Social Movements and Urban Space

2015, VIANA, Nildo. International Journal of Research in Geography (IJRG) Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015, PP 1-8 ISSN 2454-8685 (online)

This paper discusses the relationship between social movements and urban space. To do so, it briefly discusses the concepts of social movements and urban space to subsequently provide an analysis of the relationship between them. Starting from the view that the urban space is a place of social division that ends up creating inequalities and social problems, it is possible to understand what are commonly known as urban social movements and urban popular movements as being characterized by its constitution of underprivileged social classes and that their claims ask for improvements in a part of the urban space, which creates a certain relationship with the state. In this process, there is a class conflict where we have the underprivileged classes in one side and on the other the state apparatus, representative of the ruling class.