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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is very much driven by the specific learning needs of the target group and if learners" needs are not taken into account, the course will be based on unsuitable or irrelevant materials. It is therefore imperative to understand the students and their reasons for learning the language and seek answers to: Why are students learning the language? Who are the students and what are the reasons for them to learn the language? Learners" motivation to learn will be affected when there is a clear disconnect between the language needs and the course materials. This paper reports on a preliminary study carried out among students at a State Skills Training Center and proposes a theoretical framework for developing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for Oil Palm Supervisors. The paper suggests that when the ESP module is specific, tailor-made according to the specific needs of learners, the learners" capacity for greater understanding and learning is enhanced.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) secara umum dimaknai sebagaisebuah pendekatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang berbasis pada tujuan/kebutuhan si pembelajar. Dalam konteks pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia baik pada sekolah menengah maupun perguruan tinggi, terutama bagi peserta didik di luar jurusan bahasa Inggris, pendekatan ESP merupakan pilihan populer. Aplikasi pendekatan ini senada pula dengan kebijakan pemerintah bidang pendidikan yang menitikberatkan tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yakni untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris khususnya bagi kebutuhan akademis dan karir professional dengan penekanan pada kemampuan membaca yang memungkinkan peserta didik memahami topik-topik materi autentik sesuai jurusan mereka secara efektif. Artikel ini mengedepankan kajian teoritis menyangkut konsep dasar ESP meliputi definisi dan perannya sebagai sebuah pendekatan pembelajaran, berikut isu terkait diantaranya analisis kebutuhan sebagai ciri...
, is a practical manual for graduate and undergraduate students, experienced teachers and researchers, whose interests lie in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP). The book opens with an introduction, which outlines the main issues and assumptions of the book, gives an overview of its content, and explains how it should be used. The main part of the book is divided into three sections: (i) Contextualising ESP, which describes the background to ESP as a field of enquiry; (ii) Understanding the four pillars of ESP, which explains the theories and practices that form the basis of the four key pillars of ESP; and (iii) Applying ESP in realworld settings, which first defines ways to implement ESP, then discusses the main challenges that instructors have to deal with while teaching ESP and, finally, outlines the future direction of the field. The sections are further divided into ten chapters in total. They all have the same structure and exhibit the same features: each chapter is initiated with a brief statement describing the relevance of the topic to be addressed, then it contains a short review of what will be covered, and, lastly, it offers an explanation of what
Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, 2018
English for Specific Purposes (ESP), as a form of language teaching, can be distinguished by its adherence to facilitating acquisition of the language skills based on the relevant needs of a group of learners. Thus, the rationale of the study is to investigate the Arab learners’ language learning needs in a General Foundation Program (GFP) of a technical higher education institution. The study was guided by a developed ESP Course Design Framework that has four major treads with various rungs to complete the ESP cycle. The research surveyed 77 Level 4 GFP learners using a needs analysis questionnaire about their background, their goal for learning the language, the importance of the macro skills and related language areas, what they want to study, what they want to be trained, and what they want to improve. The responses of the learners could result in useful materials, such as an ESP Course Outline that assures the incorporation of the learning needs of the ESL/EFL learners. Further...
The aim of this study is to investigate the most common challenges that the teachers of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) face while developing an ESP course or during the teaching process. To achieve the goal of this paper, some of the main ESP theories directly related to this study are introduced and analyzed. It was found out that the most common challenges an ESP teacher encounters are; selecting the teaching materials, designing a course, lack of collaboration with the subject teachers and learners' low general English level which have been discussed in detail in this paper. In addition, this study tries to provide possible solutions to these challenges obtained from the data collected from the survey, from the literature review and theory. Moreover, this study tries to emphasize the importance of the in depth needs analysis, which can be carried out before the ESP courses. The main source of this study was the survey which was carried out among the teachers of ESP at Ishik University (IU) and Fezalar Educational Institution (FEI) in Iraq.
Introduction: English for Specific Purposes - generally shortened to ESP - is a part of teaching the English language that includes Business English, Technical English, Scientific English, English for medical professionals, English for waiters, etc. In other words, teaching / learning ESP actually means focusing on meeting the specific needs of learners in terms of their professional activity or study discipline. As such and given the specificity of the teaching / learning situation, it may use a methodology that differs entirely or partially from that used when teaching General English. Aims: The purpose of this article is to highlight and present not only the challenges faced when teaching such courses, but also the strategies and means of making the most of this learning situation.. Materials and methods: The teacher must at all times bear in mind the particularities of the educational situation , which, on the one hand, translate into a need for teaching language appropriate to ...
The status of English as an international language has offered many domains in life and society. Perhaps, education is the most significant one (Hossain, 2013). In the Philippine education setting and other non-English speaking countries, the inclusion of English as a compulsory course at different levels is evident. In tertiary level particularly, students are being educated to become competent on their respective field of specialization yet English courses are being taught in general which results to low level of communicative competence. English is an international language, enunciated in different countries both as a native and as a second or foreign language. It is use as well as taught in the schools in almost every country on this world. The fact that the Philippine education system has been using English as a medium of instruction from elementary to tertiary level for periods has also strengthened the idea that English is easy even a child can do it. It is an avenue for learning and a medium of communication. In the study conducted by Espinosa , state that "English is the language of power and progress and it is highly valued not only because it is functional and practical and washes over us constantly, but more importantly, because it is an affordable item, a skill that can be used to increase one's position, respectability and marketability. In most cases, the better one's ability to understand and use English is also the better one's chances of career advancement."
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Pensamiento Actual
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Arab World English Journal, 2021
ScienceRise, 2016
Frontiers in Psychology
Retrieved November, 1997
Vol. 29 (2022): Miasto Przyszłości, 2022
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning