Fights for Jelgava in the years 1621–1622


Aim: The speech aims to present the battles for Jelgava in the years 1621–1622. This period was an essential but also a tragic time in the history of the state. For the first time, the war entered the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia. We want to answer several questions. Why did Jelgava capitulate so easily? Why did the Lithuanian commander Christopher Radziwill care so much about re-conquering Jelgava? Was there a chance to defeat Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus in the summer of 1622? Research method: An analysis of the archival documents supplemented by a review of the literature on the subject matter. Results/Conclusions: The relatively quick capitulation of Jelgava drew the attention of observers as early as in 1621. The investigation, in this case, showed only the guilt of the commander. Responsibility was borne by Frederick, the Duke of Courland, who did not care about his castle. Besides, the prince’s behavior during the fights raises suspicions of his loyalty to the Polish king. The Lithuanian commander Christopher Radziwill fought for the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia because, in this way, he defended Lithuania. Jelgava, in Swedish hands, created a significant threat to his homeland. Conquering this famous castle, Radziwill wanted to show his king his power and abilities. At the same time, the Lithuanian commander wanted to force the Swedish king Gustav Adolf to battle in the open field. The latter avoided this because he was afraid of the Lithuanian cavalry. In the summer of 1622, Christopher Radziwill managed to force Gustav Adolf to fight. During the battles, the future ‘Lion of the North’ was quite close to suffering his first defeat.