Financial Framework of EU Migration and Asylum Policy

Goldner Lang, Iris, Financial Framework, in P. de Bruycker, M. de Somer and J-L. de Brouwer (eds.), From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration, European Policy Centre, 2019, p. 15. 25.

The 2021-27 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is facing a number of challenges. This paper addresses the most pressing ones and offers suggestions and ideas on how to deal with them. The challenges addressed are: A. solidarity, budget distribution and cost-sharing between the EU and member states; B. flexibility tools and emergency measures; C. a coherent external dimension of EU migration and asylum policies; D. involvement of civil society and local authorities; E. funding of asylum management and other activities that impact refugee rights; and F. conditionality.