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The present paper presents a new general conception of interaction between physical systems, differing significantly from that of both classical physics and quantum physics as generally understood. We believe this conception could provide the basis for a coherent understanding of several classes of natural phenomena that until now have been studied only in a piece-meal fashion. For example: 1) the universal tendency for physical systems to associate together into stable dynamic formations; 2) the seemingly unlimited capacity for generation of physical objects in Nature, including the emergence of coherent, quantized states in physical systems of the most varied nature; 3) the existence of close couplings between processes whose characteristic lengthscales, frequency-and energy-ranges differ by many orders of magnitude. The proposed conception first emerged in connection with experimental studies of the nonlinear behavior of coupled electromagnetic oscillators, and the discovery of two fundamental phenomena that had been overlooked in the classical theory of oscillations: the quantization of amplitudes as a result of so-called argumental interactions, and the spontaneous aggregative behavior of multiply-coupled resonators placed in a highfrequency field. The essential features of these phenomena are summarized in the first two sections of the paper, after which we demonstrate how the underlying physical principles can be combined under a single notion of interaction, providing a mechanism by which a practically unlimited wealth of physical objects could be generated by the interaction of just a few. The final section puts forward some preliminary ideas about the electromagneto-mechanical dual nature of physical objects as oscillatory processes, suggesting a universal scope for the proposed conceptions.
The work reported here originates in the discovery, four decades ago, of a previouslyunknown type of self-organizing interaction among oscillating systems --so-called argumental interactions --and of "quantized" modes of behavior in macroscopic argumentally-coupled oscillators, having no equivalent in the classical theory of oscillations . Argumental interaction is characterized by the property, that the exchange of energy is regulated by phase-frequency-amplitude fluctuations in the participating oscillating systems, while each of them operates at very nearly its own proper frequency and retains (in the mean) its characteristic dynamic parameters. Argumental interactions can be demonstrated in a variety of electromechanical devices, the simplest of which belongs in every physics classroom: A pendulum (1 Hz) interacting with an alternating-current electromagnet (30-1000 Hz), and possessing a discrete series of stable amplitudes. The argumental mechanism lies at the basis of a second remarkable phenomenon, discovered around the same time: when placed in a high-frequency EM field, electrical resonators (such as LCR circuits), coupled to each other by inductive, capacitative and resistive couplings and free to move in space under the influence of the corresponding ponderomotive forces, show the tendency to group themselves into stable spatial configurations .
Einstein, de Broglie and others hoped that the schism between classical and quantum physics might one day be overcome by a theory taking into account the essential nonlinearity of elementary physical processes. However, neither their attempts, nor subsequent ones were able to supply a unifying principle that could serve as a startingpoint for a coherent understanding of both microphysical and macroscopic phenomena. In the late 1960s the phenomenon of amplitude quantization, or Macroscopic Quantum Effect (MQE), was discovered in a class of nonlinear oscillating systems in which two or more oscillating subsystems are coupled to each other by interactions having a specific phase-dependent character --so-called argumental interactions. Experimental and theoretical studies of the MQE, carried out up to the present time, suggest the possibility of a new conceptual framework for physics, which would provide a bridge between classical and quantum physics, replacing the Newtonian notion of "force" by a new conception of physical interaction. The present paper provides a brief introduction to the MQE and some ideas about its possible significance in the search for new approaches to the understanding of quantum phenomena.
