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In todays developing economy and the post globalization industrial scenario the market is witnessing fierce competition. In order to successfully face this situation, the manufacturers, over the years, have developed vendors to offer them professional services for transportation, warehousing, inventory control, etc. which taken together is referred to as logistic management. Logistic management is a wider concept which encompasses transport, warehousing, inventory control, etc. Each of the aspect requires specialization. Due technology advancement which is an ongoing process, the warehouse management has to be on its toes to adopt newer concepts and keep themselves updated. The warehouse management should ensure that the human resources deployed are properly trained to handle the
European Journal of Service Management, 2018
The modern world and logistics is subject to constant transformations. The dynamics of these changes continues to increase thus affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of current concepts and logistics solutions. There are new needs and new opportunities that dictate the need for a new view and constant transformations of logistics concepts and operations. The logistics expertise is becoming outdated, especially in the aspect of the implementation of operational activities. This situation generates a need to introduce a comprehensive and innovative solutions that would stay ahead of the time of action. New perspectives of logistics management is the challenges for the future logisticians. Workers and managers in the logistics industry face new challenges, which also imply other than the long-term perspectives of enterprises. Forecasting the development of logistics is neither easy nor simple, it requires not only to perceive new prospective circumstances and challenges for logistics, but also their multifaceted analysis, understanding of mutual implementation and impact. Despite the extremely large scale of difficulty, this seems to be a necessary action, not only because of the growing competitiveness in global markets, but mainly because of the requirements posed by the modern world for the leaders of logistics. We may not be able to predict exactly all conditions of functioning of logistics, but we can sensitize the future logistics managers to them, and indicate expectations of their knowledge, competence and the ability to cope in new dynamically changing conditions of logistics functioning.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Logistics is the management of materials, production processes and the physical distribution of products in the control of the entire operational cycle of the company expressed both in the form of physical flow and information flow, with the participation of both internal and external actors, who are part of a single supply chain. The goal is to control performance with quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure a high level of customer service, providing products quickly, at low cost and of high quality. The methods used by logistics have the characteristic of guaranteeing an adequate level of integration and flexibility of activities and processes; it is thanks to an efficient collaboration between all the management areas of the system that the company can achieve what it has set itself. In this brief introduction we have seen how logistics is a complex discipline, full of facets and with vast arguments; given the extent of the subject, it is impossible to consider every single aspect and every single part 10 that make it up, so it was decided to treat the aspect that is most physically controllable: the warehouse area. Storage activities, in fact, can be defined as the real beating heart of the whole organization. From the warehouse, the products are prepared and shipped, the main data are obtained which indicate the company's performance and establish the quantities to be produced and the materials to be ordered; in the warehouse the goods are temporarily deposited.
Logistics Information Management, 1995
Introduction The benefits of enterprise-wide logistics management have been widely promoted with often-cited examples such as Wal-Mart and Benetton. Logistics can indeed be a true core competence, strategically positioning the organization for market success and a source of long-run competitive advantage (Gunn, 1993). Integrated logistics management and changing customer needs lead naturally to effective business process redesign, elimination of traditional barriers and a total supply chain viewpoint. However, new approaches to logistics management are best built on a strong and flexible foundation. No redesign should be launched without proper prior attention to both the organizational and technical contexts. Logistics management is too frequently considered only as an afterthought to top level strategy formation. Many criticisms have been made of traditional planning and its inability to ensure that important functions such as logistics acquire a strategic focus. For instance, Hamel and Prahalad (1994) report that senior management spend less than 3 per cent of their time concentrating on building a corporate perspective of the future. Without such creative organizational foresight, flexible and successful enterprise-wide logistical management may be serendipitous, or merely wishful thinking. The same authors also emphasize that building business foresight is not so much about visioning as about exploring and learning. New and imaginative directions must build on well developed knowledge and understanding of forces driving technological, demographic, regulatory, lifestyle and market change. Techniques such as "supply chain visioning" (Copacino, 1994) are steps in the right direction but, in our opinion, may not be sufficient to help managers address the complexities in which most businesses operate. An attractive approach to promoting strategic logistics management is to combine traditional operations planning with an orientation towards
International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology, 2021
Today, the internet is in contact with everything in the world. Since it is impossible to think of production and logistics separately, Industry 4.0 is expected to redefine business processes in the logistics sector. The main purpose of the study; It is to reveal the innovations it will bring to the logistics sector by examining the Industry 4.0 revolution in detail, which contributes to the development of the logistics management This study, which was prepared as a conceptual framework, was supported by a survey study to raise awareness about the effects of Industry 4.0 on the logistics sector and to reveal a new perspective in terms of theory and practice. In the last 15 years, the transportation/transportation activities in the sector have been carried out with a more scientific and contemporary perspective, increasing the impact of logistics on transportation systems day by day and has started to play an important role in the development of Turkish foreign trade. The purpose of ...
