Cos’è la coglioneria?” in Che ne è della psicologia del bambino? - Jean Pierre Vernant: (1914-2007) La conclusione al libro Le origini del pensiero greco di J. P. Vernant Brani della prefazione al libro di Ignace Meyerson Psicologia storica. - Ignace Mejerson (1888-1983) Brani da ‘L’incompiutezza delle funzioni’in Psicologia storica - Enri Wallon (1879-1962) Brani da ‘La legge in psicologia’ (1934) in Antologia di testi Georges Politzer (1903-1942) Brani da I fondamenti della psicologia - Klaus Holzkamp Brani da Psicologia critica - Jaques Lacan (1901-1981) Brani da Scritti - P.K. Anokin (1898-1974) Brani da La cibernetica e l’attività integrativa del cervello in - Neurofisiologia e cibernetica” 1973 - A R. Lurija (1902-1977) Brani da La psicologia come scienza storica
Quaderni di Storia, 89, 2019
La collezione della rivista, dal numero 1 del 1975 al numero 88 del 2018 è offerta con lo sconto del 50%. Indirizzare corrispondenza, contributi e libri per la Rassegna bibliografica a: Luciano Canfora, casella postale 200, ALESSANDRO LEOGRANDE, Dalle macerie. Cronache sul fronte meridionale. Prefazione di Goffredo Fofi. A cura di Salvatore Romeo, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2018, pp. 313.
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Thrinakìa: antologia della seconda edizione del concorso internazionale di scritture autobiografiche dedicate alla Sicilia, 2015
La Lessinia - Ieri Oggi Domani. Quaderno culturale, 2019
Sezione Di Lettere, 2007
Thrinakìa: antologia della prima edizione del concorso internazionale di scritture autobiografiche dedicate alla Sicilia, 2014
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 179, 2010
Disegnarecon, 2014