De Broglie matter waves are interpreted as real oscillations of generalized coordinates of some natural oscillatory systems with distributed parameters (NOSs), not as Born’s “probability waves.” E.g., “electrons” are supposed to be excited wave packets of natural electron-positron oscillatory system (NEPOS), not “hard particles;” “photons” are wave packets of natural electromagnetic oscillatory system (NEMOS). The quantum kinematics (spatio-temporal evolution of NOS wave packets), the quantum dynamics (interaction by means of random exchange with momentum-energy quanta between wave packets of different NOSs), and the quantum statistics (probability laws for the stochastic exchange with action quanta between the wave packets in the Minkowski spacetime) are considered in this paper. The action and the momentum-energy are assimilated with the geometry of NOS eigenmodes in the Minkowski spacetime. So, their conservation, forbidding any “uncertainty,” is a result of only trigonometric relations. The Wheeler-Feynman’s concept of “direct interparticle action” is developed for both the quantum radiation-absorption and the Coulomb interaction. The spatio-temporal localization of NOS wave packets and Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle” both are supposed to be results of the permanent stochastic exchange with action quanta between different NOSs, e.g., NEPOS and NEMOS. The absence of “zero-point oscillations” of each NOS taken separately is asserted. The new physical sense of de Broglie wavefunctions is illustrated with the simplest quantum systems like “electron in potential well.”
Contemporary Physics, 2013
Quantum biology is an emerging field of research that concerns itself with the experimental and theoretical exploration of non-trivial quantum phenomena in biological systems. In this tutorial overview we aim to bring out fundamental assumptions and questions in the field, identify basic design principles and develop a key underlying theme -the dynamics of quantum dynamical networks in the presence of an environment and the fruitful interplay that the two may enter. At the hand of three biological phenomena whose understanding is held to require quantum mechanical processes, namely excitation and charge transfer in photosynthetic complexes, magneto-reception in birds and the olfactory sense, we demonstrate that this underlying theme encompasses them all, thus suggesting its wider relevance as an archetypical framework for quantum biology.
Molecular biology international, 2013
Intermolecular interactions within living organisms have been found to occur not as individual independent events but as a part of a collective array of interconnected events. The problem of the emergence of this collective dynamics and of the correlated biocommunication therefore arises. In the present paper we review the proposals given within the paradigm of modern molecular biology and those given by some holistic approaches to biology. In recent times, the collective behavior of ensembles of microscopic units (atoms/molecules) has been addressed in the conceptual framework of Quantum Field Theory. The possibility of producing physical states where all the components of the ensemble move in unison has been recognized. In such cases, electromagnetic fields trapped within the ensemble appear. In the present paper we present a scheme based on Quantum Field Theory where molecules are able to move in phase-correlated unison among them and with a self-produced electromagnetic field. E...
De Broglie matter waves are interpreted as real oscillations of generalized coordinates of some natural oscillatory systems with distributed parameters (NOSs), not as Born's "probability waves". In particular, electrons are considered as excited modes of natural electron-positron oscillatory system (NEPOS), not as "hard" particles. The quantum kinematics (spatio-temporal evolution of NOS wave packets) and the quantum dynamics (interaction by means of stochastic exchange with random energy-momentum quanta between wave packets of different NOSs) are considered in this paper. The energy-momentum is assimilated with the geometry of NOS eigenmodes in Minkowski spacetime. So, their conservation, forbidding any objective "uncertainty", must be a result of only trigonometric relations. The Wheeler-Feynman's concept of "direct interparticle action" is developed for both the quantum radiation-absorption and the Coulomb interaction. The spatio-temporal localization of NEPOS wave packets and Heisenberg's "uncertainty principle" are supposed to be a result of permanent stochastic exchange with random quanta of energy-momentum between NEPOS and other NOSs, mainly, electromagnetic one. The absence of "zero-point oscillations" of the natural oscillatory systems is asserted. The new physical sense of de Broglie wavefunctions is illustrated with the simplest quantum systems "electrons in potential wells".
Quantum Wave Mechanics 4th ed., 2022
Phase-locking synchronization of interacting mass oscillators associated with gravitation is discussed. Gravitational acceleration as shown by Ivanov results from a frequency discordance or arrhythmia creating an asymmetry of the standing wave interference pattern. A standing wave system undergoes a nodal compression of standing waves as well as an internal phase shift that varies with velocity. Motion of matter represents a continuous symmetry transformation through wave function translation minimizing the frequency difference. Phase and frequency difference of counter-propagating travelling waves within a resonator generates a moving standing wave. A standing wave resonator may be set in motion by external or internal force. A ponderomotive force results from an internal radiation pressure imbalance of disparate source oscillators.
