Total factor productivity of tourism sector of OECD countries

In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of economics perspective with the 2011-2015 years data. The number of arrivals, tourism expenditures, and logistic performance index were used as input variables; tourism receipt also as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from World Bank (WB). Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Indexes were applied to data with output-oriented models. According to research findings; all OECD countries seem to have different fluctuated efficiency values in all kinds of efficiencies for those five years. Chech Republic was the only country that experienced efficiency loss for five years; while the UK is the only one that experienced increases in all type of efficiencies. Moreover; USA, Japan, Turkey and New Zealand were the ones that never experienced any loss in all kinds of efficiencies for the five years. In other words, the efficiency values of those countries were either stable or increased during that period.