Women Safety System Using Emotional VGGNet

2020, IJCSMC


In today's world women safety is one of the most important issues to be addressed in our country. When a women needs urgent help at the time of harassment or molestation, proper reachability is not present for them. Apart from being aware about the significance of women's safety, it is essential that they are provided with protection during those crucial times. The earlier existing system are helpful in detecting the women's location after the crime has been committed. In this project we will be using the women's handbag in which we will be fixing camera lenses and which will be carried anywhere they go. Whenever she comes in contact with any person outside, an image of that person is taken and the activities of the person can be monitored continuously. If the person behaves normally the image can be of no use and can be deleted. But if the activities of the person varies resulting in any harmful action then our system will detect it and process the captured image and it will send to the police and family members with GPS location tracked from IP address. Thus our project helps in saving the life of a women and safeguarding her in the present situation.