The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - Historical Analysis and Open Questions - Cesena 2004, 2006
The rise of quantum physics is analyzed by outlining the historical context in which different conceptions of Nature (mechanistic, thermodynamic and electromagnetic ones) were in competition to give a foundation to physics. In particular, electromagnetic conception roots of quantum physics are showed: since Larmor's first trials till to Poincaré's quantum electromagnetic mechanics and to Heisenberg's new mechanics.
After a brief but dense introduction to the basic principles of quantum physics, in this presentation I will describe and discuss in depth the ontological variant of David Bohm's quantum theory focusing on the concept of "non-locality" and how it engages in the "implicate order" of the Universe, where for the first time in physics "consciousness" (implicate order) interfaces with "matter" (explicate order). All this is presented both in the context of equations (discussed here only qualitatively) constituting the framework of such a reinterpretation of quantum theory and, especially, in the context of metaphors that Bohm used in order to convey complex concepts in a totally intuitive way. During the presentation I will also discuss the experimental aspects of non-locality, through the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Penrose-Hameroff quantum model of the brain, as a neural correlate of consciousness, will be presented as well. I will then introduce physicist Fred Thaheld's theory on astrobiological non-locality as a possible method to communicate in real time with extraterrestrial intelligence. The last part of my presentation will be devoted to in-depth discussion of the concept of non-locality according to physicist Wolfgang Pauli and its relationship with psychologist Carl Jung while studying the mysterious phenomenon of synchronicity. 1. Introduction to quantum theory Differently from standard Newtonian/Einsteinian physics the realm described by quantum physics is not deterministic but rather probabilistic. This happens in the world of elementary particles where the observer, using measurement instrumentation, inevitably affects the observed reality. According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle it is not possible to determine the trajectory of an elementary particle like the electron, since it is not possible to know simultaneously at each instant its position and its speed. If we improve the knowledge of position, i.e. locating the particle as a point-like particle, reducing the uncertainty about its position we increase the uncertainty on the speed. Similarly, it is impossible to determine at the same time the material component (photon) and the energetic component (wave) of a given quantum event. But the energy has simultaneously the properties of both a wave and a particle. Therefore, unlike the trajectory of a planet in its orbit that follows a well defined and predictable Newtonian mechanics, the trajectory of an electron can be predicted only using probabilistic techniques and not deterministic. A quantum system is just represented by a "wave function", which is one of the basic terms of the Schrödinger Equation, which determines how this function evolves over time. The wave function cannot be used to precisely locate the exact coordinates of the elementary particle (such as an electron) but rather to define probabilistically a volume of space within which the electron may be found with higher probability. Such volume of space is technically represented by an "orbital". As soon as one makes a measurement, the particle is found only in a given place, but between a measurement and the other the particle dissolves into a "superposition of probability waves" and it is potentially present in many different places simultaneously within a given orbital. When the measurement (i.e.: the act of observation) is made, this wave packet "collapses" instantly, again into a localized particle: this represents the so called "wave function collapse". All this means that in the world of elementary particles the observer inexorably affects what is observed.
Foundations of physics, 1998
The wave function and spin are shown to be attributes of the dynamics which is a dominant structure of the quantum mechanics. A self-consistent force eld (not the quantum axiomatics) appears to be responsible for quantum e ects. The eld can escape from the matter and enables to produce pairs.
