Work by Dr Deepa Acharya

2019, SKY-Scan and Know Yourself


Hypothesis Modern times have witnessed phenomenal progress and advancement in the world with science and technology, research and development. This has introduced numerous opportunities in choosing career and profession. Moreover, robust communication modes have increased competition too. In this scenario, it is difficult to narrow down on career or profession to become successful. The intensity of this chaos and confusion is increasing on the one hand and the struggle for both survival and sustenance is getting intense day on day. Essentially this needs to be addressed immediately. Making use of technology is important because it can increase the accessibility boundless. This solution is needed across the globe as this problem is faced worldwide. The right solution is to know our actual potential, understand our weak points overcome them and use our latent strength in choosing the right career. It can also help in refurbishing the personality to bring harmony and have peaceful living. Indian Yoga Abhyas and Ayurveda have convincing attributes to address these issues and offer a lasting solution. A major tenet in traditional medicine is, EVERYTHING is made up of the 5 elements. So every interpretation is based on these. Correlation between the five elements and the fingers of our hand is emphatically established in both Yoga and Ayurveda.