Distinguishing levels of tinnitus distress

1999, Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences


Degrees of tinnitus distress were explored in a sample of 105 patients who completed audiological measures and were assessed in a structured interview conducted by a clinical psychologist[ The Klockho} and Lindblom grading system was used and its inter!rater reliability assessed in a subsample showing a high degree of correspondence[ Results from the interview are reported in terms of variability of tinnitus\ characteristics of problematic situations\ distress caused by tinnitus\ possibilities to cope\ and other in~uencing factors[ Finally\ a set of discriminant analyses were conducted on the data set resulting in a _nal model which included pitch\ minimal masking level "MML#\ tolerance in relation to onset\ and avoidance of situations because of tinnitus[ This model correctly classi_ed 62) of the subjects into the two levels of distress "grade II and III#[ There may be a potential role for MML as an outcome variable in tinnitus treatment research[ Keywords tinnitus structured interview psycholo`y psychoacoustics minimal maskin`level