The authors have undertaken a retrospective analysis of an industrial logistic project delivered to the Hungarian Post (HunPost). First, the paper briefly overviews the major generalized practical experiences related to warehouse logistics. Next, the assignment and problem definition are described, then the input data analysis, the design and implementation of the simulation model, the model results and the system-related conclusions. Finally, the paper discusses the lessons learned.
Independent Journal of Management & Production
Faced with the adversities that arise in a widespread competition scenario, new concepts and opportunities emerge over time, whether in the form of a competitor that answer customer needs in less time, or as a technological innovation that needs to be dominated. Within this context, Logistics managers have realized that besides the ordinary challenge to maintain their own business, they must seek the continuous improvement of their services, make fewer mistakes, to be more effective and efficient in logistics processes. The objective of this work is characterize and describe the application of the logistics controller, to understand within the logistics structure what is its benefits, understanding the role of controllership and the role of logistics, the relationship between controllership and logistics, the role of logistics controller, its duties, the activities to be carried out, the relationship with the various hierarchical levels, the knowledge that must be mastered and final...
Bridge, 2022
Logistics makes a major impact on economic activity in any country as it is the strategic link between two stages of the supply chain. The paradigm of interconnectedness continues to hold command in today’s global community irrespective whether your origin is from East, West, North or South. The risk of breaking the supply links was much evident in the post covid new normal scenario. For example, even the domestic supply chains in Sri Lanka (SL) are seems vulnerable to frequent breakdowns and price volatility. Sri Lanka wishes to convert the country to a naval, aviation, commercial, energy and knowledge hub in Asia. Therefore, improving logistics performance is a priority policy objective. This paper discusses how the learnings from military could help to improve performance of commercial logistics in Sri Lanka.
Doba globalne ekspanzije poslovanja in sodobnega načina življenja povzroča hitro in vedno težje obvladljivo rast blagovnih in informacijskih tokov v podjetjih in med njimi. Če smo nekdaj obravnavali poslovne funkcije v podjetju (nabavo, proizvodnjo, finance, prodajo …) ločeno, se danes stroka vse bolj posveča njihovemu povezovanju zaradi soodvisnosti. Proučevanje oskrbnih verig v podjetju in med poslovnimi partnerji daje podjetju možnosti, da postane bolj konkurenčno in bolj prilagodljivo, glede na vedno hitrejše spreminjanje tržnih razmer. To pomeni čimbolj celovito zadovoljevanje odjemalčevih zahtev oz. pričakovanj. Pri spletu teh aktivnosti ima ključno vlogo menedžment logistike kot odgovor in strategija podjetij, pripravljenih na izzive 21. stoletja. V članku smo želeli pokazati, kako se na številne t.i. megatrende 1 , ki vedno bolj vplivajo na poslovanje slehernega gospodarskega subjekta, povečuje strateški pomen menedžmenta logistike. Slednje ne smemo enostransko obravnavati kot strošek, ampak celoviteje, tj. kot ključni vir konkurenčnosti in dolgoročnega obstoja podjetja. Pospeševati moramo inoviranje in sistemsko razmišljanje o in v njej.
Digitalization of Supply Chains, 2020
Background: The purpose of the articles is to show the impact of changes in the economy in the field of sustainable environment, digitization and supply chain resilience on the development of logistics competences. The article is based on the author's personal experience as a member of the research team developing a new qualification framework for the logistics profession in the European Union. Cognitive research goal: identification of key areas of changes in the economy over the last 6 years and learning about their impact on the recruitment and management process of logistics employees (junior, senior and strategic management), based on the opinion of experts (CEOs and directors of companies). Three areas were selected: sustainable environment, digitization and supply chain resilience Methodological purpose of the research: revision of the currently binding qualifications framework (ELA QF). The goal was achieved thanks to two workshops, attended by over 30 top-level managers, and individual interviews carried out by the author with the management staff of logistics companies and manufacturing companies in Poland. Results: under development; partial results: verification should be carried out in Business Principles, Core Management Skills and Supply and Logistics Design. Practical aspects: revision of the ELA QF in 2020, add new competences that will take into account new trends. Conclusions: Level 4 competences should be higher than before in the above areas. There is a large variation in the meaning of the three areas mentioned in relation to business. This may indicate some immaturity of the above concepts.
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Hasitha Hemal, 2019
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 2015
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2011
Research in Logistics and Production, 2015
Pomorstvo Scientific Journal of Maritime Research, 2012
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2002
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering , 2019