Foundations of Science, 2016
Although the present paper looks upon the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics as a calculus of correlations, it goes beyond a purely operationalist interpretation. Having established the consistency of the correlations with the existence of their correlata (measurement outcomes), and having justified the distinction between a domain in which outcome-indicating events occur and a domain whose properties only exist if their existence is indicated by such events, it explains the difference between the two domains as essentially the difference between the manifested world and its manifestation. A single, intrinsically undifferentiated Being manifests the macroworld by entering into reflexive spatial relations. This atemporal process implies a new kind of causality and sheds new light on the mysterious nonlocality of quantum mechanics. Unlike other realist interpretations, which proceed from an evolving-states formulation, the present interpretation proceeds from Feynman's formulation of the theory, and it introduces a new interpretive principle, replacing the collapse postulate and the eigenvalueeigenstate link of evolving-states formulations. Applied to alternatives involving distinctions between regions of space, this principle implies that the spatiotemporal differentiation of the physical world is incomplete. Applied to alternatives involving distinctions between things, it warrants the claim that, intrinsically, all fundamental particles are identical in the strong sense of numerical identical. They are the aforementioned intrinsically undifferentiated Being, which manifests the macroworld by entering into reflexive spatial relations.
This paper may be ultimately described as an attempt to make feasible the evolutionary emergence of novelty in a supposedly deterministic world whose behavior is associated with that of the mathematical dynamical systems. It means philosophical implications that the paper needs to address, subsidiarily at least. The work was motivated by the observation of complex oscillatory behaviors in a family of physical devices and related mathematical models, for which there is no known explanation in the mainstream of nonlinear dynamics. The paper begins by describing a nonlinear mechanism of oscillatory mode mixing explaining such behaviors and, through its generalization to richer nonlinear vector fields, establishes a generic dynamical scenario with extraordinary oscillatory possibilities, including expansive growing scalability toward high dimensionalities and through nonlinear multiplicities. The scenario is then used to tentatively explain complex oscillatory behaviors observed in nature like those of turbulent fluids and living brains. Finally, by considering the scenario as a dynamic substrate underlying generic aspects of both the functioning and the genesis of complex behaviors in a supposedly deterministic world, a theoretical framework covering the evolutionary development of structural transformations in the time evolution of that world is built up. The analysis includes attempts to clarify the roles of items often invoked apropos of pathways to complexity like chaos, pattern formation, externally-driven bifurcations, hysteresis, irreversibility, and order through random fluctuations. Thermodynamics, as the exclusive field of physics in providing generic evolutionary criteria, is briefly and synthetically considered from the dynamical systems point of view by trying to elucidate its explanatory possibilities concerning the emergence of complexity. Quantum mechanics gets involved in two different ways: the lack of a dynamical systems perspective in the currently accepted interpretations of that fundamental theory and the indeterminacy issues, and both questions are discussed to point out their consequences. The reported evolutionary framework is far from a complete theory but includes both the elements and the skeleton for its tentative building within feasible philosophical grounds. In the lack of alternatives, one should imagine how could be one of such theories and how it could be built, in order to evaluate our approach. In particular, notice that our approach is to a theory of nothing of the physical world but of the underlying reasons for its ordered and creative functioning, which we interpret independent of that world, i.e., a theory of what the Catalan expression "l'entrellat del món" describes so well.
It is shown that a coherent understanding of all quantized phenomena, including those governed by unitary evolution equations as well as those related to irreversible quantum measurements, can be achieved in a scenario of successive nonequilibrium phase transitions, with the lowest hierarchy of these phase transitions occurring in a ``resonant cavity'' formed by the entire matter and energy content of the universe. In this formalism, the physical laws themselves are resonantly-selected and ordered in the universe cavity in a hierarchical manner, and the values of fundamental constants are determined through a Generalized Mach's Principle. The existence of a preferred reference frame in this scenario is shown to be consistent with the relational nature of the origin of physical laws. Covariant unitary evolution is shown to connect smoothly with the reduction of wavefunction in the preferred frame during quantum measurement. The superluminal nature of quantum processes in ...
