2011, MHNH


RESUMEN En este artículo pretendo poner de relieve la importancia de las historias de fantasmas en la narrativa de un historiador como Sozomeno. Resulta especialmente interesante analizar el proceso por el cual un motivo literario y cultural pagano como las historias de fantasmas es usado a comienzos del periodo bizantino por el cristianismo para estigmatizar cualquier elemento herético o pagano que amenazara el decurso natural-esto es, cristiano y ortodoxo-de la Historia. PALABRAS CLAVE: SOZOMENO, HISTORIAS DE FANTASMAS, CREDO NICENO, HÉCATE, HISTO RIO-GRA FÍA CRISTIANA. HISTORIAS DE FANTASMAS EN LA HISTORIA ECLESIÁSTICA DE SOZÓMENO ABSTRACT In this paper I aim to emphasize the infl uence of ghost stories in Sozomen's work. It is interesting to analyze how a pagan literary topic such as ghost stories was used by Christian authors in the fi rst period of the Byzantine Empire in order to stigmatize heretic and pagan elements that could threaten the normal development of History, that is, a Christian and Orthodox one. Et mihi discendi et tibi docendi facultatem otium praebet. Igi tur perquam velim scire, esse phantasmata et habere pro-priam fi guram numenque aliquod putes an inania et vana ex me tu nostro imaginem accipere. (Pliny the Younger, Ep. 27.7). Among his many pursuits, Professor Calvo's long term interest in magic and the supernatural can be accredited as having helped identify a link that existed between divine and human interaction within classical antiquity. The intervention of demons, Notas. Quiroga.indd 74 Notas. Quiroga.indd 74