Pałuby in Bruno Schulz’s Workshop

2009, Bruno Schulz: New Readings, New Meanings. Bruno Schulz: Nouvelles Lectures, Nouvelles Significations, Ed. Stanisław Latek (Cracow: Polska Akademia Umiejętności), pp. 85-94.

The word, pałuba, figures prominently in Schulz's Traktat o manekinach. The waxwork figures that Schulz mentions are pałub of a very interesting sort. They are cast from underlying stories. Schulz writes, 'Demiurge, that great master and artist, made matter invisible, made it disappear under the surface of life. We, on the contrary, love its creaking, its resistance, its [pałubiasta] clumsiness' -again the elusive hag, here as an adjective, is lost in translation. A few pages later, the author of the treatise asks, 'Can you imagine the pain, the dull imprisoned suffering, hewn into the matter of that dummy (pałuba) which does not know why it must be what it is, why it must remain in that forcibly imposed form which is no more than a parody?' This is not the 'dummy' (manekin, mannequin) of the title, but a powerful effigy, commensurate with the inchoate power of matter imprisoned in form.