Essay Abstract How the ideal properties of matter and fields give rise to unfounded generalizations, to meaningless mathematical laws, to goals and to intentions. How are created self-organizing systems? Structure of electron and of de Broglie waves. How it works. Where are can observe real gravitational waves, strings and quantum loop. What do opened in projects LIGO and LISA. " We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. " Albert Einstein " Your theory is crazy, the question is whether it's crazy enough to be true. " Niels Bohr
Scientific reports, 2018
We investigate the dynamics of a population of identical biomolecules mimicked as electric dipoles with random orientations and positions in space and oscillating with their intrinsic frequencies. The biomolecules, beyond being coupled among themselves via the dipolar interaction, are also driven by a common external energy supply. A collective mode emerges by decreasing the average distance among the molecules as testified by the emergence of a clear peak in the power spectrum of the total dipole moment. This is due to a coherent vibration of the most part of the molecules at a frequency definitely larger than their own frequencies corresponding to a partial cluster synchronization of the biomolecules. These results can be verified experimentally via spectroscopic investigations of the strength of the intermolecular electrodynamic interactions, thus being able to test the possible biological relevance of the observed macroscopic mode.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics
This text presents a brief overview of the recent development of topics addressed by the original papers of this volume related to nonequilibrium phenomena in various (especially mesoscopic) systems and the foundations of quantum physics. A selection of relevant literature is included. 2 The European Physical Journal Special Topics time evolution of systems; quantum to classical transitions; dynamics of quantum phase transitions; and topological states of systems. The above mentioned phenomena, related problems and challenges occur in many fields of physics, astrophysics, chemistry, and biology. As for systems, which enable study of various related questions, mesoscopic systems are especially suitable for this purpose due to their vast variety of structures and parameters. Various systems, of natural and artificial origin, can exhibit mesoscopic features depending on inner parameters of those systems and interactions with their environment. Typical mesoscopic systems can be of nanoscale size, composed from atoms (molecules). Nanoscale structures include not only very small physical structures, but also structures occurring in living cells, as for example complex molecules, proteins and molecular motors. At the same time, nanoscale technologies enable the preparation of well-defined artificial structures composed of between a few to hundreds of atoms (molecules) to create an enormous diversity of systems with well-defined inner parameters which can be influenced by external fields. These structures can be studied by methods of condensed matter physics and quantum optics in such detail that affords a deeper understanding of quantum physics, as represented by quantum interference, entanglement, the uncertainty principle, quantum measurement and what is often termed "non-locality". Of particular interest are carbon allotropes, quantum wires and dots, microcavities, single molecule nanomagnets, molecular motors and active gels, various structures in living cells, as well as specific arrangements featuring cold atoms and molecules which can exhibit macroscopic quantum effects and which can be used for testing methods of quantum many-body theory. Recent advances in technologies have led to enormous improvements of measurement, imaging and observation techniques at microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic scales. At the same time, various methods allow investigation into not only equilibrium features, but also time evolution of classical and quantum systems (which are in general far from equilibrium) at different time scales. This increasing ability to study subtle details of the dynamics of systems yields new versions of old questions and creates new challenges in many fields of physics. A good understanding of the time evolution of both classical and quantum systems is essential for an explanation of many observations and experiments of contemporary physics. Observed systems must often be treated as non-equilibrium, open systems in which their behavior is influenced not only by their inner parameters, but also by properties of their environment and time dependent external fields. The theory of non-equilibrium behavior of quantum many-body systems is, however, far from complete. There are lasting and extremely important problems related to modern technologies, including questions of irreversible behavior of real systems in comparison with reversible microscopic laws, emergence of classical macroscopic behavior from microscopic quantum behavior, charge (electron), spin and heat transport, limits to "phenomenological" thermodynamic descriptions, and the problem of how to describe properly open quantum systems far from equilibrium, especially in the case of strong interaction between a small system and reservoirs. Another challenging problem is stochastic behavior of systems caused either by innate features of the systems or by noise related to the fact that the studied systems are open. Studies of quantum and temperature fluctuations, as well as quantum noise, dephasing and dissipation create an essential part of the research in this direction. Recently, various versions of non-equilibrium fluctuation and fluctuationdissipation theorems for quantum systems have been discussed. These studies are of key importance since the fluctuations, dissipation and noise are closely related to the performance and the reliability of both artificially created nano-devices as well as natural "engines", as are for example molecular motors in cells.
discrete, indivisible packets or "quanta" of energy. Prior to 1900 physicists pictured the atom as a nucleus that looked something like a plum to which were attached tiny protruding springs. (This was the atomic model hypothesised by J J Thomson and named the plum pudding model ). At the end of each spring was an electron. Giving the atom a jolt, by heating it, for instance, caused its electrons to jiggle (oscillate) on the ends of their springs.
Scientific Reports, 2016
We propose a hypothesis of a mathematical algorithm for coherent quantum frequencies, that may create stability of biological order. The concept is based on an extensive literature survey, comprising 175 articles from 1950 to 2015, dealing with effects of electromagnetic radiation on in vitro and in vivo life systems, indicating that typical discrete coherent frequencies of electromagnetic waves are able to stabilize cells, whereas others cause a clear destabilization. We find support for the hypothesis of H. Fröhlich, that a driven set of oscillators condenses in a broad energy range, may activate a vibrational mode in life organisms at room temperature. Taking into account the life sustaining frequencies, as extracted from literature, an algorithm of coherent frequencies of standing waves for the stability of biological order was inferred. Interestingly, we found that the origin of the particular biological algorithm can be mathematically approached by a selected " tempered Pythagorean " reference acoustic scale. The algorithm expresses one-dimensional wave equations known for vibrating strings. The origin of the biological algorithm was condensed in a mathematical expression, in which all frequencies have ratios of 1:2 and closely approach ratios of 2:3. This inferred algorithm was subsequently verified with regard to various frequencies of electromagnetic waves, as applied in the above-mentioned independent biological studies. It was also matched with a range of 23 different measured quantum resonances emitted by a selected inorganic silicate mineral, that is able to catalyze the oligomerization of RNA. The selected silicate was experimentally shown to act as a quantum replicator, specifically emitting EM radiation at frequencies that are fully in line with this algorithm. Such silicate quantum replicators, therefore may have been instrumental in the initiation of first replicating, life, cells at the edge of pre-biotic evolution. Our model may imply that, at the quantum scale, an underlying electromagnetically defined order may have been present, that was a prerequisite for the coding of synthesis and functional arrangement of cellular elements in biological evolution. Far infrared dynamics, reminiscent of coherent non-relativistic super fluids in 3+1-dimensions, may have played a role. Finally, we address the question whether the identified electromagnetic fields may also influence neural systems in general and human (self) consciousness in particular. We are finding support for recent electromagnetic and stochastic zero point energy field theories in quantum consciousness studies. The striking similarity of electromagnetic wave frequencies, detected by us in the biological studies, and in selected clay minerals, as well as in color spectra, tone scales and sound induced geometric Chladni patterns, may indicate that we identified the involvement of a universal electromagnetic principle, that underlies the observed life sustaining effects and also may have been instrumental in the creation of biological order in first life and quantum consciousness.
Journal of Physics A-mathematical and Theoretical, 2009
We investigate the quantum-classical border, the entanglement and decoherence of an analytically solvable model, comprising a first subsystem (a harmonic oscillator) coupled to a driven and damped second subsystem (another harmonic oscillator). We choose initial states whose dynamics is confined to a couple of two-level systems, and show that the maximum value of entanglement between the two subsystems, as measured by concurrence, depends on the dissipation rate to the coupling-constant ratio and the initial state. While in a related model the entropy of the first subsystem (a two-level system) never grows appreciably (for large dissipation rates), in our model it reaches a maximum before decreasing. Although both models predict small values of entanglement and dissipation, for fixed times of the order of the inverse of the coupling constant and large dissipation rates, these quantities decrease faster, as a function of the ratio of the dissipation rate to the coupling constant, in our model. the cavity), conserves its purity and suffers a unitary rotation inside the cavity-exactly as if it were controlled by a classical driving field-without entangling with the electromagnetic field. This unexpected behavior was analyzed in [1] employing several short-time approximations, and it was found that in the time needed to rotate the atom, its state remains almost pure.
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